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File metadata and controls

513 lines (383 loc) · 18.3 KB

Mechanisms for Storing and Manipulating Data

Relational Database Paradigm

  • A database stores data in tables.
  • Tables store data in rows and columns.
    • Each row represents a single entity in a table.
    • Each column represents a single property of an entity.
    • Each table is defined by a schema
    • Each table must specify a column or group of columns called the primary key.
      • ensures each row has a unique way to be identified

Object Oriented Paradigm

  • An application stores data in Lists.
  • Lists store data in Objects.
    • A single object in a list is a transient instance.
    • Each instance has a value associated with each of their properties.
    • Each instance is defined by a class
    • Each instance can be uniquely identified by their memory address.

OOP Relationships

  • Associations between objects cause one object to cause another to perform an action its behalf; these associations have multiplicity which is composed of cardinality and direction.
  • object oriented cardinality - models the aspect of how many entities exist on each side of the relationship; denoted by a range of numbers (i.e. 0..1)
  • object oriented direction - models the fact that an object refers to another object
    • unidirection - A can reference B, B cannot reference A .
    • bidirectional A and B can refer to B and A respectively.

Object Relational Mapping

  • ORMs delegate tools the task of mapping between objects and table.
  • In Java EE, the framework is called Java Persistence API or JPA.
  • Objects have transient state
    • Only available when the JVM is running.
    • Objects need to be persisted sometimes.
  • Relational Databases are a component which store State
  • The framework for implementing


What is JPA?

  • Abstraction above JDBC that makes it possible model databases as objects.
  • Has two main purposes:
    1. ability to map objects to relational database.
    2. ability to query these mapped objects.
  • Maps an entity to an already existing table using sets of annotation.
  • Generates SQL statements and executes them using JDBC onto the underlying database.
  • Brings easy mechanism for mapping objects to relational databases thanks to meta data
  • Manages lifecycle of persistent objects
  • Features include
    • EntityManager API to perform CRUD and database-related operations
    • Java Persistence Query Language, an object-oriented query language

JPA Implementations

  • JPA has 3 implementations
    • EclipseLink
    • Hibernate
    • Apache Open JPA

JPA Inheritance

  • JPA has 3 strategies for modeling inheritance
    • table-per-concrete-class
      • all columns on root entity must be mapped to columns on child entity
      • no shared table
      • no shared column
      • no discriminator column
    • single-table-per-class
      • default inheritance strategy.
      • requires all child fields are nullable.
      • introduces redundancies.
    • joined-subclass
      • all columns on root entity must will be mapped to columns on child entity via join statements of two tables modeling each of entity's fields separately.
  • JPA inheritance ensures that common fields within a hierarchy (i.e. Id) are abstracted into the superclass; Subclasses refer to the superclass's Id field.



  • After annotating each entity properly, JPA offers the ability to query them and their relationships in an object oriented way, without having to use the underlying database foreign keys and columns.


  • Annotates class signature
  • Description:
    • Allows the persistence provider to recognize it as a persistence class.
    • An object representative of a snap shot of data from a database.
    • By default, maps this entity to a table whose name is the name of the annotated class. Can be rerouted via the @Table annotation
  • Pre-requesites for use:
    • An interface cannot be an entity.
    • An enum cannot be an entity.
    • The class can be abstract or concrete.
    • The class must define a no-arg constructor.
    • Each Entity must be annotated with a respective ID.


  • Annotates field declarations
  • Description:
    • Denotes the primary key for this Entity.
    • Can be generated manually by application or by automatically by the persistence provider.
  • Pre-requisites for use:
    • Class must be annotated with @Entity

Table(name = "TABLE_NAME")

  • Annotates class signatures

  • Description:

    • Routes this entity to a table whose name is the specified value.
  • Attributes:

    • Required:
      • name - specifies the name of the table to route this entity to.
    • Optional:
      • catalog - respective named collection of schemas in an SQL-environment.
      • schema- used to differentiate one set of tables from another
  • Pre-requesites for use:

    • Class must be annotated with @Entity.

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.ENUM_VALUE)

  • Annotates Id fields.
  • Description:
    • Specifies how the persistence provider will generate this value.
    • GenerationType.SEQUENCE - specifies the use of database SQL sequence
    • GenerationType.IDENTITY - uses a database identity column
    • GenerationType.TABLE - instructs provider to store the sequence name and its current value in a table, increasing the value of each time a new instance of the entity is persisted.
    • GenerationType.AUTO - default when nothing specified. Provider does generation of a key automatically. It will select an appropriate strategy for a particular database.
  • Pre-requesites for use:
    • Field must be annotated with @Id.


