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AWS Sagemaker Pipelines

This repository includes code to implement MLOps principles on AWS Sagemaker.



Presented workflow is a basic showcase of AWS Sagemaker capabilities. It includes following steps:

  • push your code changes to version control
  • trigger GitHub Actions workflow, which performs following:
    • generate ML training pipeline definition and publish it to Sagemaker
    • trigger ML training pipeline and wait for completion
    • deploy newly trained ML model (if performance is acceptable)

Sagemaker train pipeline

Showcase training pipeline consists of following steps:

  • Prepare data: fetches publicly available Abalone data and splits it into train, validation and test datasets
  • Train the model: uses prepared train and validation datasets to train model using XGBoost algorithm
  • Evaluate performance: uses test dataset to evaluate performance of newly trained model
  • Register model: in case model performance is up to standards, it registers newly trained model in Model package group

Publishing and triggering AWS Sagemaker pipeline is done using in pipelines folder. Script takes as an input following parameters:

  • --module-name: name of Python module where pipeline definition is stored (example in repository is showcase)
  • --role-arn: ARN of execution role that will be used to publish and trigger pipeline
  • --description (optional): description of pipeline
  • --tags (optional): tags to be used for created pipeline
  • --kwargs: dictionary of keyword arguments to be used in pipeline definition. Following arguments are supported:
    • region: specifies AWS region of Sagemaker instance
    • role: ARN of execution role that will be used within each step of training pipeline
    • default_bucket (optional): specify S3 bucket where training artifacts are to be stored(defaults to default Sagemaker bucket is used).
    • repo_data_branch (optional): specify git repository branch for correct data version (defaults to "main").
    • repo_data_path (optional): specify path to data in git repository (defaults to "data/abalone-dataset.csv").
    • model_name (optional): specify name of model artifact that is produced (defaults to "crayonShowcase").
    • model_package_group_name (optional): specify name of model package group where model is going to be registered (defaults to "crayonShowcasePackageGroup").
    • pipeline_name (optional): specify name of pipeline to be published (defaults to "crayonShowcasePipeline").
    • base_job_prefix (optional): prefix for each job that will be triggered by pipeline steps (defaults to "crayonShowcase").

Example for manually triggering pipeline publishing and running:

python -m pip install pipelines/requirements.txt
python pipelines/ \ 
  -n showcase.pipeline \
  -k "{\"region\": \"eu-west-1\", \"role\": \"${SAGEMAKER_EXECUTIONROLE_ARN}\", \"pipeline_name\": \"showcase-pipeline\"}"
  -t "[{\"Key\":\"createdBy\", \"Value\":\"manual\"}]"

Model deployment pipeline

Deploying model to real-time inference, CloudFormation is used. Following steps are required:

  • generate endpoint configuration file
  • package CloudFormation template
  • deploy CloudFormation template together with adjusting parameters based on endpoint configuration file

Generation of endpoint configuration uses script in deploy folder to adjust endpoint_config.json based on user input. Script takes as an input following parameters:

  • --endpoint-name (optional): name of endpoint that is going to be deployed (defaults to "crayon-showcase-endpoint").
  • --datacapture-s3: S3 bucket used for data capture
  • --model-execution-role: ARN of execution role that will be used by deployed model
  • --model-package-group-name: specify name of model package group where model is registered (defaults to "crayonShowcasePackageGroup").
  • --import-endpoint-config (optional): file location of endpoint configuration file (defaults to "endpoint_config.json").
  • --export-endpoint-config (optional): file location of adjusted endpoint configuration file (defaults to "endpoint_config_adj.json").
  • --log-level (optional): Logging level of script, possible options 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL' (defaults to "INFO").

Once adjusted endpoint configuration file is available, aws cli is used to package and deploy CloudFormation template. Packaging CloudFormation template requires S3 bucket to store artifact (you can use any S3 bucket available).

Example for manually deploying model:

# Generate endpoint configuration file
python -m pip install deploy/requirements.txt
python deploy/ \
  --model-package-group-name crayonShowcasePackageGroup \
  --model-execution-role ${SAGEMAKER_EXECUTIONROLE_ARN} \
  --datacapture-s3 crayon-showcase \
  --import-endpoint-config deploy/endpoint_config.json \
  --export-endpoint-config deploy/endpoint_config_adj.json

# Package CloudFormation template
aws cloudformation package \
  --template deploy/endpoint-cloudformation.yml
  --output-template deploy/cloudformation.yml
  --s3-bucket crayonshowcase

# Overwrite CloudFormation parameters and deploy
aws cloudformation deploy \
  --template-file deploy/cloudformation.yml \
  --stack-name showcase \
  --parameter-overrides $(jq -r '.Parameters | to_entries[] | "\(.key)=\(.value)"' deploy/endpoint_config_adj.json)

GitHub Actions

In addition to manually deploying all components, GitHub Actions workflow definition can be found under .github/workflows/train_deploy_model.yml. It incorporates all steps that were described in manual steps above.

Following GitHub repository secrets are required:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: used to authenticate toward AWS account
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: used to authenticate toward AWS account
  • SAGEMAKER_DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET: S3 bucket used for inference data capture feature
  • SAGEMAKER_EXECUTIONROLE_ARN: ARN of execution role used across all parts of lifecycle

For additional parameter configuration, following must be adjusted:

  • add additional GitHub repository secret
  • adjust workflow definition to include those parameters together with appropriate script flags

Test inference

For testing inference, simple script is available in predict folder. It generates pandas dataframe from provided CSV file and triggers prediction. Generated model in showcase pipeline only supports text/csv content type for input.

Following arguments are available:

  • endpoint-name (optional): name of endpoint that is going to be deployed (defaults to "crayon-showcase-endpoint").
  • region (optional): specifies AWS region of Sagemaker instance (defaults to "eu-west-1").
  • file-path (optional): file location with prediction data (defaults to "sample_data.csv")

Example for triggering prediction:

python predict/ \
  --endpoint-name crayon-showcase-endpoint \
  --file-path predict/sample_data.csv


AWS Sagemaker pipelines showcase



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