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Csaba Bernáth edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 17 revisions

Data Commander

Data Commander is a front-end for SQL and other databases. The program has a plugin architecture for adding arbitrary data providers.

How to build executable from source code

Open git_repository\DataCommander\DataCommander.Net-7.0\DataCommander.Net-7.0.sln in JetBrains Rider or Visual Studio. Build the solution.

Comparing to SQL Server Managament Studio

Object-relational mapping (ORM)

How to use ORM in DDD

Write model

  • Create the event sourced aggregate. The events will be replayed when saving aggregate to the SQL database.
  • Create the aggregate repository:
    • Save aggregate: replay events in SQL
      • Create insert/update/delete SQL statements with Data Commander
    • Get aggregate by id:
      • create SQL statement manually
      • generate C# wrapper with Data Commander

Read model

  • Create SQL statement manually
  • Generate C# wrapper with Data Commander

The following plugins are already implemented:

SQL databases (client/server):

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL

SQL databases (file):

  • Microsoft SQL Server Compact
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • SQLite

Special databases:

  • COM (Component Object Model)
  • GAC (Global Assembly Cache)
  • MSI (Windows Installer)
  • TFS (Team Foundation Server)
  • WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)


  • The editor has syntax highlighting, code completion for SQL statements.
  • The output of a query can be displayed as data grid, text, html.
  • The data grid can be exported into Excel file.
Provider.Name Description
Msi Windows Installer using Wix
Odp Oracle using ODP.NET provider from Oracle
Oracle Oracle using Oracle provider from Microsoft
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
SQLite SQLite .NET Data Provider
SqlServer Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or greater
SqlServerCe40 Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0
Tfs- Microsoft Team Foundation Server using nuget TFS client
Wmi Windows Management Instrumentation

General functions

Main Form

Connection Form

How to connect to a database

  1. Click Database\Connect menu item or press Ctrl+N.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter the connection string paramateres of the new connection.
  4. Click Test button to test the connection.
  5. Click OK button to save the connection string.

How to create a new file based database

  1. Click Database\New menu item.
  2. Type the file name of the new database file (SQL Server Compact, SQLite).
  3. Click Save button.

How to open a file based database

  1. Click Database\Open menu item or press Ctrl+O.
  2. Select the required file type (Access, Excel, MSI, SQLite, SQL Server Compact)
  3. Enter the file name.
  4. Click Open button.

How to create a connection to a database

  1. Click the Database/Connect menu item.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Type the name of the connection.
  4. Choose the provider (SqlServer2005, SqlServerCe40, Tfs, Wmi, etc.)
  5. Type the data source manually or click the dropdown button to enumerate the possible data sources. Click the Refresh button if you need the refresh the data source enumeration.
  6. Check the integrated security or type the user id and password.
  7. Choose the initial catalog.
  8. Click the OK button.

How to open a new query form to a database

  1. Click Database/Connect menu item.
  2. Double click left mouse button on the selected row or select the row and click the Connect button.

How to copy the result of a query from a source database to a target database

  1. Connect to the source database. Leave the query form open.
  2. Connect to the target database. Now you have two query forms.
  3. Type the text of the query into the source query form.
  4. Click right mouse button in the source query form. Click the ‘Create table’ menu item.
  5. Navigate to the Messages tab page. Copy the create table script to the clipboard.
  6. Navigate to the target query form. Paste the create table script to the target query form. Execute it.
  7. Navigate to the source query form. Click right mouse button and click the ‘Copy table’ menu item.
  8. Wait until the end of the query execution.
  9. Navigate to the target query form. Check the content of the table.
  10. Commit the transaction in the target database by clicking the Query/Commit Transaction menu item.

How to close a query form

  1. Double click the top left icon of the MDI child window (Ctrl+F4 is assigned to another function).
  2. The program automatically writes the content of the query textbox into the log file (%TEMP%\DataCommander.log).

