Hello everyone, i am Couse, or aka how I know Max/Astrid.
I am from Ukraine, but I am soon goin to visit and live in London, UK!
I'm personally 16 years old for a year and a half, my brightday will come true sooner and I'll be 17 yrs to start!
What do I know more about? Let's take a look at my introduction, because follow me down!
Let me know. What do you think?
Backend Engineer.
- I am basically trying to learn CSS & JavaSctipt, Java etc from
by that for making personal site for mine also from Eessa.
- Where can you find me, for any social media?
always you can found me about, my nicname for: cousyes. But in Twitter/X reccomended
follow me an here: @itscousyes.
Fun fact: I am joining and working together with an Eessa since, in
2020 year, and for a at I am still working trying to do for my best what I am can!
I hope you enjoyed that so much! <3
π What I am looking for now? - I am now looking for works, for any company same
for 2, by my favourite like: Aviato or Hop.Inc & Railway.app.
- I am a partner with Eessa.
- Melodic Bass, Lo-Fi, Lo-Fi
Sad, Dark R&b, Progressive House, House, Drumstep, Drum & Bass (DnB).
- My future, is are personally and oregin
Software Engineer, Backend Engineer, Web Engineer etc by it topic.
Send me a message on my way by email:
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/itscousyes
GitHub: https://github.com/cousyes
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cousyes/
Keybase: https://keybase.io/cousyes
You are able to found it on my site what will be a sooner
Too realistic! I'm working on it, so if anything is added here, it means I'm done making my website and you can see me on it :)
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