Made with ❤️ by lmaoleonix
Please star my project to show some love!
Clone it or download it as a zip.
Install these required dependencies: discord.js, dotenv, mongoose
To install packages, use:
npm install discord.js dotenv mongoose moment
Update the .env.example file with your credentials, logins, and other required information.
IMPORTANT: You must change the .env.example filename to .env!
- Execute the command below to start the bot:
node index.js
- Use the following link, making sure to update YOUR_BOTS_CLIENT_ID and PERMISSIONS_INTEGER with your bot's client ID and the permissions integer, respectively:
And that's it!
Below are the commands available for use with this bot:
- ban: Bans a user from the server.
- timeout: Temporarily removes a user's ability to interact in the server.
- kick: Kicks a user from the server.
- clear: Clears a specified number of messages from a channel. (Limit is 100 due to the Discord's API.)
- refresh: Refreshes the commands list to include any new commands added. Note: This does not refresh any new code changes.
- ping: Checks the bot's response time.