- look through the original seminar book and the other resources below
- check out related reviews, podcasts, etc.
- you may suggest other similar resources
- Put together few slides:
- your reflection on the list of resources
- pick something that you would be most interested, volunteer for seminar topic - also have idea on when to present
- Lee Smolin - Time reborn (2013) wikipedia
- Carlo Rovelli – The Order of Time (2018) wikipedia
A modern take on the nature of time, discussing ideas from quantum gravity and thermodynamics. Less speculative than Smolin’s Time Reborn but still engaging.
- Sean Carroll – The Biggest Ideas in the Universe (Vol. 1 & 2, 2022-2023) wikipedia
A clear exposition of deep physics questions, covering fundamental laws of nature, spacetime, and the quantum realm.
- Sabine Hossenfelder – Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray (2018) Amazon
A critical look at the role of aesthetics in theoretical physics and the stagnation of fundamental physics.
- Lee Smolin – Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution (2019) wikipedia
A more recent book questioning the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics.
- Chiara Marletto – The Science of Can and Can't (2021) book webpage
Introduces "constructor theory" as a way to generalize physics beyond quantum mechanics and relativity.
- Frank Wilczek – Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality (2021) wikipedia
A Nobel laureate's perspective on the deep principles governing reality.
David Deutsch - The fabric of reality (1997) wikipedia Godfather of quantum computing on quantum mechanics and its implications for understanding reality. (multiverse hypothesis)
- Followup book: The begginnig of infinity (2011) wikipedia
Julian Barbour - The Janus point (2020) goodreads
The Wolfram Physics Project - https://www.wolframphysics.org/index.php.en
- Stephen Wolfram - A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics (2020) https://www.wolframphysics.org/technical-introduction/
- Stephen Wolfram - A new kind of science (2002) wikipedia