Programs in blitz max for windows and mac, compiled versions in the Win Progs and Mac Progs repositories. Enjoy!
Marg A 3 or 4 player score card for the game Marhjong. RailB A payment chart for the game Rail Baron. MassCopy A system for copying multiple files to a single folder. BaseNet A GUI implimentation of a GNET framework for games VikV1d0Pc The viking game writen using Basenet. Basenet2 A GUI implimentation of a GNET framework with error trapping on the comunications to deal with drop out. VikV2d0Pc The Viking game writen using Basenet2. Basenet3 A GUI implimentation of a GNET framework with error trapping and port settings for port forwarding. VikV3d0Pc The Viking game writen using Basenet3. (Vik3.jpg is a screenshot of the game.) TriTac The game of Tri Tactics writen using Basxenet3. (TriPic.jpg is a screenshot of the game.) BaseNet4 Final version, for NET/Lan multiplayer games. Supporting both Mac and Pc.