Obstacles anywhere but outer 3 border tiles rule
just use generic obstacle render atm
Once api up again
store skeleton trap mode once can see and verify on live data
store xbow mode once can see and verify on live data
double check sweeper angles being rendered same as in game once clan seeker up
own connection
purchase from alex
set up on own small EB app
trap access (if leadership go for it) - new, dedicated credentials of own
Privileged vs unprivileged analysis - warnings if not using traps
asterixes against rules which traps have an effect
password protection (in the wrong hands opposition would see our trap locations)
analysis performance, currently too slow
- MapCoordinate trait with underlying FloatMapCoordinate, TileCoordinate, Tile - encourage integer math where possible and prevent widening
- Views of tile sets (e.g. TileBlock returned from matrix
- Redo ranges - should include underlying cached set of tiles + tilecoordinates contained
Some TH9 rules
Queen Charge into wall breakable compartment shouldnt get to 2 air defs
It should require either a jump spell or 2 wall breaker groups in order to access the queen.
on equidistant hog lure, mark it as such or ignore it all together (maybe a pink line showing equidistant, non luring alternative path
TH10s without infernos should go under TH 9.5 rules?
separate hole in the base rule - just to highlight really bad issues (due to ignoring some others)
expand possible trap locations for channel bases. e.g. see spandan and vicious 2.0 an sparta home base
Begin on DGB:
class PossibleDoubleGiantBomb(anchors: (Either[Defense, PossibleTrapLocation], Either[Defense, PossibleTrapLocation]), gbs: (PossibleTrapLocation, PossibleTrapLocation))
BK Trigger rule further tweaks. should show red for all non-compartment tiles floodfilled from triggered
clarify AQ range - see iphoto screenshot of greg raid. possibly shown on ppetes war base
TH11 rendering - new levels and warden + eagle
sbt deploy task
3d render
split map display 2d apart. New inner stage container - drawLine(tile1, tile2) which transforms to 2d or 3d view
separate rule groups for farm vs arranged
pass, warning, fail levels (e.g. for minion anchors)
integration tests
- air defs should be a minimum distance apart
- SAMs not next to each other - one kills a dragon
- loon pathing
- must be >= 3 defenses to go through to path to air defs
- OR must be > certain distance
- should also consider air trap placement
- should also consider air sweeper placement
- minimum 3 DGB possible spots (including diagonal)
- minion anchors (warning only, no hard fail, once that functionality is built)
- wb t junction warning
- spring trap locations (resting on defenses)
- skele traps should be on ground and not triggerable during cc lure
- skele traps + air traps not within dgb positions (gives info for cleanup if first hit was with air)
- 3 viable DGB spots (more difficult)
- farm wars - teslas in diff compartment for gowipe
- trash buildings in front of all outer ring defenses
- EQ cant connect >2 GB/DGB positions + AQ
- Jump doesnt connect too many AQ, GB
- queen needs to be protected from “suicide dragons” Specifically, an air sweeper pointed to protect the queen, or (more commonly) a black mine between the queen and the likely dragon entry point
- black bombs within range of queen or air def - to get hounds or suicide drags. red bombs out of range of air defs
- The defenses around your DGB should be more than 4 tiles from an exterior wall Ensures the defenses aren’t eliminated using a queen walk
- cant get 2 infernos with one freeze
- Hog pathing analysis - start paths from each tile and be able to select/see individual paths from defense to defense to show DGB issues
- multiple goals/rulesets:
- farming (protected loot, give away easy shield - one star, but no value for more than)
- war - depending on clan and level, this might be to prevent 1 star, prevent 2 star, or just prevent 3 star
- trophy?
- provide weaknesses for attack types. e.g. drags doesnt consider DGB locations, hogs dont consider air def high hp.
- queen walk pathing from drop point