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Fraglib Documentation

SetRenderTarget (void)

Changes the target of the drawing methods to the specified target.

  • renderTarget: The new target to draw onto.
  • targetWidth: The width of the target.
  • targetHeight: The height of the target.

SetRenderTarget (void)

Changes the target of the drawing methods to the specified texture.

  • tex: The texture to change the rendering to.

ResetRenderTarget (void)

Resets the rendering target to the main window.

Defer (void)

Defer the invocation of an action until the end of the frame. Deferred actions are performed FIFO.


Init (void)

Initializes the window with the specified width, height, and title. This method must be called before using any other FL methods.

  • width: The width of the window in pixels.
  • height: The height of the window in pixels.
  • program: The delegate which will get invoked once per frame until the window is closed.

Init (void)

Initializes the window with the specified width, height, title, perPixel function, and optional perFrame function. This method must be called before using any other FL methods.

  • width: The width of the window in pixels.
  • height: The height of the window in pixels.

Run (void)

Starts the main loop of the engine. Must be called after Init for a window to appear. Any settings changed after this (PixelSize, VSync, etc.) won't affect anything.

Drawing Methods

SetPixel (void)

Sets the pixel at the specified position to the given color.

  • x: The x coordinate of the pixel.
  • y: The y coordinate of the pixel.
  • color: The color of the pixel.

GetPixel (uint)

Gets the pixel's color at the specified position.

  • x: The x coordinate of the pixel.
  • y: The y coordinate of the pixel.

Clear (void)

Clears the window to the specified color.

  • color: The color the window will get cleared to, default value of black (0xFF000000).

DrawRect (void)

Draws a rectangle of specified size and color at the specified coordinates.

  • x: The rectangle's x coordinate.
  • y: The rectangle's y coordinate.
  • width: The width of the rectangle.
  • height: The height of the rectangle.
  • color: The color of the rectangle.

FillRect (void)

Fills a solid rectangle of specified size and color at the specified coordinates.

  • x: The rectangle's x coordinate.
  • y: The rectangle's y coordinate.
  • width: The width of the rectangle.
  • height: The height of the rectangle.
  • color: The color of the rectangle.

DrawCircle (void)

Draws the outline of a circle of specified size and color at the specified coordinates.

  • centerX: The center coordinate of the circle along the x-axis.
  • centerY: The center coordinate of the cirlce along the y-axis.
  • radius: The radius of the circle.
  • color: The color of the circle.

FillCircle (void)

Fills a solid circle of specified size and color at the specified coordinates.

  • centerX: The center coordinate of the circle along the x-axis.
  • centerY: The center coordinate of the cirlce along the y-axis.
  • radius: The radius of the circle.
  • color: The color of the circle.

DrawLine (void)

Draws a line of specified color along the specified path.

  • x0: The starting x coordinate of the line.
  • y0: The starting y coordinate of the line.
  • x1: The ending x coordinate of the line.
  • y1: The ending y coordinate of the line.
  • color: The color of the line.

DrawVerticalLine (void)

Draws a vertical line of specified color along the specified path. Should be used over DrawLine if the line is vertical.

  • x: The x coordinate of the line.
  • y0: The starting y coordinate of the line.
  • y1: The ending y coordinate of the line.
  • color: The color of the line.

DrawHorizontalLine (void)

Draws a horizontal line of specified color along the specified path. Should be used over DrawLine if the line is horizontal.

  • x0: The starting x coordinate of the line.
  • x1: The ending x coordinate of the line.
  • y: The y coordinate of the line.
  • color: The color of the line.

DrawTriangle (void)

Draws the outline of a triangle of specified color with specified vertices. Should be used over DrawPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • x0: The x coordinate of the 1st vertex.
  • y0: The y coordinate of the 1st vertex.
  • x1: The x coordinate of the 2nd vertex.
  • y1: The y coordinate of the 2nd vertex.
  • x2: The x coordinate of the 3rd vertex.
  • y2: The y coordinate of the 3rd vertex.
  • color: The color of the triangle.

DrawTriangle (void)

Draws the outline of a triangle of specified color with specified vertices. Should be used over DrawPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • v0: The 1st vertex.
  • v1: The 2nd vertex.
  • v2: The 3rd vertex.
  • color: The color of the triangle.

DrawTriangle (void)

Draws the outline of the specified triangle. Should be used over DrawPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • tri: The triangle to draw. The triangle will not be projected, and the Z component of each vertex will be ignored.

