Shape evolution and image segmentation by elastica regularization and graph cuts.
- gf-shape-evolution: Evolves a digital shape towards the shape of minimum Elastica energy.
- interactive-seg. Interactive segmentation with Elastica regularization.
Create a container from the image danoan/graphflow-vnc
docker run --rm -it danoan/graphflow:
To execute the applications, type
./graph-flow/install/bin/gf-shape-evolution <output_folder>
./graph-flow/ <output_folder>
It is recommended to create a vnc server in the container and access it via a vnc client to make use of the graphical interface of the applications.
Start the vnc server in the container
Next, check the container IP address with docker inspect
docker inspect <container_id>
With a VNC client, connect it to the container vnc server: <container_IP>:1
You should be able to access the container via a graphical interface now. Use
the flag -d
to display the shape evolution.
./graph-flow/install/bin/gf-shape-evolution -d <output_folder>
Before proceeding with the build and installation, make sure the dependencies below are installed
- libboost1.70.0-dev
- opencv-3.4
- DGtal1.1
- lemon1.3.1
- cmake>=3.10
- qt5-default
- zlib1g-dev
- libgtk2.0-dev
- graphviz
- g++
- gfortran
- libgraphicsmagick++1-dev
- wget
Next, open a console and type the commands below
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
If all dependencies are installed in their standard locations, that should be enough. Otherwise, if errors occur, it is likely that a manual configuration should be done. In this scenario, ccmake (cmake-curses-gui package) is quite handy.
For a detailed description, type: <application_executable> -?
We give output examples of the main applications: gf-shape-evolution and interactive-seg
Evolve a digital shape towards the shape of minimum elastica energy
./gf-shape-evolution -Striangle -r15 -h0.1
./gf-shape-evolution -Sflower -r15 -h0.1
Load a image, select foreground/background seeds and then execute the gf-segmentation algorithm.
./ -I input/images/coala.jpg output/coala
Check the influence of each parameter in this report.