SCORch Away is a Converter to turn Scorch viewer files (.sco) back into AVID-Sibelius (.sib).
A SIB file is a musical score created by Avid Sibelius, a popular music notation program.
JRE must be installed. Java Runtime Envirmoment. Tested with JRE 8 411
GUI_Launcher.exe is a Grapical User Interface for Windows written in VB6. It requires SCORA.jar.
Usage is self explainable.
SCORA.jar is the core and the only file you really need.
On your commandline/Terminal run this:
java -jar SCORA.jar
... and you should see the following help:
Scorch-Away Version 1.2
Converts a Avid Scorch (*.sco) music score file into Avid Sibelius file (*.sib).
Now you can edit open & print it in Avid Sibelius without any restriction !
... or edit the scorch restriction (at the end of the file) with a (Hex-)Editor
and open it in the scorch webplugin via the generate *.htm.
Note: You can also open a *.sib to remove its encryption and compression.
Now it's open to analyze/customization!
... and you gain a better compression rate when packing it with
Rar or 7-zip/LZMA.
usage: Scorch.jar <*.sco|*.sib file> [<OutputfileName>]
-noDecompress Don't decompress the decrypted data
-NoUnlock Keep Scorch options as they are.
-chunks (requires: -noDecompress) Redirects decompressed chunk data into new
files (useful for *.idea or *.lib and *.sco
with embedded PDF)
-verbose Shows addition information
-HTML Create Html to run the file in Scorch
java -jar SCORA.jar example\smd_137443.sco -verbose
Will create smd_137443.sco.sib
and as well modify and unlock the source file smd_137443.sco
If you do not want this add the -NoUnlock
option to keep the source file untouched.
List of some *.sco on via to download and testing.
sco-PDF Example: [smd_h_1073902WBRe72Gb0O.sco from] ( If there is a PDF the the created is of no use and should be deleted.
Wow cool they still (@2024) have the old scorch on their website: ...
The easiest way is to use these SCORA bookmarklets
To Install a bookmarklet apply the following steps:
- Copy the code in the selected code snippet.
- Create a new bookmark / favourite in your browser. Name it like the name text above the code. For the URL part paste(ctrl + v) the code you copied in step 1.
- Click "Done"
Get SCO now
that is the Instant download version
Make SCO link
javascript:var d=document.body;var f=(d.textContent.match(/[^"'>\s]+\.(sco)/gmi)||alert("No SCO found!"))[0];var e = document.createElement('a');e.text='Download *.sco file';e.href=f;d.prepend(e);
that version creates a download on the top of the page you can click on.
To Use:
- Open a website that has a *.sco on it. (Uses the Scorch player)
- Click the Bookmark you created before.
Alternative workaround is to view the html-pages source (Hotkey is mostly Ctrl+U) and search for ".sco" there.
Make SCO link
// Unfortunately DOM does not parse the script tag.
// So that is how far you'll get via selectors:
// document.querySelector("script[id*='scorchObjectTemplate']")
// So the workaround is a plain Full text grep on the site
var d = document.body;
var f = (d.textContent.match(/[^"'>\s]+\.(sco)/gmi) || alert("No SCO found!") )[0];
var e = document.createElement('a');
e.text = 'Download *.sco file';
e.href = f;
Get SCO now
window.location =
Mozilla has dropped the support of NPAPI plugins from Mozilla Firefox version 52. "Pale Moon supports NPAPI plug-ins. Unlike Firefox, we will not be deprecating or removing support for these kinds of plug-ins." from
So install palemoon 32-Bit Version. Scorch620NSPluginInstaller If installation hangs on VCredist kill installer.exe in Taskmanager. If installation succeed it there should be the file "c:\Program Files (x86)\Sibelius Software\Scorch\ScorchAxPlugin.dll" Incase you somehow manually extract the files from the installer. run regsvr32.exe ScorchAxPlugin.dll it'll invoke COM-Registation ( call API-export DllRegisterServer) ... and save it's GUID and the path to the Registry. palemoon and others will then find it by its GUID.
okay now you can test it via
java -jar SCORA.jar -verbose -HTML example\smd_137443.sco
load the created smd_137443.sco.html in palemoon Browser. Pay attention that you installed the 32-Bit Version of palemoon Browser ! ).
Okay on it still seems to not work. Well if scorch object is inside a script tag, it can't run. This Bookmarklet will remove that script tag
Reactivate SCO
javascript:var o=document.querySelector("script[id*='scorchObjectTemplate']")||alert("No SCO found!");o.outerHTML=o.innerHTML;undefined
[SOLVED] Converting *.sco -> *.sib **open free .sco files in sibelius **is there a possibility to open free .sco (scorch files) in sibelius to edit it? i want to modify some arrangement i found on for my musicclass ensembles. now i have to print out the sheets and scan with photoscore to have the possibility of editing in sibelius. it is not comfortable.
Of course you can open .sco again in Sibelius. But it requires some 'magic' to undo da bad stuff and unwrap the 'CCSCORCH'-Layer. :rolleyes: In early days I patches sibelius.exe(## Sibelius710b54_CW2K_Edition.7z) to also open *.sco files. However to cover the cases were there is an pdf wrapped into a *.sco and just for fun I made a special program call 'SCORA':
GUI is windows(VB6) but the main part(SCORA.jar) of the converter is in java so it could be run on both PC and MAC. **SCORA **is short for Scorch away and will completely unwrap *.sco files.
And here's a shortcut for the Scorch-player Windows only: ScorchPatch1.0_CW2K.7z It'll remove all restrictions and allow to view&print all pages as well as save the output as *.midi or *.sco.
Scorch-player is not working since Webkit (Chrome, Opera, Safari) kicked out NSAPI-support. I recommand to use of firefox or Internet explorer that may still has it.
However you don't need the Scorch-player. Just open website source( in Chrome Ctrl+U) and search for .sco
<embed id="ScorchPlugin"
... and there he is the SCO-Download-Link
Download it to were SCORA is (run cmd_exe) and type in (Copy&paste)
SCORA.cmd smd_h_0000000000097761.sco
You can also just double click on some *.sco and tell windows to open these files with SCORA.cmd
(or rightclick and choose Open with.../Choose standard program to bring up the 'open with dialog' again)
. now cross your fingers. I hope all that java stuff is installed correctly on ya system so the converter'll work ->smd_h_0000000000097761.sib ( or sometimes *.pdf) will come out that'll open fine in Sibelius.:D