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dancek edited this page Dec 14, 2012
72 revisions
- write thesis according to Schedule
- find out how the 60fps mode could be used
- (change chest and hip implementation for the cylinder man)
- consider texturing
- sent v0.6 to Tassu, with almost-finished Discussion
- made remaining corrections to Approach based on Tuukka's feedback
- sent thesis to Tassu (v0.5)
- discussed chapters 4 and 5 with Tassu
- decided to drop Results and only write Discussion including a recap of what we achieved and what is lacking
- got comments to my literature section (v0.3) from Tuukka
- gave my methods section (v0.4) to Tuukka to read
- upped the pdf page count today 39->44
- quite happy with the Literature section, though three sections have TODOs
- writing...
- measurement work
- got Klaus's stuff to work for me
- ported SkeletonPractice to Eclipse
- looked at the MH mesh and measurement plugin once again...
- saw the stuff Klaus made
- told Perttu I'm outta here
- started writing Approach from the beginning
- skimmed anatomy books meant for artists
- digged into anatomy
- changed to biblatex
- wrote a lot of stuff in the Literature section
- still unfinished :(
- made a Kinfu scan of myself (with Tuukka's help)
- processed this in MeshLab to get a mesh suitable for animation
- used Pinocchio to auto-rig the mesh and animate it
- skimmed through Charpentier's dissertation and wrote about it
- read about Pinocchio and compiled it
- at HiQ again
- briefly chatted with Tassu
- writing...
- wrote more than usual
- helped grade the graphics exams
- was at HiQ :)
- re-read the Ahmed paper and wrote a general description
- decided to include the Stoll paper and read it
- took the time to understand TSDF the best I can
- review my thesis with Tuukka
- apply corrections
- read about history of ICP (Chen-Medioni, Besl-McKay)
- more literature (new articles + text in thesis)
- gave the first early version of my thesis to Tuukka
- was at the Range Imaging course
- talked with Perttu about possible Ph.D. work
- check the TC2 KX-16 and Bodymetrics products
- looked at finding the error between the point cloud and the mesh
- edited
to remove the skirt
- did the paperwork for getting approval for thesis topic
- did some research on algorithms for finding extrema
- good candidates: golden section search and successive parabolic interpolation which could be alternated, too
- got the MH target prototype fully working
- started working on my own implementation of the MakeHuman target system in processing
- made a small fix to OBJLoader
- wondered about MakeHuman vs. NITE licensing
- made a python console plugin for MakeHuman
- hacked with it, becoming a little desperate in the process
- totally froze my computer with Mitsuba:
NVRM: GPU at 0000:01:00.0 has fallen off the bus.
- back at work
- back to writing thesis
- getting to know the internals of MH measurement plugin
- sick leave (wisdom teeth removal)
- read some of the MH mailing list backlog
- got my hands dirty with Blender
- started fleshing out thesis introduction
- attended Aalto Science Day
- got PCL compiled and started running my own build
- contributed a bit to MakeHuman
- helped test alpha7
- fixed the censor UI
- found out Kinect doesn't work on USB3 (!)
- found out OpenNI is problematic in many ways...
