This workspace consists of Java EE 8 Samples and unit tests for the Oracle certification exam 1z0-900
- Java 11
- Maven 3.8.1
Describe Java EE 7 standards, containers, APIs, and services
Differentiate between application component functionalities as they apply to different tiers and containers, including Java EE Web Container, Business Logic implementation and WebServices
*Create, package and deploy Java EE application
Demonstrate understanding of Enterprise JavaBeans and CDI beans, their lifecycle and memory scopes
Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between bean components, annotations, injections, and JNDI
Create session EJB components containing synchronous and asynchronous business methods, manage the life cycle container callbacks and use interceptors
Demonstrate understanding of how to control EJB transactions, distinguish Container Managed (CMT) and Bean Managed (BMT) transactions
Create EJB timers
Create SOAP Web Services and Clients using JAX-WS API
Define Java to XML Schema mappings to marshall and unmarshall Java Objects by using JAXB API
Describe JSP life cycle
Describe JSP syntax, use tag libraries and Expression Language (EL)
Handle errors using Servlets and Java Server Pages
Understand and utilise WebSockets communication style and lifecycle
Create WebSocket Server and Client Endpoint Handlers using JSR 356 API and JavaScript
Produce and consume, encode and decode WebSocket messages
Describe Java EE declarative and programmatic security and configure authentication using application roles and security constraints and Login Modules
Describe WebServices security standards
Demonstrate understanding of Java Concurrency Utilities and use Managed Executors
Manage Persistence using JPA Entities and BeanValidation
Use Entity Manager to perform database operations, transactions and locking with JPA entities
Handle entity data with conversions, validations, and key generation
Create and execute JPQL statements
Describe the Java Message Service (JMS) messaging models and implement Java SE and Java EE message producers and consumers, including Message-Driven beans
Use transactions with JMS API
Create Java Servlets, describe how they are mapped to urls and use HTTP methods
Handle HTTP headers, parameters, cookies
Manage servlet life cycle with container callback methods and WebFilters
Understand and Apply REST service conventions
Create REST Services and clients using JAX-RS API
Describe JSF architecture, lifecycle and navigation
Understand JSF syntax and use JSF Tag Libraries
Handle localisation and produce messages
Use Expression Language (EL) and interact with CDI beans
- Create CDI Bean Qualifiers, Producers, Disposers, Interceptors, Events and Stereotypes
- Describe batch jobs using JSL XML documents and JSR 352 API