- echo : print text on the console
- !! : repeat the last command
- exit : exit with the given exit code
- ./icsh test.sh : return the input command content in the test.sh (in the current directory) to the console
- run the command that already exist in SHELL
- Ctrl+Z : to suspend the process in the current foreground (not your shell)
- Ctrl+C : to kill the process in the current foreground (not your shell)
- echo $? : to print the exit status code of the previous command. You may assume that all build-in commands exits with exit code 0
- reDir() : <Input/ >Output Redirection
- command followed by "&" : will run as a background job
- listed in the jobList[100] with 100 jobs limit
- jobs : this command will list all the current jobs that are running/stopped
- fg %<job_id> : Brings the job identified by <job_id> into the foreground
- does not continue, but start from the beginning
- bg %<job_id> : Execute the suspended job identified by <job_id> in the background
- does not continue, but start from the beginning, run in fg instead
- Allowing users to customize their prompt at the beginning of the program
- Can type the prompt text
- Choose a font color (pink/red/green/yellow/blue/white)
- Choose styles (bold,underline)
- Or choose the default version "icsh $ "
- help() : this command return the instructions of this IC SHELL
- !!!! : repeat the second last command