- Dylan Maltos
- Trevor Christian
A robust facial recognition application designed to identify and verify individuals through a graphical user interface. The application captures images, trains a model to recognize faces, and verifies registered users via a live webcam feed.
Before running the program, you must have Python installed on your machine. Python 3.6 or later is recommended.
To install all the program requirements, execute the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This command will install Python libraries such as OpenCV, which is essential for the image processing tasks involved in this project.
Once all the program requirements have been installed, you can run the program by executing the following command.
python app.py
This command launches the main application window, where you can register new users, capture datasets for training, and perform facial recognition through the integrated webcam interface.
- Python: A versatile programming language ideal for rapid application development and scripting in many contexts including data science and machine learning.
- OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library): A highly optimized library focused on real-time applications. Used in this project for its robust tools in handling image processing and facial recognition tasks.
- Tkinter: A python GUI (Graphic User Interface) library, used for building the interactive components of the application.