DrawTriangle (void)

Draws the outline of the specified triangle using the specified color. Should be used over DrawPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • tri: The triangle to draw. The triangle will not be projected, and the Z component of each vertex will be ignored.
  • color: The color to draw the triangle.

FillTriangle (void)

Fills a solid triangle of specified color with specified vertices. Should be used over FillPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • x0: The x coordinate of the 1st vertex.
  • y0: The y coordinate of the 1st vertex.
  • x1: The x coordinate of the 2nd vertex.
  • y1: The y coordinate of the 2nd vertex.
  • x2: The x coordinate of the 3rd vertex.
  • y2: The y coordinate of the 3rd vertex.
  • color: The color of the triangle.

FillTriangle (void)

Fills a solid triangle of specified color with specified vertices. Should be used over FillPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • v0: The 1st vertex.
  • v1: The 2nd vertex.
  • v2: The 3rd vertex.
  • color: The color of the triangle.

FillTriangle (void)

Fills a solid triangle. Should be used over FillPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • tri: The triangle to draw. The triangle will not be projected, and the Z component of each vertex will be ignored.

FillTriangle (void)

Fills a solid triangle to the color specified. Should be used over FillPolygon if the polygon is a triangle.

  • tri: The triangle to draw. The triangle will not be projected, and the Z component of each vertex will be ignored.
  • color: The color to draw the triangle.

DrawPolygon (void)

Draws the outline of a polygon of specified color with specified vertices.

  • color: The color of the polygon.
  • vertices: The vertices of the polygon to draw. Must have a length >= 3.

FillPolygon (void)

Fills a solid polygon of specified color with specified vertices.

  • color: The color of the polygon.
  • vertices: The vertices of the polygon to draw. Must have a length >= 3.

DrawString (void)

Draws a string of specified color and font size to the window at the specified coordinates.

  • str: The string to draw.
  • x: The x coordinate on the window to draw the string to.
  • y: The y coordinate on the window to draw the string to.
  • fontScale: The font size the string will be drawn at.
  • color: The color the string will br drawn with.

DrawTextureFast (void)

Draws a texture to the window at the specified coordinates.

  • x: The x coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • y: The y coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • texture: The Texture to draw.

DrawTexture (void)

Use DrawTextureFast if your texture doesn't have transparency. Draws a texture to the window at the specified coordinates, with transparency.

  • x: The x coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • y: The y coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • texture: The Texture to draw.

DrawTexture (void)

Draws a texture to the window at the specified coordinates with the specified scale.

  • x: The x coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • y: The y coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • scaleX: The amount to scale the by texture horizontally.
  • scaleY: The amount to scale the by texture vertically.
  • texture: The Texture to draw.

DrawTexture (void)

Draws a texture to the window at the specified coordinates with the specified scale.

  • x: The x coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • y: The y coordinate to draw the texture at.
  • scaledX: The width to scale the texture to in pixels
  • scaledY: The height to scale the texture to in pixels.
  • texture: The Texture to draw.

DrawTexture (void)

Draws a cropped section of a texture to the window at the specified coordinates. The cropped section is defined by the starting coordinates (texStartX, texStartY) and dimensions (texWidth, texHeight) within the provided texture.

  • x: The x coordinate to draw the cropped texture section at.
  • y: The y coordinate to draw the cropped texture section at.
  • texStartX: The x coordinate within the texture where cropping starts.
  • texStartY: The y coordinate within the texture where cropping starts.
  • texWidth: The width of the cropped texture section.
  • texHeight: The height of the cropped texture section.
  • texture: The Texture from which to draw the cropped section.


SaveState (void)

Saves the current state of the window to a buffer.

  • state: An int that corresponds to the saved buffer and can be passed into LoadScreen.

LoadState (void)

Sets the window to a previously saved state.

  • state: An int that corresponds to the previously saved buffer, generated from SaveScreen.

ClearStates (void)

Clears any previously saved states.


Black (uint)

The color black, 0xFF000000.

Gray (uint)

The color gray, 0xFF808080.

White (uint)

The color white, 0xFFFFFFFF.

Red (uint)

The color red, 0xFF0000FF.

Green (uint)

The color green, 0xFF00FF00.

Blue (uint)

The color blue, 0xFFFF0000.

Yellow (uint)

The color yellow, 0xFF00FFFF.