  • View Pluralsight's Intro-to-JPA-Inheritance video
  • Description:
    • Allows the provider to know which row belongs to which entity.
    • Used as part of JPA's inheritance-modeling strategy.
    • Declared by the superclass.
  • Attributes:
    • discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.ENUM_VALUE
    • name = "COLUMN_NAME"
    • columnDefinition = "TINYINT(1)"

@Column(name = "COLUMN_NAME")

  • Description:
    • This annotation reroutes the mapping of this field to a column with the specified name.
    • By defualt in JPA, fields map to a column whose name is the name of the instance variable. (i.e. - firstName field maps to firstName column).
  • Attributes:
    • Required:
      • name - specifies the column name to route this field to.
    • Optional:
      • length - specify the length of characters this String field can hold.
      • nullable - can be null.
  • Pre-requesites for use:
    • Class must be annotated with @Entity.
    • Must annotate a getter, or field declaration.


  • Annotates a field / instance variable
  • Specifies has to represent this Temporal java object in the database.
  • Valid arguments:
    • TemporalType.DATE - least precision
    • TemporalType.TIME - higher precision
    • TemporalType.TIMESTAMP - highest precision
  • Pre-requesites for use:
    • Class must be annotated with @Entity.
    • Field must be of a java Temporal type: Date, LocalDate, TimeStamp, etc.


  • Ensures JPA does not map this attribute.


  • EnumType.ORDINAL - Instructs JPA to map this enumeration's ordinal() value to a respective integer value in the database.
  • EnumType.STRING Instructs JPA to map this enumeration's name() value to a respective varchar in the database.

Cardinal Relationships

  • OneToOne

  • @OneToMany

  • @ManyToMany

  • @ManyToOne

  • Optional Attributes:

    • cascade = ALL
    • cascade = {PERSIST, REMOVE, MERGE}
      • if EntityManager invokes persist,remove, or merge on this entity, then its composite cascaded members be affected by the same method invokation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a discriminator column?

  • Always in the table of the base entity.

What is a cascading event?

  • Process whereby something information is successively passed on

What is fetching?

  • The mechanism by which a client gets from one side of a relationship to another.
    • eager fetch - immediately
    • lazy fetch - defferered

What is a Join Table?

  • A join is a view of two tables linked by two foreign keys referring to each other's primary key.

What is a Database Catalog?

  • Catalogs are named collections of schemas in an SQL-environment.

What is Configuration by Exception?

  • Unless specified differently, the JPA provider should apply default rules.

    • Having to supply a configuration is an exception to the rule.
  • An entity's instance variables also become persistent following default mapping, also called configuration by exception.

  • JDBC rules apply for mapping Java primitives through relational data-types.

    • String is mapped to VARCHAR(255).
    • Long is mapped to BIGINT.
    • Boolean is mapped to SMALLINT
    • Enum is mapped to INTEGER
  • Other aliases for this phrase:

    • Programming by exception
    • Convention over configuration

What is an Entity?

  • An entity is object which lives shortly in-memory, and persistently in a database.
  • An entity is denoted using the @Entity annotation on a respective class signature.
  • Entity's can be configured via @Entity annotation or XML configuration.]
    • XML configuration takes precedence!
  • An entity consists of metadata.
  • An entity has some metadata that describes its relationship with an underlying database

What is MetaData?

  • Metadata is information that is held as a description of stored data.

  • Additional metadata can be specified using annotations to further describe relationships.

    • Examples: @Table, @Id, @GeneratedValue
  • To denote an entity is stored in a table, (e.g. a table named people), annotate the class signature with @Table (e.g. @Table(name = "people")

    • For example, given a Table of Person objects named People, one expects a Person entity with an annotated class signature of
     @Table(name = "people")
     public class Person { ... }

What is an EntityManager ?

  • The centralized service to manipulate instance of entity.

  • Provides a CRUD API to create, find, remove, and synchronize objects with the database.

    • does not make use of an explicit update method as its synchronization should automatically update the state of a managed entity.
  • Can be obtained through EntityManagerFactory

     EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("persistenceUnitName")
     EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
  • Can perform basic query operations given a unique identifier.

