This repository contains my solutions and exercises from the JavaScript Foundations course of The Odin Project. It's a collection of various JavaScript exercises aimed at building foundational skills for web development.
- Learning Focus: Basics of JavaScript, DOM manipulation, arrays, loops, functions, conditionals, clean code practices, and object basics.
- Exercises: Each folder in this repo represents a different topic or exercise that I worked through as part of the course.
- DOM-manipulation-&-events: Examples of working with the DOM and handling events.
- arrays-and-loops: Exercises covering arrays and loops in JavaScript.
- clean-code: Applying clean code principles in JavaScript.
- data-types-&-conditionals: Working with different data types and conditionals.
- function-basics: Functions, arguments, and return values in JavaScript.
- js-dev-tools: Debugging and using development tools.
- problem-solving: Problem-solving techniques using JavaScript.
- rock-paper-scissors: A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game built in JavaScript and with UI.
This repo is for my personal practice as I work through the foundational topics in JavaScript. The goal is to solidify my understanding of the concepts, improve my coding skills, and eventually tackle more complex projects.
- Clone this repository:
git clone