Orange (uint)

The color orange, 0xFF00A5FF.

Cyan (uint)

The color cyan, 0xFFFFFF00.

Magenta (uint)

The color magenta, 0xFFFF00FF.

Turquoise (uint)

The color turquoise, 0xFFD0E040.

Lavender (uint)

The color lavender, 0xFFFAE6E6.

Crimson (uint)

The color crimson, 0xFF3C14DC.

Rainbow (uint)

A color that cycles through all the full rainbow based on ElapsedTime.

  • timeScale: Optional parameter that controls how fast the color changes.

NewColor (uint)

Creates a color from 4 bytes in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • r: The R channel's value between [0, 255].
  • g: The G channel's value between [0, 255].
  • b: The B channel's value between [0, 255].
  • a: The A channel's value between [0, 255].

NewColor (uint)

Creates a color from 4 floats in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • r: The R channel's value between [0.0, 1.0].
  • g: The G channel's value between [0.0, 1.0].
  • b: The B channel's value between [0.0, 1.0].
  • a: The A channel's value between [0.0, 1.0].

NewColor (uint)

Creates a color from a Vector3 and additional float in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • col: The R, G, and B channels, all between [0.0, 1.0].
  • a: The A channel between [0.0, 1.0].

NewColor (uint)

Creates a color from a Vector4 in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • col: The R, G, B, and A channels, all between [0.0, 1.0].

ToVec3 (Vector3)

Creates a Vector3 from a color, will always return in RGB format.

  • color: Optional parameter representing the color to convert to a Vector3.

ToVec4 (Vector4)

Creates a Vector4 from a color, will always return in RGBA format.

  • color: Optional parameter representing the color to convert to a Vector4.

AverageColors (uint)

Creates a color from averaging two provided colors in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR). The order in which parameters are supplied doesn't matter.

  • color1: The first color to average with.
  • color2: The second color to average with.

LerpColors (uint)

Linearly interpolates between two colors in ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • color1: The first color to interpolate from.
  • color2: The second color to interpolate to.
  • t: The interpolation factor between [0, 1], where 0 represents color1 and 1 represents color2.

GetR (byte)

An extension method that extracts the red channel of the specified color in the range [0, 255].

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to extract the channel.

GetG (byte)

An extension method that extracts the green channel of the specified color in the range [0, 255].

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to extract the channel.

GetB (byte)

An extension method that extracts the blue channel of the specified color in the range [0, 255].

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to extract the channel.

GetA (byte)

An extension method that extracts the alpha channel of the specified color in the range [0, 255].

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to extract the channel.

SetR (uint)

An extension method that sets the red channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the red channel.
  • newR: The new value for the R channel of the color, in the range [0, 255].

SetR (uint)

An extension method that sets the red channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the red channel.
  • newR: The new value for the R channel of the color, in the range [0.0, 1.0].

SetG (uint)

An extension method that sets the green channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the green channel.
  • newG: The new value for the G channel of the color, in the range [0, 255].

SetG (uint)

An extension method that sets the green channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the green channel.
  • newG: The new value for the G channel of the color, in the range [0.0, 1.0].

SetB (uint)

An extension method that sets the blue channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the blue channel.
  • newB: The new value for the B channel of the color, in the range [0, 255].

SetB (uint)

An extension method that sets the blue channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the blue channel.
  • newB: The new value for the B channel of the color, in the range [0.0, 1.0].

SetA (uint)

An extension method that sets the alpha channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the alpha channel.
  • newA: The new value for the A channel of the color, in the range [0, 255].

SetA (uint)

An extension method that sets the alpha channel of the specified color to the new color specified. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • color: An optional parameter representing the color of which to set the alpha channel.
  • newA: The new value for the A channel of the color, in the range [0.0, 1.0].

HslToRgb (uint)

Converts a color from HSL format to ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

  • hue: The H channel's value.
  • saturation: The S channel's value.
  • lightness: The L channel's value.


MeasureString ((int, int))

Calcualtes the size in pixels of a string drawn with DrawString.

  • str: The string to measure the size of.
  • fontScale: The fontScale the string will be measued at.

Render Settings

ctor (RenderSettings)

The class defining the settings which will be applied when FL.Init is called.

PixelSize (int)

Gets or sets the pixel size of the window. Clamped in the range [1, 100].

VSync (bool)

Gets or sets whether or not VSync is enabled.