     Long id = 0;
     Person person = em.find(Person.class, id);
  • Can perform JPQL querys

     String jpql = "SELECT person FROM people ORDER BY";
     Query query = em.createQuery(jpql);
  • Can perform a merge

    • Merge takes a detached object and returns a managed entity.
     Person managedEntity = em.merge(new Person())
  • Can perform a persist

    • Entities are not persisted until an EntityManager explicitly persists the object.
    • When an object is persisted, it is manageable by the EntityManager and eligible to be inserted into the database upon committing the transaction.
     em.persist(new Person())

What is an EntityTransaction?

  • An abstraction that is used to group together a series of operations.

    • Ensures all operations succeed, or none of them are executed.
  • Can be obtained from EntityManager

     EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction();
  • Begins and commits transactions performed by EntityManager

     et.begin(); // begin a set of operations; a transaction
     em.merge(entity); // begin managing entity
     em.persist(entity); // begin persisting entity
     et.commit(); // execute all operations since transaction began

What is a Managed Entity?

What is a Query?

  • A query is a statement which describes a selection of entities from a database.
  • Queries allow a client to search, sort, aggregate, and analyze data.

What is a Service Object?

  • An application's business logic or individual functions are modularized and presented as services for consumer/client applications.
  • Defines CRUD operations

What is CRUD?

  • CRUD is an interface which ensures an object can
    • create persist new entities into a database.
    • read entities into an application from a database.
    • update entities in a database.
    • delete entities from a database.

What is Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)?

  • object oriented language for querying from relation database.

  • retrieve an entity by any criteria.

  • mocks SQL syntax, but rather than retrieving rows, it retrieve collections of entities.

  • query is executed on underlying database with SQL and JDBC calls and the entity instances are the attributes set and are returned to the application.

  • SQL Syntax:

FROM		item
WHERE		unit_cost > 100.00
ORDER BY	title;
  • JQL Syntax:
FROM		Item i
WHERE		i.unitCost > 100.00
ORDER BY	i.title;
  • Notice that JPQL uses the dot-notation to express reference to the item's attribute as opposed to SQL using the table's column-name.
  • JPQL manipulates objects and attributes, not tables and columns.

What is Persistence?

  • Persisting an entity is the operation of taking a transient object and storing its state to the database.
  • This is typically done by an intermediate service object which references an EntityManager.

What is a Persistence Context?

  • A managed set of entity instances is called a persistence context.
  • Is configured by a persistence unit
  • Can have several persistence units.
  • A first level cache.

What is a Persistence Unit?

  • Bridge between persistence context and database.

  • Named configuration of this set of entities.

  • Ensures entites are persisting as configured

    • i.e. - ensure instances to be persisted have non-repeating ids within this context
  • an xml file called persistence.xml

    • persistence-unit tag has a name attribute.
    • class tag must be embedded within persistence-unit
      • wraps around class-paths of classes to be persisted.
  • property tag tells persistence context:

    • which JDBC driver to use

    • where the database is located

    • username

    • password

    • a property with a name prefixed with javax.persistence. is portable; it will be interpreted by all JPA provider implementations.

    • The below xml snippet is an example of a property configuration such that

      • javax.persistence.jdbc.driver

        • tells persistence context which JDBC driver to use
      • javax.persistence.jdbc.url

        • where the database is located
      • javax.persistence.jdbc.user

        • user name
      • javax.persistence.jdbc.password

        • password
      • database-product-name

        • the persistence context must perform mapping on a specified-type database, Derby
          • (Oracle, MySQL, or DB2 are also valid)
      • schema-generation.database.action

        • instructs provider to drop and create the database schema
      • schema-generation.scripts.action

        • the persistence context can generate the DDL scripts of the database.
        • this attribute enforces the setting of schema-generation.scripts.create-target
        • this attribute enforces the setting of schema-generation.scripts.drop-target
      • schema-generation.scripts.create-target

        • name of file which contains all CREATE statements
      • schema-generation.scripts.drop-target

        • name of file which contains all DROP statements
	 <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver"
	<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url"
	<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user"
	<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password"
	<property name="javax.persistence.database-product-name"
		value = "Derby"/>
	<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"
		value = "drop-and-create"/>

	<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"

	<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target"

	<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.drop-target"
	<property name="eclipselink.logging.level"
  • pom.xml
<!-- -->
  • pom.xml