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rfswarm Agent

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rfswarm agent is the component that actually runs the Robot Framework test cases and returns the results to rfswarm. The agent has no GUI

Command-line Interface

These command-line options allow you to override the ini file configuration but do not update the ini file.

Additionally the debug (-g) levels 1-3 will give extra information on the console useful for troubleshooting your environment. debug levels above 5 are more for debugging the code and get very noisy so are not recommended for normal use.

$ rfswarm-agent -h
Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
	Version 0.6.4
usage: [-h] [-g DEBUG] [-v] [-i INI] [-m MANAGER] [-d AGENTDIR] [-r ROBOT] [-x] [-a AGENTNAME] [-p PROPERTY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                        Set debug level, default level is 0
  -v, --version         Display the version and exit
  -i INI, --ini INI     path to alternate ini file
  -m MANAGER, --manager MANAGER
                        The manager to connect to e.g. http://localhost:8138/
  -d AGENTDIR, --agentdir AGENTDIR
                        The directory the agent should use for files
  -r ROBOT, --robot ROBOT
                        The robot framework executable
  -x, --xmlmode         XML Mode, fall back to pasing the output.xml after each iteration
  -a AGENTNAME, --agentname AGENTNAME
                        Set agent name
  -p PROPERTY, --property PROPERTY
                        Add a custom property, if multiple properties are required use this argument for each property e.g. -p property1 -p "Property 2"

If you pass in an unsupported command-line option, you will get this prompt:

$ rfswarm-agent -?
Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
	Version 0.6.4
usage: [-h] [-g DEBUG] [-v] [-i INI] [-m MANAGER] [-d AGENTDIR] [-r ROBOT] [-x] [-a AGENTNAME] [-p PROPERTY] error: unrecognized arguments: -?

Install and Setup

1. Robot Framework

Firstly ensure Robot Framework is installed with the libraries needed for your application, then try running your test case from the command-line of you agent machine e.g.

robot -t "test case" script.robot

2. Install Using pip

The Agent machine needs to use a minimum of Python 3.6

timespec feature of datetime's isoformat requires Python 3.6+

pip* install rfswarm-agent

*some systems might need you to use pip3 and or sudo

Next, desktop users can optionally install the desktop icon

  • In the start menu for Windows
  • In the Applications folder for Mac
  • As a .desktop file for Linux (known to work for Gnome, KDE, Cinamon, XFCE, LXQt, should also work for other desktop environments that support standard .desktop files)

Using the command

rfswarm-manager -c icon

3. Run Agent 1st time


when you see output like this, type CTRL+c to stop the agent:

$ rfswarm-agent
Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
	Version 0.6.1
	Configuration File:  /home/dave/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rfswarm_agent/RFSwarmAgent.ini

Now edit RFSwarmAgent.ini and change http://localhost:8138/ to http://\<your rfswarm server\>:8138/

4. Run Agent

Now you agent is setup and ready to use, so run it again and wait for it to try connecting to your rfswarm server.


Note if your rfswarm server is already running you should see output like this and your agent should appear in the Agents tab in the GUI:

$ rfswarm-agent
Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
	Version 0.6.1
	Configuration File:  /home/dave/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rfswarm_agent/RFSwarmAgent.ini
Server Conected http://DavesMBPSG:8138/ 2020-12-16 19:34:44 ( 1608111284 )


5. Manually install the prerequisites

The Agent machine needs to use a minimum of Python 3.6

timespec feature of datetime's isoformat requires Python 3.6+

Additionally the following pip command might be needed if these are not already installed on your system:

pip* install configparser requests psutil

*some systems might need you to use pip3 and or sudo

6. Manually Run Agent

Now you agent is setup and ready to use, so run it again and wait for it to try connecting to your rfswarm server.


Note if your rfswarm server is already running you should see output like this and your agent should appear in the Agents tab in the GUI:

Robot Framework Swarm: Run Agent
	Version 0.6.4
	Configuration File:  /path/to/RFSwarmAgent.ini
Manager Connected http://managerhostname:8138/ 2021-02-14 09:44:42 ( 1613259882 )


7. Prerequisites that some systems may require

So far I encountered this on a ARM Linux machine, but it may apply to others as well.

On some python environments not all the pre-requisite packages are compiled for your platform, so for example on ARM Linux systems psutil needs:

pip* install setuptools

Then setuptools also required the python-dev package, so on a Debian based system I ran:

apt install python3-dev

You may need to do something similar.

INI File Settings


All of the agent settings are under the Agent section

Swarm Manager

The swarm manager setting defines the Manager that controls the test and that this agent receives instructions from. The default value is localhost on port 8138. As you will normally run the agent on a different machine to the Manager, this is the first ini file setting you will probably change.

swarmmanager = http://localhost:8138/

Agent Directory

The agent directory is the file system location where the agent will download robot files and their dependancies, this also the location the robot files are executed from. By default a directory called rfswarmagent is created in the logged in users temp directory.

agentdir = <TEMP>/rfswarmagent

Robot Command

The robot command is the robot framework executable, this should normally be in your path so this setting should not require changing. However if this is not the case you may need to identify the full path to your robot executable and enter it here.

robotcmd = robot

Exclude Libraries

In order to keep the test results focused on the application under test and avoid reporting response times for steps from support libraries, certain libraries are excluded when the agent is processing results to return to the Manager. The default setting is:

excludelibraries = BuiltIn,String,OperatingSystem,perftest

You can add and remove libraries from this list to meet the requirements of your tests.

Agent polling of the Manager

Disconnected State

When the agent starts up, or is disconnected from the Manager it is in the disconnected state, in this state the agent will attempt to connect to the Manager every 10 seconds until connected (enter Connected State) or the agent is stopped.

Connected State

When the agent is connected to the Manager but is not running any robots it is in the connected state, in this state the agent will poll the Manager every 10 seconds for the following:

  • Update the Manager with the agent status
  • Get a list of any script files that need to be downloaded locally
    • if a script file in the list has not already been download, then download the file.
  • Get the assigned tests
    • if the assigned test start time has been reached for one of the assigned tests, then the agent will switch to the running state

Running State

When the agent is in the running state, the polling interval is reduced to 2 seconds and the polling is reduced to:

  • Update the Manager with the agent status
  • Get the assigned tests

Once the end time for all tests has been reached and the tests have finished executing then the agent will return to the Connected State.

Note: during the Running State, script files are not checked or download, so ensure there is enough time between loading the scenario and running the scenario so the agents can download all the required files.