Welcome to the new static website for Couchbase TechPubs. To create content, you can author all your information in Markdown. If you need a new guide, contact TechPubs so we can discuss and agree upon any new folders and naming. TechPubs will set up your initial folder as well as add it to site navigation.
##Staging Site and Production Site
- Staging: http://docs.pub.couchbase.com/
- Production: docs.couchbase.com
The Staging server is setup to get and produce content in stage branch of docs-ng. There is a second copy of the repo that will produce and publish the master branch of docs-ng to the public system at S3.
To run and preview the site locally, you need:
- xCode with Command Line Tools installed
- Current version of Java
- Ruby 1.9.3 or higher
- Bundler
- Nanoc
Once you get the repo, you will need to run bundle install
##Source Control
The entire new site as well as new content are in a public GitHub repo you can branch:
To edit content, branch this repo make your changes to existing files: Github Repo for docs-ng
git checkout stage
to work on the staging server-only content -
To check the branch you are on use
git branch
Commit your changes,
git add
andgit commit
Push change to staging repo:
git push
When you are ready, send a pull request so your changes can be merged and published
Tech Pubs will elevate any content from the stage repo to the master repo, resolving any merge conflicts if needed:
git checkout stage git pull #make sure stage repo up to date git checkout master git pull #make sure mater repo up to date git merge stage #to merge staged changes to master branch git push #to push to master
##New Guides and New Major Versions
TechPubs will set up your new folder for new guides or new major versions, for example this_guide_name-X.X. TechPubs will also set up the YAML file to include menu options and navigation to your guide. Follow these guidelines once your file is set up:
Create .markdown files for each chapter in your guide.
Create an index.erb file at the root of the content folder. In this file add an include statement for each .markdown chapter, for instance:
<%= include_item 'couchbase-devguide-2.0/couchbase-developer-s-guide-2.0' %>
In your guide folder, keep all your images in a file called images.
##Adding and Editing Content
Follow the spec set down by John Gruber for Markdown
There are other options supported by Multi-Markdown which we also support, most importantly tables. For information on creating tables, see Markdown Cheatsheet
In general you can use any editor of your choice, with the preference that it includes some automatic spell- and grammar- checking.
After you are done making your changes, make sure you make a pull request so they are picked up in the master repo and published on the staging server.
##Previewing and Publishing Content
To preview your content locally, in the docs-ng repo convert your Markdown to HTML:
nanoc or bundle exec nanoc
Then you can preview it:
nanoc view
Open your web browser to localhost:3000/guide_name/
When you content is ready to stage, commit it and send a pull request to have it added to the master branch in GitHub. This will get picked up by the staging server automatically.
##Staging Server
There is a script which pulls the content and stages it and a cron job that runs it. To run it, ssh to docs@docs.pub.couchbase.com with the correct key and run ./pull_publish.sh. Alternately you can perform:
git pull
bundle exec nanoc
This script will pull from a local mirror site containing all github repos for couchbase and couchbaselabs.