This repo contains an environment definition and automated build for Comp Micro's "ndutils" environment for analysis of N-dimensional microscopy data.
The repo is structured as a Python package and can be installed as:
python3 -m pip install git+ssh://
git clone
conda env create --file compmicro-ndutils-env/environment.yml
A docker image is automatically built using GitHub actions whenever a version tag is pushed. See the GitHub-hosted compmicro-ndutils-env Docker repository.
To pull and run a Docker image:
docker run${VERSION}
To build a Docker image manually:
git clone
cd compmicro-ndutils-env
docker build .
To run an Apptainer container created from the Docker image:
apptainer run docker://${VERSION}
Or to run a bash shell in Apptainer:
apptainer exec docker://${VERSION} bash
You can check the version of the installed ndutils environment using the env_version command or with "pip list" or "pip show".
$ env_version
ndutils 0.2.0.dev3
$ pip list | grep ndutils
ndutils 0.2.0.dev3
$ pip show ndutils
Name: ndutils
Version: 0.2.0.dev3
Summary: ndutils compute environment for computational microscopy at CZBiohub SF
To update this environment:
- Check out the git repo and make edits
- Update Python dependencies by editing requirements.txt (which is used by Conda, Docker, and Pip install methods)
- Update Python version by editing both environment.yml (for Conda) and Dockerfile
- Commit and push/merge changes to the main branch
- Tag the commit with a version identifier (
git tag x.y.z
) - Push the tag with
git push --tags
(warning this pushes ALL local tags) - Monitor GitHub actions to confirm the build succeeds
- If needed, deploy the new environment to your infrastructure (e.g. by running "conda update ...".) Deployment documentation is not included here as it varies between sites.
If you want to use the code in this repo as a template for creating a new environment, you will need to make the following changes:
- Create a new repo in GitHub. (Defining multiple environments in one GitHub repo is to be avoided because it complicates versioning and automatically building each environment separately.)
- When copying files into the new repo, be sure to include the hidden ".github/" directory and ".gitignore" file, but exclude the ".git/" directory. (A fresh ".git" directory will be creating either by
git init
or by cloning a clean repo created in GitHub.) - Edit the following files and directories to update references to the git repo name (compmicro-ndutils-env), Python package name and conda environment name (ndutils), environment name. (You may want to grep to make sure there are not any others.)
- pyproject.toml
- ndutils/
- Edit the Dockerfile to ensure an appropriate ENTRYPOINT is used, if any, for the new environment.
- Commit, tag, and push the updated code as described in "Creating a new release".