diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index db40ab913..0b53b68f2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | [API (catch all)](https://api.dandiarchive.org/) | 🟩 Up | [api-catch-all.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/api-catch-all.yml) |
Response time graph 239ms
Response time 291
24-hour response time 233
7-day response time 239
30-day response time 276
1-year response time 291
100.00%All-time uptime 99.89%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.89%
| [API (Swagger)](https://api.dandiarchive.org/swagger/) | 🟩 Up | [api-swagger.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/api-swagger.yml) |
Response time graph 29ms
Response time 37
24-hour response time 32
7-day response time 29
30-day response time 38
1-year response time 37
100.00%All-time uptime 99.90%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.90%
| [API Staging (Swagger)](https://api-staging.dandiarchive.org/swagger/) | 🟩 Up | [api-staging-swagger.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/api-staging-swagger.yml) |
Response time graph 255ms
Response time 283
24-hour response time 308
7-day response time 255
30-day response time 301
1-year response time 283
100.00%All-time uptime 99.92%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.92%
-| [Data portal](https://dandiarchive.org/) | 🟥 Down | [data-portal.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal.yml) |
Response time graph 205ms
Response time 234
24-hour response time 93
7-day response time 205
30-day response time 209
1-year response time 234
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 99.98%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.99%
-| [Data portal (000026 DLP)](https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000026) | 🟥 Down | [data-portal-000026-dlp.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal-000026-dlp.yml) |
Response time graph 18ms
Response time 23
24-hour response time 21
7-day response time 18
30-day response time 20
1-year response time 23
100.00%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 99.98%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.99%
-| [Data portal (000026 draft file browsing)](https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000026/draft/files) | 🟥 Down | [data-portal-000026-draft-file-browsing.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal-000026-draft-file-browsing.yml) |
Response time graph 20ms
Response time 22
24-hour response time 20
7-day response time 20
30-day response time 20
1-year response time 22
100.00%All-time uptime 100.00%
24-hour uptime 99.98%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
+| [Data portal](https://dandiarchive.org/) | 🟩 Up | [data-portal.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal.yml) |
Response time graph 218ms
Response time 234
24-hour response time 200
7-day response time 218
30-day response time 212
1-year response time 234
99.81%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 98.70%
7-day uptime 99.81%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.99%
+| [Data portal (000026 DLP)](https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000026) | 🟩 Up | [data-portal-000026-dlp.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal-000026-dlp.yml) |
Response time graph 22ms
Response time 23
24-hour response time 33
7-day response time 22
30-day response time 21
1-year response time 23
99.81%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 98.70%
7-day uptime 99.81%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.99%
+| [Data portal (000026 draft file browsing)](https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000026/draft/files) | 🟩 Up | [data-portal-000026-draft-file-browsing.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal-000026-draft-file-browsing.yml) |
Response time graph 23ms
Response time 22
24-hour response time 33
7-day response time 23
30-day response time 21
1-year response time 22
99.81%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 98.70%
7-day uptime 99.81%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 99.99%
| [Data portal Staging](https://gui-staging.dandiarchive.org/) | 🟩 Up | [data-portal-staging.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/data-portal-staging.yml) |
Response time graph 326ms
Response time 276
24-hour response time 665
7-day response time 326
30-day response time 318
1-year response time 276
100.00%All-time uptime 100.00%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
| [ETelemetry server](https://rig.mit.edu/et/) | 🟩 Up | [e-telemetry-server.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/e-telemetry-server.yml) |
Response time graph 284ms
Response time 267
24-hour response time 319
7-day response time 284
30-day response time 269
1-year response time 267
