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fix up default-valueset-version tests
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Grahame Grieve committed Feb 23, 2025
1 parent 889c8d0 commit 5cfa630
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Showing 9 changed files with 60 additions and 22 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions library/fhir/fhir_common.pas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ TFhirOperationOutcomeIssueW = class (TFHIRXVersionElementWrapper)
function link : TFhirOperationOutcomeIssueW; overload;
function display : String; virtual; abstract;
function severity : TIssueSeverity; virtual; abstract;
procedure addCode(systemUri, code : String); virtual; abstract;
property diagnostics : String read GetDiagnostics write SetDiagnostics;

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions library/fhir3/fhir3_common.pas
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Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue3 = class (TFHIROperationOutcomeIssueW)
function wrapExtension(extension : TFHIRObject) : TFHIRExtensionW; override;
function display : String; override;
function severity : TIssueSeverity; override;
procedure addCode(systemUri, code : String); override;
function getDiagnostics: String; override;
procedure setDiagnostics(Value: String); override;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1775,6 +1776,11 @@ function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue3.severity: TIssueSeverity;
result := ISSUE_SEVERITY_MAP[issue.severity];

procedure TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue3.addCode(systemUri, code: String);
issue.details.addCoding(systemUri, '', code, '');

function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue3.getDiagnostics: String;
result := issue.diagnostics;
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions library/fhir4/fhir4_common.pas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4 = class (TFHIROperationOutcomeIssueW)
function wrapExtension(extension : TFHIRObject) : TFHIRExtensionW; override;
function display : String; override;
procedure addCode(systemUri, code : String); override;
function severity : TIssueSeverity; override;
function getDiagnostics: String; override;
procedure setDiagnostics(Value: String); override;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1749,6 +1750,11 @@ function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4.display: String;
result := i.details.text;

procedure TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4.addCode(systemUri, code: String);
issue.details.addCoding(systemUri, '', code, '');

function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4.issue: TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue;
result := Element as TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue;
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions library/fhir4b/fhir4b_common.pas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4B = class (TFHIROperationOutcomeIssueW)
function wrapExtension(extension : TFHIRObject) : TFHIRExtensionW; override;
function display : String; override;
function severity : TIssueSeverity; override;
procedure addCode(systemUri, code : String); override;
function getDiagnostics: String; override;
procedure setDiagnostics(Value: String); override;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1755,6 +1756,11 @@ function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4B.severity: TIssueSeverity;
result := ISSUE_SEVERITY_MAP[issue.severity];

procedure TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4B.addCode(systemUri, code: String);
issue.details.addCoding(systemUri, '', code, '');

function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue4B.getDiagnostics: String;
result := issue.diagnostics;
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions library/fhir5/fhir5_common.pas
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Expand Up @@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue5 = class (TFHIROperationOutcomeIssueW)
function wrapExtension(extension : TFHIRObject) : TFHIRExtensionW; override;
function display : String; override;
procedure addCode(systemUri, code : String); override;
function severity : TIssueSeverity; override;
function getDiagnostics: String; override;
procedure setDiagnostics(Value: String); override;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1757,6 +1758,11 @@ function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue5.display: String;
result := i.details.text;

procedure TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue5.addCode(systemUri, code: String);
issue.details.addCoding(systemUri, '', code, '');

function TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue5.issue: TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue;
result := Element as TFHIROperationOutcomeIssue;
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions library/ftx/fhir_valuesets.pas
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Expand Up @@ -3316,7 +3316,7 @@ procedure TFHIRValueSetExpander.checkCanExpandValueset(uri, version: String);
vs : TFHIRValueSetW;
vs := findValueSet(uri, version);
if vs = nil then
if (version = '') and (uri.contains('|')) then
Expand All @@ -3327,7 +3327,7 @@ procedure TFHIRValueSetExpander.checkCanExpandValueset(uri, version: String);
if (version = '') then
raise ETerminologyError.create(FI18n.translate('VS_EXP_IMPORT_UNK', FLangList, [uri]), itUnknown)
raise ETerminologyError.create(FI18n.translate('VS_EXP_IMPORT_UNK_PINNED', FLangList, [uri, version]), itUnknown);
raise ETerminologyError.create(FI18n.translate('VS_EXP_IMPORT_UNK_PINNED', FLangList, [uri, version]), itNotFound, oicNotFound);
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion library/ftx/ftx_service.pas
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Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,12 @@ ETerminologySetup = class (EFslException); // problem in the terminology confi
ETerminologyError = class (EFslException) // problem in terminology operation
FIssueType : TFhirIssueType;
FopIssue : TOpIssueCode;
constructor Create(message : String; issueType : TFhirIssueType);
constructor Create(message : String; issueType : TFhirIssueType; opIssue : TOpIssueCode);
property IssueType : TFhirIssueType read FIssueType;
property OpIssue : TOpIssueCode read FopIssue;

ETerminologyTodo = Class(ETerminologyError)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1377,10 +1380,18 @@ procedure TCodeSystemIteratorContext.moveCursor(current: integer);

{ ETerminologyError }

constructor ETerminologyError.create(message: String; issueType: TFhirIssueType);
constructor ETerminologyError.Create(message: String; issueType: TFhirIssueType);
inherited Create(message);
FIssueType := issueType;
FopIssue := oicVoid;

constructor ETerminologyError.Create(message: String; issueType: TFhirIssueType; opIssue: TOpIssueCode);
inherited Create(message);
FIssueType := issueType;
FopIssue := opIssue;

