Implementation of Kruskal's algorithm
Kruskal is an algorithm that looks for the minimum weight coverage tree in a graph.
Implémentation de l'algorithme de Kruskal
Kruskal est un algorithme qui recherche l'arbre couvrant de poids minimum dans un graphe.
Before starting, please make sure you have installed:
- python v3
# Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/coursecomputer/kruskal.git
python3 -m unittest discover
from source.graph import Graph
graph = Graph({
"A": { "B": 3, "C": 6 },
"B": { "A": 3, "C": 8 },
"C": { "A": 6, "B": 8 },
# [
# ("A", "B", 3),
# ("A", "C", 6),
# ]
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal%27s_algorithm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU6udHRIkcc&feature=youtu.be (Abdul Bari - 1.12 Disjoint Sets Data Structure - Weighted Union and Collapsing Find)