100.00%All-time uptime 95.68%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 95.68%
| [GitHub organization](https://github.com/dandi) | 🟩 Up | [git-hub-organization.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/git-hub-organization.yml) |
Response time graph 393ms
Response time 454
24-hour response time 436
7-day response time 393
30-day response time 478
1-year response time 454
100.00%All-time uptime 96.52%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 96.52%
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | [Neurosift](https://neurosift.app/) | 🟩 Up | [neurosift.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/neurosift.yml) |
Response time graph 96ms
Response time 142
24-hour response time 89
7-day response time 96
30-day response time 128
1-year response time 142
100.00%All-time uptime 100.00%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
| [Ontobee](https://ontobee.org/) | 🟩 Up | [ontobee.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/ontobee.yml) |
Response time graph 378ms
Response time 1085
24-hour response time 279
7-day response time 378
30-day response time 1286
1-year response time 1085
99.63%All-time uptime 95.16%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.63%
30-day uptime 95.73%
1-year uptime 95.16%
| [PURL redirect example1 (ontobee)](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PATO_0000384) | 🟩 Up | [purl-redirect-example1-ontobee.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/purl-redirect-example1-ontobee.yml) |
Response time graph 1092ms
Response time 1305
24-hour response time 787
7-day response time 1092
30-day response time 1204
1-year response time 1305
99.72%All-time uptime 86.73%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.72%
30-day uptime 95.62%
1-year uptime 86.73%
-| [identifiers.org redirect example1](https://identifiers.org/DANDI:000027) | 🟥 Down | [identifiers-org-redirect-example1.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/identifiers-org-redirect-example1.yml) |
Response time graph 381ms
Response time 406
24-hour response time 384
7-day response time 381
30-day response time 404
1-year response time 406
100.00%All-time uptime 99.96%
24-hour uptime 99.97%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.98%
1-year uptime 99.96%
+| [identifiers.org redirect example1](https://identifiers.org/DANDI:000027) | 🟩 Up | [identifiers-org-redirect-example1.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/identifiers-org-redirect-example1.yml) |
Response time graph 390ms
Response time 407
24-hour response time 419
7-day response time 390
30-day response time 406
1-year response time 407
99.81%All-time uptime 99.94%
24-hour uptime 98.70%
7-day uptime 99.81%
30-day uptime 99.94%
1-year uptime 99.94%
| [Registry of DataLad (dandisets query)](https://registry.datalad.org/overview/?query=url%3A%22github.com%2Fdandisets%22) | 🟩 Up | [registry-of-data-lad-dandisets-query.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/registry-of-data-lad-dandisets-query.yml) |
Response time graph 2331ms
Response time 1265
24-hour response time 2283
7-day response time 2331
30-day response time 2391
1-year response time 1265
100.00%All-time uptime 99.72%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.72%
| [WebDAV](https://webdav.dandiarchive.org) | 🟥 Down | [web-dav.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/web-dav.yml) |
Response time graph 244ms
Response time 250
24-hour response time 244
7-day response time 244
30-day response time 236
1-year response time 250
0.00%All-time uptime 82.43%
24-hour uptime 0.00%
7-day uptime 0.00%
30-day uptime 0.00%
1-year uptime 82.43%
| [Website](https://about.dandiarchive.org/) | 🟩 Up | [website.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/website.yml) |
Response time graph 190ms
Response time 183
24-hour response time 120
7-day response time 190
30-day response time 193
1-year response time 183
99.60%All-time uptime 99.99%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.60%
30-day uptime 99.91%
1-year uptime 99.99%
-| [Archive redirect](https://www.dandiarchive.org/) | 🟥 Down | [archive-redirect.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/archive-redirect.yml) |
Response time graph 0ms
Response time 0
24-hour response time 0
7-day response time 0
30-day response time 0
1-year response time 0
0.00%All-time uptime 0.00%
24-hour uptime 0.00%
7-day uptime 0.00%
30-day uptime 0.00%
1-year uptime 0.00%
+| [Archive redirect](https://www.dandiarchive.org/) | 🟩 Up | [archive-redirect.yml](https://github.com/dandi/upptime/commits/HEAD/history/archive-redirect.yml) |
Response time graph 235ms
Response time 235
24-hour response time 235
7-day response time 235
30-day response time 235
1-year response time 235
0.00%All-time uptime 0.00%
24-hour uptime 0.03%
7-day uptime 0.00%
30-day uptime 0.00%
1-year uptime 0.00%