{ ETerminologyTodo }
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38 changes: 20 additions & 18 deletions server/endpoint_storage.pas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ TStorageWebEndpoint = class (TFhirWebServerEndpoint)
sCookie, provenance, sBearer: String; oPostStream: TStream; oResponse: TFHIRResponse; var aFormat: TFHIRFormat; var redirect: boolean; form: TMimeMessage;
bAuth, secure: boolean; out relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; var style : TFHIROutputStyle; Session: TFHIRSession; cert: TIdOpenSSLX509; tt : TFslTimeTracker): TFHIRRequest;
Procedure ProcessOutput(start : UInt64; oRequest: TFHIRRequest; oResponse: TFHIRResponse; request: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; response: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; style : TFHIROutputStyle; gzip, cache: boolean; summary : String);
procedure SendError(response: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; logid : string; status: word; format: TFHIRFormat; langList : THTTPLanguageList; message, url: String; e: exception; Session: TFHIRSession; addLogins: boolean; path: String; relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; code: TFHIRIssueType; messageId, diagnostics : String); overload;
procedure SendError(response: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; logid : string; status: word; format: TFHIRFormat; langList : THTTPLanguageList; message, url: String; e: exception; Session: TFHIRSession; addLogins: boolean; path: String; relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; code: TFHIRIssueType; messageId, diagnostics : String; opIssue : TOpIssueCode); overload;
function processProvenanceHeader(header : String; langList : THTTPLanguageList): TFhirProvenanceW;
function EncodeVersionsJson(r: TFHIRResourceV): TBytes;
function EncodeVersionsXml(r: TFHIRResourceV): TBytes;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1548,65 +1548,65 @@ function TStorageWebEndpoint.HandleRequest(AContext: TIdContext; request: TIdHTT
result := result + ' (Auth needed)';
SendError(response, logId, e.status, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, true, sPath + sDoc, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itLogin, '', '');
SendError(response, logId, e.status, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, true, sPath + sDoc, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itLogin, '', '', oicVoid);
on e: ETerminologyError do
//result := result + ' (Auth needed)';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '', oicVoid)
else if e.IssueType = itNull then
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '', e.OpIssue)
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.issueType, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.issueType, '', '', e.OpIssue)
on e: ETerminologySetup do
result := result + ' (msg: '+e.message+')';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '', oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '');
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNotSupported, '', '', oicVoid);
on e: ETooCostly do
result := result + ' (msg: Too-Costly)';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itTooCostly, '', e.Diagnostics)
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itTooCostly, '', e.Diagnostics, oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itTooCostly, '', e.Diagnostics);
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_BUSINESS_RULES_FAILED, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itTooCostly, '', e.Diagnostics, oicVoid);
on e: ERestfulException do
result := result + ' (msg: '+e.message+')';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.code, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.code, '', '', oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, e.status, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.code, '', '');
SendError(response, logId, e.status, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, e.code, '', '', oicVoid);
on e: EWebServerException do
result := result + ' (msg: '+e.message+')';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, issueType(e.issueType), e.MessageId, '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, issueType(e.issueType), e.MessageId, '', oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, e.Code, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, issueType(e.issueType), e.MessageId, e.diagnostics);
SendError(response, logId, e.Code, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, issueType(e.issueType), e.MessageId, e.diagnostics, oicVoid);
on e: EFslException do
result := result + ' (msg: '+e.message+')';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '', oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_INTERNAL, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '');
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_INTERNAL, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '', oicVoid);
on e: exception do
result := result + ' (err: '+e.message+')';
if noErrCode then
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '')
SendError(response, logId, 200, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '', oicVoid)
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_INTERNAL, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '');
SendError(response, logId, HTTP_ERR_INTERNAL, aFormat, langList, e.message, sPath, e, Session, false, path, relativeReferenceAdjustment, itNull, '', '', oicVoid);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ procedure TStorageWebEndpoint.ProcessOutput(start: UInt64;

procedure TStorageWebEndpoint.SendError(response: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; logid: string; status: word; format: TFHIRFormat; langList : THTTPLanguageList;
message, url: String; e: exception; Session: TFHIRSession; addLogins: boolean; path: String; relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; code: TFHIRIssueType; messageId, diagnostics : String);
message, url: String; e: exception; Session: TFHIRSession; addLogins: boolean; path: String; relativeReferenceAdjustment: integer; code: TFHIRIssueType; messageId, diagnostics : String; opIssue : TOpIssueCode);
issue: TFhirOperationOutcomeW;
oComp: TFHIRComposer;
Expand All @@ -2283,6 +2283,8 @@ procedure TStorageWebEndpoint.SendError(response: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; logid: st
iss.diagnostics := diagnostics;
if (messageId <> '') then
iss.addExtensionV('', FContext.factory.makeString(messageId));
if (opIssue <> oicVoid) then
iss.addCode('', CODES_TOpIssueCode[opIssue]);
issue.addIssue(iss, false);
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/tx_operations.pas
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Expand Up @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ procedure TFhirTerminologyOperation.processExpansionParams(request: TFHIRRequest
result.seeVersionRule(p.valueString, fvmCheck)
else if ( = 'force-system-version') then
result.seeVersionRule(p.valueString, fvmOverride)
else if ( = 'valueset-version') then
else if ( = 'default-valueset-version') then
else if ( = 'displayLanguage') then
result.DisplayLanguages := parseLanguages(p.valueString)
Expand Down

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