DesiredFramerate (int)

Gets or sets the target framerate engine. Only changes anything is VSync == false.

Accumulate (bool)

Gets or sets whether or not the engine accumulates previous frames with the current frame. Only applicable in PerPixel mode. Can be changed during runtime.

ScaleType (ScaleType)

Gets or sets how the engine renders when PixelSize > 1.


Settings (RenderSettings)

Gets or sets the settings with which the engine will run. Not all settings can be changed during runtime, the ones that can't be must be set before Init.

ElapsedTime (float)

The total time since Run was called.

DeltaTime (float)

The time from the current frame to the last frame.

Width (int)

The width of the window.

Height (int)

The height of the window.

Mouse (Vector2)

The mouse position on the window.

MouseDelta (Vector2)

The amount the mouse has moved from the last frame to the current frame.

Rand (uint)

Generates a random unsigned integer using the Lehmer random number generator.

Rand (int)

Generates a random integer within the specified range [min, max].

  • min: The minimum possible value of a number that could be generated.
  • max: The maximum possible value of a number that could be generated.

Rand (float)

Generates a random float within the specified range [min, max].

  • min: The minimum possible value of a number that could be generated.
  • max: The maximum possible value of a number that could be generated.

RandInUnitSphere (Vector3)

Generates a random Vector3 on the unit sphere.

GetKeyDown (bool)

Returns whether or not the specified key is currently being held down.

  • char: The key to check represented by a key's keycode, e.g. 'Q' or 81 for the Q key.

GetKeyUp (bool)

Returns whether or not the specified key was just released, i.e. held down last frame but not this one.

  • char: The key to check represented by a key's keycode, e.g. 'Q' or 81 for the Q key.

LMBDown (bool)

Returns whether or not the left mouse button is being held down.

RMBDown (bool)

Returns whether or not the right mouse button is being held down.

LMBUp (bool)

Returns whether or not the left mouse button was just released.

RMBUp (bool)

Returns whether or not the right mouse button was just released.

DegToRad (float)

Extension method to convert degrees to radians.

  • deg: Optional parameter representing the degrees to convert.

RadToDeg (float)

Extension method to convert radians to degrees.

  • rad: Optional parameter representing the radians to convert.

Lerp (float)

Performs linear interpolation between two values.

  • a: The value from which to interpolate.
  • b: The value to interpolate to.
  • t: The percent as a decimal in range [0, 1] to interpolate by.

Rotate (Vector2)

Extension method to rotate a Vector2 around the specified Vector2 by the specified angle. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • vec: Optional parameter representing the Vector2 to modify.
  • center: The center of rotation for 'vec'.
  • angle: The angle by which 'vec' will be rotated.

Rotate (Vector2[])

Extension method to rotate all Vector2s in an array around the specified Vector2 by the specified angle. Modifies the underlying array.

  • arr: Optional parameter representing the array of Vector2s to modify.
  • center: The center of rotation for the vectors in 'arr'.
  • angle: The angle by which the vectors in 'arr' will be rotated.

Scale (Vector2)

Extension method to scale a Vector2 around the specified Vector2 by the specified factor. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • vec: Optional parameter representing the Vector2 to modify.
  • center: The center 'vec' will be scaled around.
  • factor: The factor by which 'vec' will be scaled.

Scale (Vector2[])

Extension method to scale all Vector2s in an array around the specified Vector2 by the specified factor. Modifies the underlying array.

  • arr: Optional parameter representing the array of Vector2s to modify.
  • center: The center for the vectors in 'arr' to be scaled around.
  • factor: The factor by which the vectors in 'arr' will be scaled.

AverageWith (Vector2)

Extension method to average two Vector2s together. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • vec: Optional parameter representing the Vector2 to modify.
  • other: The Vector2 to average 'vec' with.

AverageWith (Vector2[])

Extension method to average all Vector2s in an array with another specified Vector2. Modifies the underlying array.

  • arr: Optional parameter representing the array of Vector2s to modify.
  • other: The Vector2 to average all the Vector2s in 'arr' with.

Translate (Vector2)

Extension method to translate a Vector2 by the specified amount. Modifies the underlying variable.

  • vec: Optional parameter representing the Vector2 to modify.
  • offsetX: The amount to move 'vec' by on the x-axis.
  • offsetY: The amount to move 'vec' by on the y-axis.

Translate (Vector2[])

Extension method to translate all Vector2s in an array by the specified amount. Modifies the underlying array.