Query TextBox

  • Syntax highlighting
  • SQL keywords are marked with blue.
  • Provider specific keywords are marked with red.
  • The Data Commander specific exec keyword is marked with green.
Function Hotkey
Database/Connect to database Ctrl+N
Database/Open file database Ctrl+O
Database/Save all Ctrl+Shift+S
Database/Exit Alt+F4
Edit/Paste Ctrl+V
Edit/Find Ctrl+F
Edit/Find Next F3
Edit/List Members Ctrl+J
Edit/Goto Ctrl+G
Edit/Increase Line Indent Tab
Edit/Decrease Line Indent Shift+Tab
Query/Describe Parameters Ctrl+P
Query/Execute Query Ctrl+E or F5
Query/Execute Query (Single Row) Ctrl+1
Query/Execute Query (Schema Only) Ctrl+R
Query/Execute Query (KeyInfo) Ctrl+K
Query/Execute Query (XML) Ctrl+Shift+X
Query/Open Table Ctrl+Shift+O
Query/Cancel Executing Query Alt+Pause
Query/Parse Ctrl+F5
Query/Result Mode/Text Ctrl+T
Query/Result Mode/DataGrid Ctrl+D
Query/Result Mode/ListView Ctrl+L
Query/Close All TabPages Ctrl+Shift+F4
Query/Create Insert Statements Ctrl+I
Object Explorer F8
Help/Contents F1
Check for updates F12

How to open a file in the query text box

  1. Drag and drop the file into the query textbox.
  2. Click Database/Save menu item or press Ctrl+S to save the file.

How to go to a specified line

  1. Press Ctrl+G.
  2. Enter the line number.
  3. Press Enter.

How to execute a query

  1. Type the statement text into the query textbox.
  2. Click Query/Execute Query menu item or press Ctrl+E or press F5.

How to cancel an executing query

  1. Type the statement text into the query textbox.
  2. Click Query/Execute Query menu item or press Ctrl+E or press F5.
  3. Click Query/Cancel executing query menu item or press Clrl+F12.

How to create insert into ... values(…) SQL statements from a query result

  1. Type the query statement into the query textbox.
  2. Click Query/Create insert statements menu item or press the Ctrl+I key.
  3. The generated insert statements (and the create table statement of the result schema) will be added to the result messages tab page.

How to create insert into ... select … SQL statements from a query result

  1. Type the query statement into the query textbox.
  2. Click Query/Create insert select statements menu item.
  3. The generated insert statements (and the create table statement of the result schema) will be added to the result messages tab page.

How to use the auto completion listbox

  1. Press Ctrl+J
  2. Press Up or Down key to navigate to the previous/next member of the list.
  3. Press Shift+Up or Shift+Down to navigate to the next matching member of the list.
  4. Press Ctrl+Sub to filter items.
  5. Press Enter to select the current list member or press Escape to close the listbox.

How to modify the font of the query from

  1. Click Font menu item. Consolas Regular 9pt and Courier New Regular 8 are recommended.
  2. Restart the application.

Object Explorer

How to show/hide object explorer

  1. Press F8.

How to refresh the root node of the object explorer

  1. Click Tools/Refresh Object Explorer’s root menu item.

How to find text in object explorer nodes

  1. Press Ctrl+F.

Result tab pages – Messages tab page

How to close a result set tab page

  1. Click right mouse button on the result set tab page header.
  2. Click close menu item.

Result tab pages - DataTableEditor

Top left header context menu items

  1. Copy column names
  2. Save table as
  3. Copy table
  4. Copy table as XML
  5. Edit dataview properties
  6. Unhide all columns
  7. Unhide all rows

Column header context menu items

  1. Copy column name
  2. Hide column

Row header context menu items

  1. Hide row

Cell context menu items

  1. Find
  2. Add row filter
  3. Remove row filter
  4. Copy string field
  5. Save string field as
  6. Save binary field as

How to save the table into a file

  1. Click right mouse button over the table.
  2. Click the ’Save table as’ menu item.
  3. Save the table as HTML, Fixed Width Columns or Tab Separated Values.

How to copy the table to the clipboard

  1. Click right mouse button over the table.
  2. Click the ’Copy table’ menu item.
  3. Open Microsoft Word or Excel and click Paste Special

How to sort and filter rows in a table

  1. Click right mouse button over the table.
  2. Click the ’Edit DataView Properties’ menu item. See MSDN RowFilter and Sort for more information.

How to hide/unhide columns in a table

  1. Click right mouse button over the table header.
  2. Click the Hide column or the Unhide all columns menu item.

How to hide/unhide rows in a table

  1. Select some rows.
  2. Click right mouse button over the row header.
  3. Click the Hide rows.
  4. Click right mouse button over the table header.
  5. Click hide all rows.

How to find text in a table

  1. Navigate to the data table editor to the first row and first column. The search will start from the selected cell. If the search starts in the first row then you can find column names, too.
  2. Click Edit/Find menu item or press Ctrl+F keys.
  3. Type the text to find to the find what textbox.
  4. Click the OK button or press the Enter key.
  5. Press the F3 key to the next search result (Find Next).

