- Douglas Crockford's Yahoo lectures on JavaScript: Part 1: The JavaScript Programming Language, Part 2: An Inconvenient API - The Theory of the DOM and Part 3: Advanced JavaScript - slightly dated (from 2007) but still incredibly relevant lectures.
- Learn JavaScript: The best methods and resources according to 25 JavaScript experts 🆕
- You Don't Know JS Series of JavaScript books
- Simplified JavaScript Jargon
- Eric Elliot's The Two Pillars of JavaScript: Part 1: Prototypal Inheritance and Part 2: Functional Programming
- Jani Hartikainen's Code Utopia JavaScript training blog 🆕
- Eric Elliot's training course
- 12 Books Every JavaScript Developer Should Read
- How to be a compiler - make a compiler in JavaScript 🆕
- Why I use Tape instead of Mocha and so should you
- Best practices for Spies, Stubs and Mocks in Sinon.js 🆕
- NSP (Node Security Platform - see also nodesecurity.io
- Greenkeeper - tracks dependencies & tests for breakages.
- Play Safely in Sandboxed iframes
- Channel Messaging API
- Google Closure Compiler - re-compiles JavaScript to more efficient JavaScript.
- Source Map Explorer - determines which file each byte in your minified JS came from.
- slice-js - Programme slicing for JavaScript.
- How to become a better Node developer in 2016 🆕
- Managing Node.js dependencies with Shrinkwrap 🆕
- Node-red - for wiring together IoT devices, built on Node. 🆕
- EcmaScript 6 - new features and comparisons 🆕
- WTF ES6 🆕
- Understanding EcmaScript 6 - free eBook 🆕
- Exploring ES6 🆕 free eBook
- ECMAScript 6 modules - the final syntax
- Why you should enforce dangling commas for multiline statements
- Automatic refactoring of JavaScript using CodeMods
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing 🆕
- Introduction to RxJS and Reactive Programming
- Promises cookbook
- The evolution of Asynchronous JavaScript 🆕
- Functional Programming for JavaScript People 🆕
- Introduction to Immutable.js and Functional Programming Concepts 🆕
- Seeking refuge from unsafe JavaScript Explanation of Sanctuary - a library for creating type-safe code with Ramda.
- Advanced reduce, flatmap & reduce right Egghead pro lesson 🆕
- Top 10 Angular learning resources March 2016
- Managing state in Angular with Redux 🆕
- Angular 2 Application Architecture - Building Flux Apps with Redux and Immutable.js
- Lazy-loading Angular with Webpack
- How to distribute your Angular JS module
- Maker.js modular line drawings for CNC and laser cutters.
- Building a 3D engine with JavaScript 🆕
- Vizcities 3D city and data visualisation platform 🆕
- Service Workers 🆕