  • arr: Optional parameter representing the array of Vector2s to modify.
  • offsetX: The amount to move the Vector2s in 'arr' by on the x-axis.
  • offsetY: The amount to move the Vector2s in 'arr' by on the y-axis.

Fract (float)

Returns the fractional part of the input float in the range [0.0, 1.0).

  • f: The input from which to get the fractional part.

Fract (Vector2)

Returns the fractional part of the input Vector2 in the range [0.0, 1.0).

  • vec: The input from which to get the fractional part.

Fract (Vector3)

Returns the fractional part of the input Vector3 in the range [0.0, 1.0).

  • vec: The input from which to get the fractional part.


ctor (Triangle)

Initializes an empty Triangle.

ctor (Triangle)

Initializes a new Triangle with the specified vertices

  • v1: The first of the triangle's vertices.
  • v2: The second of the triangle's vertices.
  • v3: The third of the triangle's vertices.

ctor (Triangle)

Initializes a new Triangle with the specified vertices

  • v1: The first of the triangle's vertices. The Z will be ignored.
  • v2: The second of the triangle's vertices. The Z will be ignored.
  • v3: The third of the triangle's vertices. The Z will be ignored.

Color (uint)

Gets or sets the color of the triangle.

Verts (Vector3[])

Gets the vertices of the triangle.

GetNormal (Vector3)

Calculates the normal of the triangle.

GetCenter (Vector3)

Calculates the center of the triangle.


ctor (Texture)

Creates a Texture from a Bitmap image. The alpha channel of the bitmap isn't taken into account for now.

  • bmpImagePath: The path to a Bitmap image to create the texture from.

Texture (Texture)

Clones a Texture.

  • texture: The texture to create a copy of.

Texture (Texture)

Creates an empty Texture of specified width and height.

  • width: The width of the texture.
  • height: The height of the texture.
  • startColor: Optional starting color for the texture.

Width (int)

The texture's width.

Height (int)

The texture's height.

GetPixels (uint[])

Gets the pixels of the texture.

SetPixel (void)

Sets a pixel in the texture at specified coordinates to specified color.

  • x: The x coordinate of the pixel.
  • y: The y coordinate of the pixel.
  • color: The color to set the pixel.

GetPixel (uint)

Gets a pixel in the texture at specified coordinates.

  • x: The x coordinate of the pixel.
  • y: The y coordinate of the pixel.

Clear (void)

Sets all pixels in the texture to the value specified.

  • color: The color to set all the pixels in the texture to.

ScaleTo (Texture)

Returns the parent texture scaled by the factors scaleX and scaleY.

  • scaleX: The amount to scale the texture by horizontally.
  • scaleY: The amount to scale the texture by vertically.

ScaleTo (Texture)

Returns the parent texture scaled to the resolution scaledX x scaledY.

  • scaledX: The width to scale the texture to in pixels.
  • scaledY: The height to scale the texture to in pixels.

CropTo (Texture)

Returns the parent texture cropped to the resolution specified.

  • texStartX: The x coordinate within the texture where cropping starts.
  • texStartY: The y coordinate within the texture where cropping starts.
  • texWidth: The width of the cropped texture section.
  • texHeight: The height of the cropped texture section.


ctor (Sprite)

Initializes a new Sprite on the given sprite sheet.

Width (int)

The width of the sprite in the spritesheet.

Height (int)

The height of the sprite in the spritesheet.

Width (int)

The spacing between sprites on the spritesheet.

X (int)

The current x position of the sprite in the spritesheet.

Y (int)

The current y position of the sprite in the spritesheet.

Step (void)

Steps the sprite forward once in the spritesheet based on the current position and spacing.

StepTo (void)

Moves the sprite to the specified incices in the spritesheet, with (0, 0) being the bottom left.

  • xInd: The x index for the sprite to be moved to.
  • yInd: The y index for the sprite to be moved to.

GetCurrent (Texture)

Gets the current sprite in the spritesheet.


ctor (Mesh)

Initializes a new instantce of the Mesh struct created from the speciied OBJ file.

  • objFilePath: The OBJ file to create the mesh from.

ctor (Mesh)

Initializes a new instantce of the Mesh struct with triangles specified.

  • tris: The mesh's triangles.

Tris (List)

The mesh's current triangles.

