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The official JavaScript SDK for Cosmic. Use it to power content server-side, in the browser, and in native apps.


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Cosmic JavaScript SDK

Cosmic is a headless CMS (content management system) that provides a web dashboard to create content and an API toolkit to deliver content to any website or application. Nearly any type of content can be built using the dashboard and delivered using this SDK.

Get started free →


Install the Cosmic JavaScript SDK. We recommend using the bun package manager.

bun add @cosmicjs/sdk
# OR
yarn add @cosmicjs/sdk
# OR
npm install @cosmicjs/sdk


Import Cosmic into your app using the createBucketClient method.

import { createBucketClient } from '@cosmicjs/sdk';


In the Cosmic admin dashboard go to Bucket > Settings > API Access and get your Bucket slug and read key then set the variables in your app to connect to your Bucket.

const cosmic = createBucketClient({
  bucketSlug: 'BUCKET_SLUG',
  readKey: 'BUCKET_READ_KEY',

Get Objects

Objects are the basic building blocks of content in Cosmic.

Get multiple Objects [see docs]

Use the objects.find() method to fetch Objects.

const posts = await cosmic.objects
    type: 'posts',
  .props(['title', 'slug', 'metadata'])

The above example fetches Objects in the posts Object type returning the title, slug, and metadata properties, limiting the response to 10 Objects.

Get single Object by slug [see docs]

Use the objects.findOne() method with type and slug to fetch a single Object.

const post = await cosmic.objects
    type: 'pages',
    slug: 'home',
  .props(['title', 'slug', 'metadata']);

Create, update, and delete Objects

To write to the Cosmic API, you will need to set the Bucket write key found in Bucket > Settings > API Access. (NOTE: never expose your write key in any client-side code)

const cosmic = createBucketClient({
  bucketSlug: 'BUCKET_SLUG',
  readKey: 'BUCKET_READ_KEY',
  writeKey: 'BUCKET_WRITE_KEY',

Create Object [see docs]

Use the objects.insertOne() method to create an Object.

await cosmic.objects.insertOne({
  title: 'Blog Post Title',
  type: 'posts',
  metadata: {
    content: 'Here is the blog post content... still learning',
    seo_description: 'This is the blog post SEO description.',
    featured_post: true,
    tags: ['javascript', 'cms'],

Update Object [see docs]

Use the objects.updateOne() method to update an Object by specifying the Object id and include properties that you want to update.

await cosmic.objects.updateOne('5ff75368c2dfa81a91695cec', {
  metadata: {
    content: 'This is the updated blog post content... I got it now!',
    featured_post: false,

Delete Object [see docs]

Use the objects.deleteOne() method to delete an Object by specifying the Object id.

await cosmic.objects.deleteOne('5ff75368c2dfa81a91695cec');

AI Capabilities

Cosmic provides AI-powered text and image generation capabilities through the SDK.

Generate Text [see docs]

Use the ai.generateText() method to generate text content using AI models. You must provide either a prompt or messages parameter.

Using a simple prompt:

const textResponse = await{
  prompt: 'Write a product description for a coffee mug',
  max_tokens: 500, // optional

console.log(textResponse.usage); // { input_tokens: 10, output_tokens: 150 }

Using messages for chat-based models:

const chatResponse = await{
  messages: [
    { role: 'user', content: 'Tell me about coffee mugs' },
      role: 'assistant',
      content: 'Coffee mugs are vessels designed to hold hot beverages...',
    { role: 'user', content: 'What materials are they typically made from?' },
  max_tokens: 500, // optional


Analyze Images and Files

The AI model can analyze images and files when generating text responses. This feature works with both the prompt and messages approaches.

const textWithImageResponse = await{
  prompt: 'Describe this coffee mug and suggest improvements to its design',
  media_url: '',
  max_tokens: 500,


Generate Image [see docs]

Use the ai.generateImage() method to create AI-generated images based on text prompts.

const imageResponse = await{
  prompt: 'A serene mountain landscape at sunset',
  // Optional parameters
  metadata: { tags: ['landscape', 'mountains', 'sunset'] },
  folder: 'ai-generated-images',
  alt_text: 'A beautiful mountain landscape with a colorful sunset',

// Access the generated image properties
console.log(; // Direct URL to the generated image
console.log(; // Imgix-enhanced URL for additional transformations
console.log(; // Image width
console.log(; // Image height
console.log(; // Alt text for the image
console.log(imageResponse.revised_prompt); // Potentially revised prompt used by the AI

Learn more

Go to the Cosmic docs to learn more capabilities.

Community support

For additional help, you can use one of these channels to ask a question:

Cosmic support

  • Contact us for help with any service questions and custom plan inquiries.


This project uses changeset to manage releases. Follow the following steps to add a changeset:

  • Run npm run changeset command and select type of release with description of changes.
  • When PR with changeset is merged into main branch, Github will create a new PR with correct version change and changelog edits.
  • When codeowner merges the generated PR, it will publish the package and create a Github release.


This project is published under the MIT license.