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Link Recommendation and Duplicate Detection

The ConDec Jira plug-in offers a feature that recommends new links between knowledge elements and that tries to identify duplicated knowledge elements. In particular, the feature should support developers in

  1. decision making through identifying related decision problems and solution options documented by others or in the past (to prevent duplicated decision making),
  2. creating a completely and correctly linked knowledge documentation that can be exploited e.g. during change impact analysis (to detect impacts, side, and ripple effects of changes), and
  3. general knowledge sharing and knowledge exploitation, since the link recommendation confronts the developers with related documented knowledge, which is not linked in the knowledge graph.

Link Recommendations Within the Knowledge Graph Views

Developers see the link recommendations directly in the knowledge graph views. The respective nodes are highlighted and there is a dedicated recommended link type. Developers can use the filter possibilities in knowledge graph views to inspect the context of the recommended elements. Besides, the recommended elements can be included in change impact analysis.

Node-link diagram with link recommendations colored in blue and particular link type

Node-link diagram with link recommendations colored in blue and particular link type

ConDec offers a dedicated view for link recommendation and duplicate detection which developers can access as follows:

  1. Developers can access the link recommendation view from every Jira issue, i.e. it is included in the Jira issue view.
  2. Developers can access the link recommendation view from ConDec's knowledge view for the project.

Link recommendation view as part of ConDec's knowledge view showing link recommendations and a potential duplicate for a decision problem

Link recommendation view as part of ConDec's knowledge view showing link recommendations and a potential duplicate for a decision problem

Developers can accept (link) or discard the recommendations. The discarding can be undone.

Calculation of the Recommendation Score

This feature tries to identify related knowledge elements using the context information of knowledge elements. The context information is calculated from the following context information providers, i.e. link recommendation rules:

  1. Recommend elements that are textual similar to the source element
  2. Recommend elements that are timely coupled to the source element
  3. Recommend elements that have the same author as the source element
  4. Recommend elements that are decision problems
  5. Recommend elements that are solution options
  6. Recommend elements that are assigned to the same decision group as the source element
  7. Recommend elements that are assigned to the same component as the source element
  8. Recommend elements that can be traced to the source element (but are not directly linked)
  9. Recommend elements that are the same knowledge type as the source element
  10. Recommend elements that are included in the same sprint

Every context information provider calculates a ruleValuei. For example, the textual similarity context information provider calculates a rule value based on the textual similarity of two knowledge elements. The more similar the texts are, the higher is the rule value for this context information provider. Besides, every context information provider is assigned a ruleWeighti to determine its importance for recommendation creation.

The ruleWeighti can be negative to reverse the effect of the rule. For instance, for the time context information provider (recommend elements that are timely coupled to the source element), a negative rule weight means that elements that are not timely coupled are more likely to be recommended.

For every knowledge element that might be related to the selected element, a recommendationScore is calculated as follows:

recommendationScore = (∑N(ruleValuei * ruleWeighti -〚ruleWeighti < 0〛ruleWeighti)) / maxAchievableScore

where N is the number of enabled context information providers, -〚ruleWeighti < 0〛ruleWeighti denotes that the subtraction is only done for negative rule weights to reverse the effect, and maxAchievableScore is the hypothetical best score to normalize the recommendation score between 0 and 1.

The recommendationScore represents the predicted relevance of a recommendation, i.e., how likely the developers accept the recommendation. The link recommendations are sorted by their recommendationScore to rank the recommendations. The best (top-k) recommendations are determined.

A link to another knowledge element is only recommended if the recommendationScore >= threshold and if the link recommendation is under the top-k recommendations.

Many of the link recommendation rules (i.e. context information providers) are also used during change impact analysis as change propagation rules.

Developers can see an explanation for the score of each recommendation (similar to the explanations during change impact analysis and decision guidance).

Link recommendation view showing the explanation of one recommendation score and one discarded recommendation

Link recommendation view showing the explanation of one recommendation score and one discarded recommendation

Duplicate Recognition

The textual similarity context information provider is used to identify duplicates. If the text is very similar, a link recommendation is marked as a potential duplicate.

Link recommendation view showing a potential duplicate

Link recommendation view as part of the Jira issue view showing a potential duplicated alternative

Developers and the rationale manager can inspect the potential duplicates in the knowledge graph views, e.g. in the node-link diagram or in the indented outline.

Node-link diagram showing the context of the duplicated alternative

Node-link diagram showing the context of a user story. Directly and transitively linked decision problems (issues) and solution options (alternatives) are shown that match the "export" filter string. The alternatives are duplicated.

