Pitching & Peer Review - Summerterm 23
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Brennecke | a.brennecke@filmuniversitaet.de
Lecturer: Lara Frank | l.frank@filmuniversitaet.de
- Wednesdays 16:00 h - 17:30 h
- 12.04.23
- Introduction to the seminar
- Sehsüchte coordination (Andreea, Vivien)
- Mandy Peterat: "GEÄST"
- 26.04.23
- Christine Reeh-Peters: Fabulation for Future
- 03.05.23
- Angela & Lara: Pitching Training -- Social Media Project
- Mortimer Cerny: "Ewigkeit in einem Traum"
- 09.05.23
- **Alternative Seminar** -- "Ethik in der Digitalisierung" (R 5104, Tuesday 23/05/09, 14:15-15:45)
- 17.05.23
- Eleni-Ira Panourgia: "Sound, Art and Ecology -- Practice #1"
- 24.05.23
- Eleni-Ira Panourgia: "Sound, Art and Ecology -- Practice #2"
- 31.05.23
- Ula Przybylska et al.: "SWARM" (Online, Zoomlink will be shared via Kerio Calendar)
- Susanne Richter: mowee (EXIST)
- 07.06.23
- Anna Xambo: "About NIME, NIMEness, and Speculative Futures" (Online, Zoomlink will be shared via Kerio Calendar)
- 14.06.23
- Lisa Passing: "Ghostlike"
- Aliena Leonhard: "Relionate"
- Paul Rieth: "Audience Design"
- 21.06.23
- Garri Steba et. al: "Hybrider digital-analoger Synth für Drone-Erzeugung"
- Antonia Nestler: "Rekonstruktionen"
- 28.06.23
- Sylvia Rybak: CTech II Presentation
- 04.07.23
- **Alterantive seminar** -- "Prof. Dr. Uwe Eisenbeis: KI in der Wertschöpfungskette von Medienunternehmen und deren Implikationen auf das Gechäftsmodell" (R 5104, Tuesday 23/07/04, 14:15-15:45)
- 12.07.23
- **Summerparty** => Class 22/23 is responsible for the event!!
CTech Class 21/22 and Class 22/23 please check mark your attendances in this excel sheet document for each session!
The Creative Technologies II (Module 6) is a graded module. In order to pass the module you have to give a presentation in PPR about the project or projects that you have worked on. The presentation has to be 45 mins maximum and should provide insight into your work, the presentation itself is not going to be graded but it should still be well structured and presented ; )
See the project guidelines for more details. Get in touch with Angela or Lena in order to fix a presentation date as well as a short check-in time to discuss the requirements for the grade unless you are fully aware!