How to copy a string field to the clipboard or save a string field to a file

  1. Click right mouse button over the cell which contains the string.
  2. Click right click button and click the ’Copy string field’ or the ’Save string field as’ menu item.

How to show a field as XML in Internet Explorer

  1. Type the query statement into the query textbox which results an XML value.
  2. Click Qurery/Execute Query (Xml) menu item or press Ctrl+Shift+X keys.

How to edit data in a table

  1. Type the query statement into the query textbox.
  2. Click the Query/Edit Rows menu item.
  3. Modify the data in the data table editor.
  4. The generated SQL script (insert, update, delete) will be added to the query textbox.

Available providers

Microsoft SQL Server

Object Explorer

        System Databases
        Database Snapshots
		        System Tables
			    System Views
                Stored Procedures
                    System Stored Procedures
                User-defined Table Types                
    Server Objects
        Linked Servers

Object Explorer - Table node

How to script table to clipboard?

  1. Right click to table
  2. Script table as CREATE/SELECT/INSERT to clipboard.

Query textbox – code completion

How to list databases

  1. Type use and press Crlt+J (List members)

How to list tables, views, functions in a database

  1. Type select * from and press Ctrl+J

How to list columns of a table

  1. Type select * from where . and press Ctrl+J

    How to list stored procedures, functions

    1. Type exec and press Ctrl+J

    How to list the distinct top 10 field values of a column

    1. Type select * from
    where . = and press Ctrl+J

    How to list global variables

    1. Type select @@ and press Ctrl+J

    How to list local variables

    1. Type select @ and press Ctrl+J


    Object Explorer


    Team Foundation Server

    Available TFS commands (and samples):

    exec dir '<path>','recursion'
    	exec dir '$/','OneLevel'
    exec get 'serverPath','localPath'
    exec get '$/','C:\\Download'
    exec history 'path','user'
    exec history '$/EzYSK'
    exec history '$/','<username>'
    exec status 'path','recursion','workspace','user'
    exec status '$/'
    exec status '$/',null,null,'<username>'
    exec workspaces 'workspace','owner','computer'
    exec workspaces
    exec workspaces null,'<username>'