Nudging Mechanisms

ConDec uses the following nudging mechanisms to support the usage of the link recommendation and duplicate recognition feature:

  • Ambient feedback: The colored menu item indicates whether action is needed, i.e., whether there are recommendations that were not yet accepted or discarded by the developers.
  • Just-in-time prompt: ConDec shows a just-in-time prompt to the developers when they change the state of a Jira issue. Similar to the ambient feedback nudge, the just-in-time prompt indicates whether action is needed.


The rationale manager can configure the default parameters for the link recommendation, in particular, the

  1. maximum number of recommendations (top-k),
  2. the threshold, and
  3. default rules (context information providers) and their weights (similar as for change impact analysis).

Furthermore, the developer can change the default values during the usage of the link recommendation.

Configuration view for link recommendation and duplicate recognition

Configuration view for link recommendation and duplicate recognition

Design Details

The following class diagram gives an overview of relevant backend classes for this feature. The class LinkRecommendationRest provides the interface to the frontend. The class LinkRecommendationConfiguration stores the configuration information for a project. The class ContextInformation creates LinkRecommendations and detects duplicates based on the context information of KnowledgeElements. It is decorated with the ContextInformationProviders, such as the TextualSimilarityContextInformationProvider or TimeContextInformationProvider. LinkRecommendations have a RecommendationScore and inherit from the class Link, which means that they have source and target elements, as well as a LinkType (recommended). The RecommendationType determines the type of the recommendation.

Overview class diagram

Overview class diagram for the link recommendation and duplicate recognition feature

The Java code for link recommendation and duplicate recognition can be found here:

The UI code for link recommendation can be found here:

Important Decisions

In the following, important decision knowledge regarding the link recommendation and duplicate detection feature is listed. The knowledge was exported via ConDec's knowledge export feature starting from the system function SF: Recommend related knowledge elements (elements to be linked and duplicates).

  • SF: Recommend related knowledge elements (elements to be linked and duplicates) (CONDEC-715)
    • Issue Which elements should be suggested by the link recommendation feature?
      • Alternative The link recommendation feature could only suggest decision knowledge elements, in particular decisions and decision problems.
      • Decision The link recommendation feature suggests any kind of knowledge elements (e.g. requirements, code files, decision knowledge, ...)!
        • Con It is not efficient for large projects to iterate over all knowledge elements to generate link recommendations.
    • Code
      • Issue Which time interval should be used to decide whether two knowledge elements are timely coupled?
        • Decision We assume that two elements are timely coupled if they were both modified within a time interval of 1 day!
        • Alternative We could enable the rationale manager to configure the interval for timely coupling.
    • Issue How to normalize and rank recommendations?
      • Decision rejected: We use a hypothetical recommendation to the same element as a benchmark for link recommendation and compare the recommendations to other knowledge elements with this recommendation!
        • Con Does not work for rules such as that solution options and decision problems should be recommended, especially if the source element is not decision knowledge.
      • Decision We create the sum of absolute weight values to create a hypothetical best recommendation score!
    • Code
      • Issue How can we measure the textual similarity of two texts?
        • Alternative We could use vectorization of words using GloVE as for the automatic text classifier to measure the textual similarity of two texts.
        • Decision We tokenize the text, stem the tokens, and remove stop words! Then, we calculate a similarity score using Jaro-Winkler similarity and number of same tokens to measure the textual similarity of two texts!
    • Code
      • Issue Which link recommendation rules (context information providers) should be activated by default and with which weights?
        • Decision The default activation and default weight differ for every link recommendation rule! For example, the TextualSimilarityContextInformationProvider is activated per default with a weight value of 2 to increase its importance.
    • Code
      • Issue How can we make sure that a new number of link recommendation rules in the backend is available to the users?
        • Decision We store all link recommendation rules if the number stored in the settings is different to them to fix inconsistency between stored config and new code!
    • Issue How do we support duplicate recognition within the knowledge documentation?
      • Decision ConDec suggests related knowledge elements to the user as part of the link recommendation feature!
      • Decision We remove the dedicated duplicate recognition functionality!
        • Pro Simplifies the plug-in
        • Pro The link recommendation can also return potential duplicates
    • Issue How can we determine whether two elements are potential duplicates?
      • Decision We mark a recommendation as a potential duplicate if two elements have a very high textual similarity!
    • Issue How should we deal with discarded recommendations?
      • Decision Enable to undo discarded recommendation!
      • Decision Add ambient feedback to link recommendation menu item, only use non-discarded recommendations to decide ambient feedback color!
      • Decision Include discarded recommendations in score calculation!


The concept of context information providers is taken from: Miesbauer, C., & Weinreich, R. (2012). Capturing and Maintaining Architectural Knowledge Using Context Information. In 2012 Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and European Conference on Software Architecture (pp. 206-210). Helsinki, Finland: IEEE.