An implementation of FPGrowth frequent pattern generation algorithm, along with association rule generation, in Go.
This finds relationships of the form "people who buy X also buy Y", and also determines the strengths (confidence, lift, support) of those relationships.
For an overview of assocation rule mining, see Chapter 5 of Introduction to Data Mining, Kumar et al: Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms.
To build, download and install Go and clone this repository to $GO_PATH/src/arm-go, and build with:
$ go build
This creates the binary arm-go.
You can then run from the command line, for example:
$ ./arm-go --input datasets/kosarak.csv \
--output rules \
--itemsets itemsets \
--min-support 0.05 \
--min-confidence 0.05 \
--min-lift 1.5
To run unit tests:
$ go test