    • 2015-02-06: Upgrading to .NET Framework 4.5.
    • 2014-10-10: Moving to Github
    • 2014-05-29: [DataTableEditor] Saving data table into Excel 2007 .xlsx file.
    • 2014-04-04: [CompletionForm] Adding quote handling to multipart identitifers (use [Foo.UnitTest])
    • 2014-03-03: [SqlServer2005] “Adding User-Defined Table Types” node to object explorer.
    • 2013-01-16: Adding “Copy table with SqlBulkCopy” context menu item in query text editor.
    • 2012-12-20: [QueryForm] Adding XmlSpreadsheet result writer (Microsoft Office XML Spreadsheet 2002 format). See
    • 2012-12-18: [SqlServer2005] Adding Security/Logins node to object explorer.
    • 2012-12-18: [SqlServer2005] Adding ‘System Databases’ node to object explorer.
    • 2012-12-18: Adding active query form text to toolbar.
    • 2012-12-18: Adding Save All menu item. Save All menu item saves all query form texts into %TEMP% directory.
    • 2012-12-04: Upgrading .NET 1.0 StatusBar to NET 2.0 StatusStrip control. Colorizing errors displayed on statusbar with red.
    • 2012-11-30: Adding info message severity verbose. Information severity is displayed in blue color, verbose in black.
    • 2012-11-30: Handling SQL batches separated by GO (SqlServer2005)
    • 2012-09-25: [SqlServer2005] Fixing collation issue in union+order by with different collations in code completion.
    • 2012-07-16: Performance tuning: adding info messages to Messages textbox asynchronously.
    • 2012-07-03: [SqlServer2005] Adding Column child nodes to Table node in object browser.
    • 2012-06-28: Refactoring code completion for handling four part names (
    • 2012-05-08: Adding Tfs2010 provider.
    • 2012-03-29: Adding DateTimeOffset field type handling.
    • 2011-08-29: [DataTableEditor] Adding hide rows and unhide all rows menu item to row header context menu.
    • 2011-08-23: [SqlStatement] The auto completion for column names now (partially) works without table alias.
    • 2011-08-18: [MemberListBox] Adding Ctrl+Subtract key handler for filtering the list. Enhanced Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down searching.
    • 2011-07-29: [DataTableEditor] Copying table as HTML copies only visible rows ordered by the data grid view’s display index.
    • 2011-07-29: [DataTableEditor] Allowing column ordering by the user (data grid view’s display indexes).
    • 2011-07-28: [QueryForm] Adding Parse menu item to Query menu.
    • 2011-07-28: [DataTableEditor] Removing row number from row header due to performance issues.
    • 2011-07-27: [DataTableEditor] Experimental. Adding row number to row header.
    • 2011-07-26: [DataTableEditor] Adding ‘Copy table as XML’ menu item to context menu.
    • 2011-07-14: [MainForm] Adding ‘Close All Documents’ menu item to main menu.
    • 2011-07-14: [MainForm] Adding a new toolstrip panel to the main form and moving the main menu and the main toolbar to the new toolstrip panel. Removing query form toolbar (Execute, Cancel buttons) from main menu and adding it to the query form.
    • 2011-07-13: Adding VisualPharm icon web site to references.
    • 2011-07-13: [MainForm] Using the built in MDI child window menu item instead of custom code.
    • 2011-07-13: [QueryForm] Adding dropdown toolbar button for executing query and removing the menu item from the main menu.
    • 2011-07-13: Changing HTML result table font to Tahoma 8pt.
    • 2011-07-12: [SqlServerCe40] Adding shrink database and compact database menu items to object explorer Tables node context menu.
    • 2011-07-12: [SqlServerCe40] Adding auto completion for tables and columns.
    • 2011-06-25: [DataTableEditor] Adding hide column and unhide all columns menu item to column header context menu.
    • 2011-06-23: [SqlServer2005] Adding Databases node to object explorer.
    • 2011-06-21: Adding a new code completion: How to list the distinct top 10 field values of a column.
    • 2011-06-20: Adding DataViewProperties form .
    • 2011-06-17: [QueryForm] refactoring result set handling. A new static tab page has been added to the result tab control. Every result set will be added to this static tab page as a tab control with tab pages per table.
    • 2011-06-16: [MainForm] replacing AboutForm with a simple MessageBox
    • 2011-06-15: [QueryForm] adding command text logging to Messages tab page
    • 2011-06-15: [SqlStatement] enhancing SQL statement parsing
    • @parameter = value
    • default value
    • unicode strings: N’…’
    • 2011-06-06: [QueryForm] Implementing case sensitive mode when finding text in non-richtextbox controls like DataTable, TreeView.
    • 2011-06-03: [DataTableViewer] Improving clipboard handling (SetDataObject with multiple attempts instead of SetText)
    • 2011-06-03: [QueryTextBox] Adding [ and ] characters to word separators (e.g. [varchar])
    • 2011-06-03: [SqlServer2005] Adding ‘Script Table’ menu item to table node context menu in object explorer (using SMO).
    • 2011-06-02: [SqlServer2005] Adding ShortStringSize attribute to app.config for SQL Server 2005 provider.
    • 2011-06-02: Removing DataCommander.rtf embedded resource. Adding Help/Content menu item which opens DataCommander.docx directly.
    • 2011-06-02: Automatic backup of query statements. The query form writes the text of the form into the log file when closing the form.
    • 2011-06-02: [ConnectionForm] Making Connection selector window resizable.
    • 2011-06-02: [SQLite] Using the new SQLite .NET provider from
    • 2011-06-02: [DataTableViewer] Speeding up DataGridView with double buffering.
    • 2011-06-01: [SqlServer2005] Uprading and fixing intellisense to new sys views
    • 2011-05-30: [SqlServer2005] Moving system stored procedures node under stored procedures node in object exlorer
    • 2011-03-26: Creating Microsoft.NET 4.0 based version of Data Commander.
    • 2002-2011: ...
    • 2002-01-01: Creating SqlUtil for querying Oracle and VB6 COM objects ADO recordsets via VBScript.


    This program is freeware and released under the GNU General Public License.

    Development environment

    .NET 7 version:

    .NET 6 version:

    .NET 5 version:

    • C# 9.0
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.11.6 (editing Forms)

    .NET Framework 4.8 version:

    • C# 7.2
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.9.3
    • Resharper 2021.1.1
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (Windows Forms UI)
    • .NET Standard 2.0 (Foundation class libraries)
    • .NET Core 2.2 (unit tests)


    Main menu Object Explorer Data Grid View


    JetBrains ResharperJetBrains Resharper
