Allows user to perform action on a piece of content and then return the result in place. Uses custom template icon.
Share piece of content to your app/web service. Need to allow user to edit/validate content before sharing. Only one per containing app, uses application icon.
Object that encapsulates multiple representations of the same item. Allows you to support multiple types of share/action extensions.
Use app groups for NSUserDefaults or Files (model data/sqlite/json/etc…). Avoid using the shared container for caches so that they can be purged.
Extensions are suspended when no longer in use. So serialization and disk cleanup tasks need to be protected to avoid corruption.
let pi = NSProcessInfo.processInfo()
pi.performExpiringActivityWithReason(“clean-up”) { expired in
if (!expired) {
// Perform sensitive work
// guaranteed to not be on the main queue so dispatch_sync to the main queue if needed
} else {
// Abort and cleanup quickly
// Note if the assertion cannot be acquired this is called back with expired==true immediately
// once block returns the task assertion is released
// Add Observer
let nc = CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter()
CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(nc, nil, { _ in self.reloadModen() }, nil, .DeliverImmediately)
// Fire Notification
let nc = CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter()
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(nc, “com.example.example-notification-name”, nil, nil, CFBooleanTrue)
Not guaranteed delivery, since observer can be suspended, so don’t use for essential coordination like locks
Conform to NCWidgetProviding
and widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler(…)
and the system will opportunistically call this to refresh data
will all search the available app groups so no need to add explicit group identifier.