- got my OpenNI installation working after I botched it yesterday (because I thought the drivers don't work while USB3 was the culprit)
- got stuck with most binaries I need having been compiled for glibc 2.14/2.15 while Debian has 2.13
- compiled a lot of stuff by hand
- failed to compile SimpleOpenNI and got frustrated
- copied the whole Ubuntu installation and got most everything working (except Kinect)
- installed most software on Debian
- decided configuring Ubuntu once again majorly sucks
- installed Debian testing
- copied important stuff over
- didn't write my thesis :(
- got in touch with Manuel Bastioni
- joined the MakeHuman Google Group
- got the new PC
- installed Ubuntu 12.04
- researched MakeHuman
- decided to work on my thesis every day at about 13:30, requiring myself to have some improvement by 14:00
- changed
to use red color
- made changes to my thesis following the discussions on Wednesday
- pretty stuck with MakeHuman
- made plans about which lectures I'm gonna attend during the autumn
- had a meeting with Tassu about my thesis
- investigated MakeHuman's pure python branch
- played with MakeHuman
- tuned thesis
- more work on thesis
- one more dataset run for Tommi
- group meeting
- made an appointment with Tassu for next Wednesday, 10am (about my thesis)
- worked on a my thesis (TOC, abstract)
- still checked some minor details with Tommi's datasets
- glanced on Texturing and Modeling
- read some papers
- still worked on Tommi's stuff
- decided to start working on my thesis' table of contents in the evening
- played with MakeHuman
- worked on upscaling, video recording etc. related to Tommi's data
- got the setup automated
- made some runs for Tommi
- met with Tommi, hacked together
- implemented
- implemented camera matrix printing in
- got connected with Tommi and glanced through his papers
- Seppo said that Geforce cards can't be installed on Fujitsu machines like the one I have
- got the EM-ICP/Softassign implementation on CUDA compiled
- requires CUDA,
- If OpenGL version > 3.0 the point cloud viewer won't compile because of
. (these can be commented out, the viewer is unnecessary...) - wrote basic structure for the Approach chapter
- read some more of OpenNI and PCL source code
- tried compiling the CUDA implementation of EM-ICP (problems with some libraries missing...)
- Seppo tried to install a Geforce GTX 670 for me
- found out about different ICP versions
- thought of re-orienting the point clouds using skeleton data in the
- finally got automated mesh extraction working
- if kinfu resets just before the recording ends, nothing gets saved
- it would be nice to get rid of some cruft (no need for visualization, etc)
- decided to put the kinfu approach aside for now
- hacked
- added the
--save-mesh <file>
cmdline parameter
- forked
so I can hack my own stuff :) - added the
commandline parameter - changed TSDF resolution so my measly 1GB of GPU memory will suffice for a while
- looked at my first "limb" meshes generated by
- found the head (it's obviously at index 0 whereas I started counting from 1 before)
- realized that 1GB GPU memory is too little for kinfu, and got a GTX 670 ordered for me
- got the Limb-wise kinfu approach working as follows
- frames (with body part segmentation) are grabbed into a timestamped directory in Processing (
) - body parts are separated into their own "animations" as
etc using the scriptlimbsplit
- the animations are played like
kinfu_app -pcd <path>/limb01 -pcd_fps <framerate>
- got
to read .pcd directories I've generated - note: requires
style header - loaned Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach
- tried to read the mess that is kinfu source code, along with some other PCL components
- found and investigated Kintinuous
- collected BibTeX references for articles read so far
- had a discussion with Tuukka
- decided to try running parallel
instances for each limb (Idea: a single limb is close to a static object, which kinfu is good with. Since we already can segment the point cloud limb-wise, we can remove all other points. Moving the limb is pretty much equivalent to moving the camera, so this might work.)
- read some helpful material wrt. writing a Master's thesis
- e.g. Timo Laakso: Miten kirjoitan diplomityön
- created a basic LaTeX template for writing
- worked with data in matlab
- found out matlab isn't very useful
- tried out matplotlib
- read about NURBS
- OpenNURBS is coming to PCL (exists in trunk)
- played with ellipsoids
- read the remaining unread papers
- spent 1.5 days sick
- played with different algorithms in MeshLab
- tried to get libfreenect-goodies working
- tried to get libfreenect-goodies working
- implemented skeleton export to .pcd comments (now with joint orientations)
- read papers
- started work on record/playback
- made this diary
- recorded and toyed with .pcd files
- learned to convert .pcd -> .obj
- made my first mesh with meshlab
- segmenting point cloud by bones (nearest bone)
- drawing skeleton as cylinders fitted to the point cloud
- played with color blending
- colored cylinders with average cloud color
- implemented .pcd saving
- played around with SimpleOpenNI's User3D example
- implemented cylinder drawing and started drawing bones with them
- moved to room 2550
- got PCL and kinfu working
- other software installations
- playing with OpenNI and Microsoft Kinect SDK
- read some papers
- got settled
- read some papers (...)