Generates spoonerisms based on sounds in words.
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Spoonerisms made by this program are not guaranteed to be funny, but they are technically spoonerisms. |
Inspired by a great podcast episode, I created this to learn about packaging, flit, tox, pytest, and coverage. I also threw in a few learning experiences related to Azure pipelines and black. It went surprisingly well, so now I have a thing that lives on the internet. Anyone can install and play with it! Neat!
pip install spooner
Use it like this:
>>> import spooner as sp
>>> sp.phonemes("trail")
['T', 'R', 'EY1', 'L']
>>> sp.spoon("trail snacks")
{'trail': ['snail'], 'snacks': ['tracks', 'trax']}
>>> sp.sentence("let's eat trail snacks")
["let's treat ail snacks", "let's treat ale snacks", "let's eat snail tracks", "let's eat snail trax"]