This project deblurring real image(e.g. image with motion blur and out-of-focus blur) quickly with PSF.
For motion deblur, it uses Lucy-Richardson algorithm to estimate Point-Spread-Function(PSF). There are three main parameters to set: len(i.e. blur length), theta(i.e. blur angle) and IterNum(number of iteration times).
- Result on real image
For out-of-focus deblur, it uses Wiener filter algorithm. There are three main parameters to set:radius(i.e. the radius of Point-Spread-Function(PSF)), smooth(smooth factor to control K) and dering('On' means do suppress ringing effect while other means do not.
- Result on real image
- Add the directory to the matlab path;
- Run 'Demo_motion_blur.m' to perform motion deblur;
- Run 'Demo_out_of_focus_deblur.m' to perform out-of-focus deblur.