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finished asymptotic optimal multivariate LSx class
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kaiguender committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 8bb6dee commit 620d04b
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Showing 17 changed files with 140 additions and 160 deletions.
43 changes: 26 additions & 17 deletions _proc/02_levelSetKDEx_multivariate.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -275,18 +275,21 @@
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"WARNING clustering 1446 points to 723 centroids: please provide at least 28197 training points\n"
"WARNING clustering 1446 points to 100 centroids: please provide at least 3900 training points\n"
"source": [
"# RF = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 10, n_jobs = 1)\n",
"# = XTrain, y = yTrain)\n",
"# LSKDEx = LevelSetKDEx_multivariate(estimator = RF, binSize = 2, equalBins = False)\n",
"# LSKDEx = LevelSetKDEx_multivariate_opt(estimator = RF, nClusters = 100, minClusterSize = 20)\n",
"# = XTrain, y = yTrain)\n",
"# weightsDataList = LSKDEx.getWeights(X = XTest, outputType='summarized')"
"# yPred = LSKDEx.estimator.predict(XTest).astype(np.float32)\n",
"# clusters = LSKDEx.kmeans.assign(yPred)[1]\n",
"# weightsDataList = LSKDEx.getWeights(X = XTest, outputType='onlyPositiveWeights')"
Expand All @@ -295,18 +298,7 @@
"metadata": {
"language": "python"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"array([404, 496, 114, ..., 257, 430, 149])"
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# centers = LSKDEx.centers\n",
"# yPred = LSKDEx.yPredTrain\n",
Expand All @@ -323,8 +315,25 @@
"metadata": {
"language": "python"
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[20 20 20 20 30 28 38 22 30 20 36 36 22 38]\n",
"source": [
"# nPosValues = np.array([len(weightsDataList[i][0]) for i in range(len(weightsDataList))])\n",
"# print(nPosValues)\n",
"# lenIndices = np.array([len(LSKDEx.indicesPerBin[i]) for i in range(len(LSKDEx.indicesPerBin))])\n",
"# print(min(lenIndices))\n",
"# print(max(lenIndices))"
"metadata": {
Expand Down
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/_modidx.cpython-39.pyc
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Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/baseClasses.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/baseClasses.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/crossValidation.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/levelSetKDEx_multivariate.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/levelSetKDEx_univariate.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/loadData.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/utils.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/utils.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/wSAA.cpython-38.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dddex/__pycache__/wSAA.cpython-39.pyc
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions dddex/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,8 +75,6 @@
'dddex.levelSetKDEx_multivariate.LevelSetKDEx_multivariate_opt.__init__': ( 'levelsetkdex_multivariate.html#levelsetkdex_multivariate_opt.__init__',
'dddex.levelSetKDEx_multivariate.LevelSetKDEx_multivariate_opt._getEqualSizedClusters': ( 'levelsetkdex_multivariate.html#levelsetkdex_multivariate_opt._getequalsizedclusters',
'': ( '',
'dddex.levelSetKDEx_multivariate.LevelSetKDEx_multivariate_opt.getWeights': ( 'levelsetkdex_multivariate.html#levelsetkdex_multivariate_opt.getweights',
Expand Down
106 changes: 44 additions & 62 deletions dddex/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -372,88 +372,74 @@ def fit(self,

# Get cluster centers created by faiss. IMPORTANT NOTE: not all clusters are used! We will handle that further below.
centersAll = kmeans.centroids
centers = kmeans.centroids
clusters = np.arange(centers.shape[0])

# Compute the cluster assignment for each sample
if self.equalBins:
clusterAssignments = self._getEqualSizedClusters(y = yPredMod)
clusterAssignments = kmeans.assign(yPredMod)[1]
clusterAssignments = kmeans.assign(yPredMod)[1]

# Based on the clusters and cluster assignments, we can now compute the indices belonging to each bin / cluster
indicesPerBin = defaultdict(list)
binSizes = defaultdict(int)
indicesPerBin = [[] for i in range(self.nClusters)]
clusterSizes = [0 for i in range(self.nClusters)]

for index, cluster in enumerate(clusterAssignments):
binSizes[cluster] += 1
clusterSizes[cluster] += 1

clusterSizes = np.array(clusterSizes)

clustersUsed = np.array(list(indicesPerBin.keys()))
clustersOrdered = np.sort(clustersUsed)

centers = centersAll[clustersOrdered]
indicesPerBin = [indicesPerBin[cluster] for cluster in clustersOrdered]
binSizes = np.array([binSizes[cluster] for cluster in clustersOrdered])
# Just needed for a check in the end
maxSizeOfExistingClusters = np.max(clusterSizes)


