Bits provides a system to successfully sustain habits using the concepts of the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear
Habits are very hard to build for the long-term because results are not seen immediately. People make a few small changes, and fail to see a tangible result, and decide to stop.
Instead of focusing on goals (results you want to achieve), focus on systems (processes that lead to those results).
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Express
- React
- Node
- Bcrypt
- Dotenv
- Express
- Json web token
- Material-UI
- React-router-dom
- Application:
Incorporate popovers:- Futher explain the system and its steps on the habit form page
- Focus on the 3 types of responses (bronze, silver, gold)
Add more options for craving and reward steps:
- ex. Accountability partners
- ex. Join a culture where your desired behavior is the norm
Incorporate other concepts from book:
- Outcome-based habits VS Identity-based habits
- Problem phase (cue, craving) and solution phase (response, reward)
Incorporate a system for destroying bad habits (habit detonator):
- Make it invisible
- Make it unattractive
- Make it difficult
- Make it unsatisfying
Incorporate a habit tracking system:
- Users would be able to track their habits daily and which response they did for that day (bronze, silver, or gold)
- The current route to create a new habit is /habitgenerator
- Change it to /habitgenerator/create and the /habitgenerator route will be a tracker instead
- Have only the route /habitgenerator in App.js and then have the remaining routes (/:id, /:id/edit) in its component (nested routing)
When a habit is created or updated, redirect the user to that specific habit:
- It currently redirects to /habitgenerator
Add useRef for form validation:
- Right now, the habit form can be submitted even if all the inputs are blank
Improve the navbar styling:
Improve the app for mobile screens:- Make {}'s Habits its own line or remove it completely for mobile screens
Using Material-UI's Dialog for delete functionality deletes the last habit in the array: