Releases: danielme85/laravel-log-to-db
Fixed issue where adding an array with additional information to context was broken.
Bug fixes:
- Reverted how Exception traces are handled, previous release parsed to string then serialized to json format making it unnecessary difficult to unserialize.
- Add additional Exception check on 'SaveLogEvent' queue job to avoid potential Exception->log->Exception loops if an error occurs in the queued job.
Fix issues with Exceptions and log queue workers.
Exceptions are now parsed into arrays before model is created in the queue worker.
- Added better support for custom Eloquent Models for log events.
- Standardized config variable names (they where slightly different depending on where they where changed).
- Code cleanup and simplified config priority/overrides.
Please note that the config file has changed if you are using a published and customized version of config/logtodb.php. .env file and potential config values in config/logging.php would still be the same.
Starting with v2.2.0, the datetime column will be saved as a string in the format given in 'datetime_format' in logtodb.php config file, or the LOG_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT value in your .env file.
Added a helper command to cleanup logs after a given age or max number of records in new config values.
Improved the delete log logic and cleaned up some unnecessary code.
- Added correct spelling of helper functions: "removeOldestIfMoreThan" and "removeOlderThan".
- Added function wrapper with wrong spelling: "removeOldestIfMoreThen" and "removeOlderThen" to avoid breaking changes.
- Fixed db "cleanup" helper functions mentioned above not working as intended when using MongoDB.
- Change code to be less strict with the dateTime object of log events.
This update should make the latest release of this package work with Laravel 5.6+ and Laravel 6.*
- Added support for Monolog style processors.
- Removed introspection processors per default.
Added support for Laravel 6