# Merge clusters that are too small (i.e. contain less than binSize / 2 samples).
# clustersTooSmall is the array of all clusters that are too small.
threshold = self.binSize / 2
binsTooSmall = np.where(binSizes < threshold)[0]
clustersTooSmall = np.where(np.array(clusterSizes) < self.minClusterSize)[0]

if len(binsTooSmall) > 0:
if len(clustersTooSmall) > 0:

indicesPerBinNew = copy.deepcopy(indicesPerBin)

# remove all centers from centersOld that are part of clustersTooSmall
centersNew = np.delete(centers, binsTooSmall, axis = 0)
centersTooSmall = centers[binsTooSmall]
centersNew_oldIndices = np.delete(np.arange(len(centers)), binsTooSmall)
# We are searching for the closest other cluster for each cluster that is too small
# As we don't know how many nearest neighbors we need, we are setting k to the number of clusters
nearestClusters = KDTree(centers).query(centers[clustersTooSmall], k = centers.shape[0])[1]

KDTreeNew = KDTree(centersNew)
clustersToMerge = KDTreeNew.query(centersTooSmall)[1]
# sizeNearestClusters is an array of shape (len(clustersTooSmall), self.nClusters)
sizeNearestClusters = clusterSizes[nearestClusters]

for i, clusterToMerge in enumerate(clustersToMerge):
# Calculating the cumulative sum of the cluster sizes over each row allows us to find out
# which cluster is the first one that is big enough to make the current cluster big enough
clusterSizesCumSum = np.cumsum(sizeNearestClusters, axis = 1)

# Remove the indices given by clustersTooSmall from indicesPerBin by deleting the list entry
indicesPerBin = [np.array(indices) for binIndex, indices in enumerate(indicesPerBin) if binIndex not in binsTooSmall]
binSizes = [len(indices) for indices in indicesPerBin]
binSizes = pd.Series(binSizes)
# argmax returns the first index where the condition is met.
necessaryClusters = (clusterSizesCumSum >= self.minClusterSize).argmax(axis = 1)

# We are now creating the new indicesPerBin list by extending the indices of the clusters that are too small
for i, cluster in enumerate(clustersTooSmall):
clustersToAdd = nearestClusters[i, 0:necessaryClusters[i] + 1]

indicesPerBinNew[cluster] = np.concatenate([indicesPerBin[cluster] for cluster in clustersToAdd])
clusterSizes[cluster] = len(indicesPerBinNew[cluster])

self.centers = centersNew
self.binSizes = binSizes
self.kmeans = KDTreeNew
# Following our intended logic, the resulting clusters can't be bigger than minClusterSize + maxSizeOfExistingClusters
if len(indicesPerBinNew[cluster]) > self.minClusterSize + maxSizeOfExistingClusters:
raise Warning("The cluster size is bigger than minClusterSize + maxSizeOfExistingClusters. This should not happen!")

# indicesPerBin is only turned into a dictionary to be consistent with the other implementations of LevelSetKDEx
self.indicesPerBin = {cluster: np.array(indicesPerBinNew[cluster], dtype = 'uintc') for cluster in range(len(indicesPerBinNew))}
self.clusterSizes = pd.Series(clusterSizes)

self.centers = centers
self.binSizes = pd.Series(binSizes)
self.kmeans = KDTree(self.centers)

# Transform the indices given by indicesPerBin into numpy arrays
indicesPerBin = [np.array(indices) for indices in indicesPerBin]
self.indicesPerBin = {cluster: np.array(indicesPerBin[cluster], dtype = 'uintc') for cluster in range(len(indicesPerBin))}
self.clusterSizes = pd.Series(clusterSizes)


self.yTrain = y
self.yPredTrain = yPred
self.indicesPerBin = indicesPerBin
self.centers = centers
self.kmeans = kmeans
self.fitted = True


def _getEqualSizedClusters(self,

centers = self.centers.reshape(-1, 1, y.shape[-1]).repeat(self.binSize, 1).reshape(-1, y.shape[-1])

distance_matrix = cdist(y, centers)
clusterAssignments = linear_sum_assignment(distance_matrix)[1]//self.binSize

return clusterAssignments


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,16 +468,12 @@ def getWeights(self,
yPred = yPred.reshape(-1, 1)


if self.equalBins:
binPerPred = self._getEqualSizedClusters(y = yPred)

binPerPred = self.kmeans.query(yPred)[1]

clusterPerPred = self.kmeans.assign(yPred)[1]


neighborsList = [self.indicesPerBin[binIndex] for binIndex in binPerPred]
neighborsList = [self.indicesPerBin[cluster] for cluster in clusterPerPred]

weightsDataList = [(np.repeat(1 / len(neighbors), len(neighbors)), np.array(neighbors)) for neighbors in neighborsList]

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