Releases: cqframework/clinical_quality_language
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 translator that addresses issues reported during 1.3 engine implementation:
#361: Fixed terminology membership operators not resolving correctly when invoked with a list of codes.
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 translator that addresses issues reported during 1.3 engine implementation:
#360: Fixed list promotion/demotion not occurring as expected when invoking in with singleton arguments
#359: Fixed ToDate outputting as a FunctionRef instead of a ToDate
#357: Fixed an ambiguous resolution error invoking contains and in with list promotion/demotion enabled
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 translator that includes support for changes resulting from reconciliation feedback:
#356: Updated UCUM validator to 1.0.2
#354: AgeInYears() and AgeInMonths() resolve using a Date rather than a DateTime
#353: Added support for backtick-delimited identifiers
#352: Convert operator supports the ToDate(DateTime) operator
#351: Interval promotion/demotion are disabled by default and must be enabled with switches
#349: Fixed an issue with errors resulting in missing formatter output
#335: Removed activeDatetime from QDM 5.3 model info
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 CQL translator to add support for QDM 5.4 errata. This release includes:
#348: Add support for QDM 5.4 Errata changes
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 CQL translator to add support for QDM 5.4 errata. This release includes:
#346: Add support for QDM 5.4 Errata changes
CQL 1.3 Interim Release
This is an interim release of the 1.3 CQL translator to support evaluation prior to publication of the CQL 1.3 specification. This release includes:
Updated translator option documentation
Updated interval promotion and demotion based on STU comment reconciliation
Added support for QDM 5.4
STU3#214: Updated to align with FHIR normative ballot
STU3#167: Removed mixed type overloads for SameAs operator in ELM
STU3#47: Added Date overloads for CalculateAge and clarified allowed overloads
STU3#72: Added SplitOnMatches operator
STU3#215: Removed the ability to extract week component from date/time values
STU3#218: Added the ability to require a from keyword for all queries
STU3#222: Added a per clause to the Collapse interval operator
#342: Removed activteDatetime from QDM 5.4 schema and model info
CQL 1.3 Ballot Support
This release of the translator supports the 1.3 CQL Ballot as well as several fixes. This release includes the following features and fixes:
#259: ELM for binary set operators now outputs as bushy rather than left-deep trees
#287: Fixed inconsistent translation behavior for Equal and Equivalent
#301: Fixed an issue with implicit conversion resolution for FHIRHelpers
#319: Added support for signature output in ELM
#320: Added support for Ratio types, literals, and operators
#321: Added support for difference of and duration between syntax
#322: Added support for implicit conversion from Integer or Decimal to Quantity
#323: Added translator support Date system type
#324: Changed conversion of List to Concept from implicit to explicit
#325: Updated modelinfo tooling and import
#326: Added support for multiple-qualifier type names
#327: Added support for Product and GeometricMean aggregate operators
#328: Added support for the Expand interval-set operator.
#329: Parameter defaults are now validated as "literal" (i.e. evaluable at compile-time)
#330: Added support for FHIRPath Normative Ballot
#331: Fixed incorrect translation of timing phrases in the presence of certain choice types
#332: Fixed an issue with explicit Patient definition not replacing the implicit definition
CQL 1.2
CQL 1.2
This is a maintenance release that addresses the following issues:
#195: Added UCUM unit validation to the translator. Enable on the command-line with the --validate-units switch. To enable in the translator component, pass a valid UcumService to the CqlTranslator, which can be constructed with the default packaged Ucum content using new UcumEssenceService("/ucum-essence.xml")
#196: Added parsing test for empty tuple selector
#243: Added indentSize and useSpaces to the Formatter, and changed the default to use two (2) spaces
#245: Updated translator switch documentation
#246: Added case expression formatting
#282: Fixed the DefaultLibrarySourceProvider loading incorrect source version when requested version is not available
#284: Fixed LibraryManager not returning cached libraries
#286: Added hasValue() translation for FHIRPath support
#294: Updated example in CQL Execution Framework Readme
#296: Fixed primary code path in FHIR 1.0.2 MedicationStatement
CQL 1.2
This is a maintenance release that addresses the following issues:
#256 Fixed an issue with negative timezone offsets in DateTime and Time literals
#264 Updated code documentation for ProfileType
Performance improvements to the translator based on performance profiling results
#272 Fixed the error "ambiguous conversion" when attempting to use a comparison against a choice type that has multiple possible conversions to the target type of the comparison.
#265 Added support QDM version 4.3
#270 Added support for FHIR version 3.2.0 (Jan 2018 For Comment Ballot version)
#275 Fixed errors translating included libraries not being included in the referencing library translated output