Cube (Mesh)

Creates a Mesh with 12 triangles defining a cube.


ctor (Camera)

Initializes a camera targeting the main window in projection mode at position (0, 0, 0).

ctor (Camera)

Initializes a new instantce of the Camera struct with the specified properties.

  • targetWidth: The target width for the camera to render to.
  • targetHeight: The target height for the camera to render to.

Yaw (float)

The camera's current yaw in radians. Can be set by using the LookBy or LookAt methods.

Pitch (float)

The camera's current pitch in radians. Can be set by using the LookBy or LookAt methods.

Pos (Vector3)

Gets or sets camera's position in world space.

FOV (float)

Gets or sets the camera's field of view, only applies to projection mode.

Zoom (float)

Gets or sets the camera's zoom, only applies to orthographic mode.

NearPlane (float)

Gets or sets the camera's near plane.

FarPlane (float)

Gets or sets the camera's far plane.

TargetWidth (int)

The width of what the camera is rendering to (e.g. the main window or a texture).

TargetHeight (int)

The height of what the camera is rendering to (e.g. the main window or a texture).

OrthographicMode (bool)

Controls whether or not the camera will render in projection or orthographic.

HandleInputDefault (void)

Purely for convenience, handles moving the camera with WASD, Q (up), and E (down), and turning with the mouse when the right mouse button is held.

  • moveSpeedMult: The multiplier for how fast the camera will move.
  • lookSpeedMult: The multiplier for how much the mouse will turn the camera.

MoveForward (void)

Moves the camera forward by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

MoveBackward (void)

Moves the camera backward by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

MoveRight (void)

Moves the camera right by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

MoveLeft (void)

Moves the camera left by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

MoveUp (void)

Moves the camera up by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

MoveDown (void)

Moves the camera down by the specified amount.

  • amount: The amount by which to move the camera.

LookBy (void)

Turns the camera by the specified vector.

  • vec: The amount by which to learn, where vec.X represents the yaw delta and vec.Y the pitch delta.

LookBy (void)

Turns the camera by the specified yaw and pitch values.

  • yaw: The amount by which the camera's yaw will change.
  • pitch: The amount by which the camera's pitch will change.

LookAt (void)

Turns the camera to look at the specified point.

  • pos: The world space position that the camera will turn towards.

UpdateMatrices (void)

Updates the camera's matrices. Should be called after changing one of the camera's properties' values.

CanSeePoint (bool)

Returns whether or not the camera can see the point specified.

  • point: The point to check.

CanSeeCircle (bool)

Returns whether or not the camera can see the circle specified.

  • circleCenter: The center of the circle to check.
  • circleRadius: The radius of the circle to check.

CanSeeTri (bool)

Returns whether or not the camera can see the triangle specified.

  • tri: The triangle to check.

ProjectPointToScreen (void)

Projects a 3D point to screen coordinates.

  • point: The point to project, of type (int x, int y, int z).
  • screenCoords: An out (int x, int y, int z) representing the screen coordinates of the projected point.
  • isInCamView: An out bool representing whether or not the point can be seen by the camera.

ProjectPointToScreen (void)

Projects a 3D point to screen coordinates.

  • point: The point to project, of type Vector3.
  • screenCoords: An out Vector2 representing the screen coordinates of the projected point.
  • isInCamView: An out bool representing whether or not the point can be seen by the camera.

ProjectCircleToScreen (void)

Projects and scales a circle in world space to the screen.

  • circleCenter: The center of the circle to project.
  • radius: The radius of the circle to project.
  • screenCoords: An out Vector2 representing the screen coordinates of the projected circle.
  • screenRadius: An out float representing the radius of the projected circle.
  • isInCamView: An out bool representing whether or not the point can be seen by the camera.

ProjectRectToScreen (void)

Projects and scales a rectangle in world space to the screen.

  • rectCenter: The center of the circle to project.
  • width: The width of the rectangle to project.
  • height: The height of the rectangle to project.
  • screenCoords: An out Vector2 representing the screen coordinates of the projected circle.
  • screenWidth: An out float representing the width of the projected circle.
  • screenHeight: An out float representing the height of the projected circle.
  • isInCamView: An out bool representing whether or not the point can be seen by the camera.

ProjectTriToScreen (void)

Projects, scales, and clips a triangle to the screen. This method isn't yet perfect.

  • tri: The triangle to project.
  • screenTris: An out List containing the result of projecting the triangle to the screen.
  • isInCamView: An out bool representing whether or not the triangle is in the camera's frustum.