This repo contains the Jupyter Book source files for the Hub Champion Training.
This lesson is aimed at Hub Champions in charge of 2i2c managed JupyterHubs in the cloud. Learn the fundamentals of administering your hub and providing user support to your research and education communities.
Training is delivered over two synchronous workshops, each one hour in length a week apart. The week in between is dedicated to self-guided study with asynchronous support provided by the instructors, which we estimate at least four hours of work.
We would like to acknowledge Chan Zuckerberg Initiative funding for the "A Collaborative Interactive Computing Service Model for Global Communities" project and our partner organisations:
- 2i2c
- The Carpentries
- Centro de Computación de Alto Desempeño
- Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement
- Invest in Open Infrastructure
- MetaDocencia
- Open Life Science
If you would like to get in touch with us, then please open an issue or email