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Quality Checking

The ConDec Jira plugin offers the possibility to configure and check a Definition of Done (DoD) for the knowledge documentation. The following criteria of the DoD are checked:

  • the decision coverage (i.e. a type of rationale coverage) for every knowledge element, i.e. if a certain amount of decisions are linked within a certain link distance in the knowledge graph. The required minimal amount of decisions and the maximal link distance can be configured by the rationale manager.
  • criteria of the intra-rationale completeness for decision knowledge elements, e.g. if a pro-argument is linked to the decision. The criteria for intra-rationale completeness can be configured by the rationale manager.
  • the assignment to decision levels and decision groups.
  • specific aspects (is test file?, number of lines of code) for code files
  • the quality of the directly linked knowledge elements in the knowledge graph, i.e. if a neighbor knowledge element of the checked element violates the DoD the checked element will also violate the DoD. DoD violations are propagated to neighbor elements in the knowledge graph as a means of nudging, i.e., to continuously motivate the developers to improve the knowledge documentation.

ConDec displays the result of the quality/DoD checking in the following ways:

  • in a quality check view accessible from every knowledge element in the knowledge graph (see section below)
  • using red text color in knowledge graph views if the DoD is violated. An explanation is given using a tooltip.
  • in a just-in-time prompt that is shown during status changes (as automated quality checks integrated into the development workflow, e.g., when finishing a requirement)
  • in the rationale backlog, which is a dedicated view for knowledge elements that violate the DoD
  • in metric plots in the knowledge dashboard
  • in pull requests in the form of a merge check: For example, the developers can only accept a pull request if the decision coverage is high enough and if all the decision problems that are documented in a certain link distance from the changed code in the knowledge graph are solved.

Quality Check View

The status of the quality check can be viewed continuously in the quality check view. Developers can access the quality check view from the Jira issue view as well as from the rationale backlog and knowledge overview.

The color of the menu item to access the quality check view is:

  • green if all criteria of the DoD are fulfilled
  • yellow if one or two criteria of the DoD are violated
  • red if more than two criteria of the DoD are violated

The following screenshots show the quality check view for different selected knowledge elements.

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected issue

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected issue (=decision problem). The issue violates the DoD criterion that at least one alternative needs to be documented (this is a configurable criterion, see below).

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected issue

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected issue. The issue fulfills the criteria of the DoD but the linked alternatives violate the DoD. An explanation of the quality problem of the alternatives is shown in the tooltip. The DoD criterion that at least one argument needs to be documented for an alternative is a configurable criterion (see below).

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected code file

Rationale backlog showing the quality check results for the selected code file. The code file violates the DoD criterion that at least 2 decisions need to be reachable in the knowledge graph within a link distance (number of hops) of 3.

Decision overview showing the quality check results for the selected decision

Decision overview showing the quality check results for the selected decision. Both the decision and the knowledge elements linked to the decision fulfill the DoD.

Alternative overview showing the quality check results for the selected alternative

Alternative overview showing the quality check results for the selected alternative. The alternative violates the DoD criterion that at least one argument needs to be documented (this is a configurable criterion, see below).

Jira issue view showing the quality check results for the selected epic

Jira issue view showing the quality check results for the selected epic. Both the epic and the knowledge elements linked to the epic fulfill the DoD.

The DoD for code files is fulfilled if ANY of the following statements is true:

  • the code file does contain a test class
  • the number of code lines is smaller than a given threshold

Code overview showing the quality check results for the selected test code file

Code overview showing the quality check results for the selected code file. The code file is not checked because it is a test code file (which can be configured by the rationale manager, see configuration below). The knowledge elements directly linked to the code file fulfill the DoD.

Code overview showing the quality check results for the selected code file

Code overview showing the quality check results for the selected code file. The code file is not checked because it is small with less than 50 lines of code (which can be configured by the rationale manager, see configuration below). The knowledge elements directly linked to the code file fulfill the DoD.


The rationale manager can configure the criteria for the DoD.

Configuration view for the DoD for the knowledge documentation

Configuration view for the DoD for the knowledge documentation

Design Details

The following class diagram gives an overview of relevant backend classes for this feature. The DefinitionOfDone stores the rules that are configured for the decision knowledge project’s rationale documentation to be considered complete. The DefinitionOfDone is configured separately for each DecisionKnowledgeProject, and is checked using the DefinitionOfDoneChecker. The DefinitionOfDoneChecker checks if the DefinitionOfDone is fulfilled for a KnowledgeElement. To do this, it uses the KnowledgeType of the element to fetch the corresponding inheritor of the abstract KnowledgeElementCheck class. An interface to the frontend is provided through the REST endpoints in the class DefinitionOfDoneCheckingRest.

Overview class diagram

Overview class diagram for the quality checking feature

The Java code for quality checking can be found here:

The UI code for quality checking can be found here: