Simple python script to auto backup, rotate backup and upload to google drive.
Awesome features, that you 💚. Set once and enjoy free time 🎉
- Auto backup, no human action
- Auto upload backups to Google Drive
- Auto rotate local and remote backups
- Easy creation of extensible modules to create your custom backup script
- Easy installation and setup
easier impossible ⚡
Only unzip and create a json with your default configuration such as app name, Database user, backup dir, etc. and run script. See setup and usage notes in the setup page of the project's wiki
You love the code? 💦 See Development notes in the development page of the project's wiki
AutoBackup DcM has 👮 GNU GPL v3 licence
Please ask in gitter, 🐣 don't open a issue to only make questions. Use issues to report Bugs and enhancements
AutoBackup DcM project's 📚 wiki