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SALSA - SALesforce Scanner for Aura (and beyond)

SALSA has been developped on a lot of my personal free time, to help me on pentesting and bug hunting activites against Salesforce Lightning (Aura) and API assets. Please note it is fully experimental.

I decided to share it for free, to help the community.
If you would ever like to buy me a coffee or a beer πŸ˜‡ :

"Buy Me A Coffee"


  • Enumeration and/or dump data records (and sub-records) from:
    • Aura controllers
    • Services API (Direct sObjects /services/data/v60.0/sobjects or SOQL /services/data/v60.0/query/)
    • SOAP (/services/Soap/c/)
  • Works as unauthenticated or authenticated user (username / password or sid or aura.token).
  • Enumeration records entities types (with or without custom entities *__c filtering) from:
    • Target APIs harvesting
    • And/or Salesforce packages reflections
    • And/or encountered entities in the wild
  • Test for targetted record identifier.
  • Bruteforcing record identifiers.
  • ⚠️ Automatized test for arbitrary records creation.
  • ⚠️ Automatized test for arbitrary records fields edition.
  • And more: routing to HTTP proxy for investigation, custom User-Agent, automatized finding of entities fields, auto-detect FWUID, etc.

⚠️: dangerous & experimental



usage: SALSA πŸ’ƒβš‘ - SALesforce Scanner for Aura (and beyond)
       [-h] -t TARGET [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--sid SID] [--token TOKEN] [--path PATH] [--id ID] [--bruteforce] [--types TYPES] [--update] [--create] [--ua UA] [--proxy PROXY] [--dump]
       [--output OUTPUT] [--typesintrospection] [--typeswordlist] [--typesapi] [--custom] [--app APP] [--force] [--debug] [--trace]

Enumeration of vulnerabilities and misconfiguration against Salesforce endpoint.

named arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                         Target URL
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                         Username (for authenticated mode)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                         Password (for authenticated mode)
  --sid SID              The SID cookie value (for authenticated mode - instead of username/password)
  --token TOKEN          The aura token (for authenticated mode - instead of username/password)
  --path PATH            Set specific base path.
  --id ID                Find a specific record from its id.
  --bruteforce           Enable bruteforce of Salesforce identifiers from a specific record id (from --recordid). (default: false)
  --types TYPES          Target record(s) only from following type(s) (should be comma-separated).
  --update               Test for record fields update permissions (WARNING: will inject data in the app!). (default: false)
  --create               Test for record creation permissions (WARNING: will inject data in the app!). (default: false)
  --ua UA                Set specific User-Agent.
  --proxy PROXY          Use following HTTP proxy (ex:
  --dump                 Dump records as Json files. (default: false)
  --output OUTPUT        Output folder for dumping records as Json files.
  --typesintrospection   Use record types from Salesforce package introspection. (default: false)
  --typeswordlist        Use record types from internal wordlist. (default: false)
  --typesapi             Use record types from APIs on the target. (default: false)
  --custom               Only target custom record types (*__c). (default: false)
  --app APP              Custom AURA App Name.
  --force                Continue the scanning actions even if in case of incoherent or incorrect results. (default: false)
  --debug                Increase the log level to DEBUG mode. (default: false)
  --trace                Increase the log level to TRACE mode. (default: false)


Simple scan - Unauthenticated
java -jar target/salsa-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t --typesapi

[*] Searching for Salesforce Aura instance on ...
[!] Found Salesforce Aura instance on path: /aura
[!] Scan will continue as unauthenticated (guest) user ...
[*] Looking for all objects with standard or custom types.
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from Aura service.
[*] Found 2111 object types from Salesforce Aura service!
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from REST sObject API.
[*] Aura: looking for records for type AINaturalLangProcessRslt
[*] Aura: looking for records for type AINtrlLangProcChunkRslt
[*] Aura: looking for records for type AIPredictionScore
Simple scan - Unauthenticated - Custom types only
❯ java -jar target/salsa-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t --typesapi --custom

[*] Searching for Salesforce Aura instance on ...
[!] Found Salesforce Aura instance on path: /aura
[!] Scan will continue as unauthenticated (guest) user ...
[*] Looking for all objects with standard or custom types.
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from Aura service.
[*] Found 2111 object types from Salesforce Aura service!
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from REST sObject API.
[*] Reducing to 4 custom object types.
[*] Aura: looking for records for type CountryLanguage__c
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 00B0H000007t1qlUAA and type(s) [ListView].
[!] The recordId 00B0H000007t1qlUAA cannot be found through descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord (error: We couldn't find the record you're trying to access. It may have been deleted by another user, or there may have been a system error. Ask your administrator for help.).
[!] No records found from recordId 00B0H000007t1qlUAA and descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvpController/ACTION$getRecord: {objectMetadata={ListView={_nameField=Name, _entityLabel=List View, _keyPrefix=00B}}, quickActionRecordTemplates={}, recordErrors={00B0H000007t1qlUAA={message=We couldn't find the record you're trying to access. It may have been deleted by another user, or there may have been a system error. Ask your administrator for help.}}, records={}, recordTemplates={}, resolvedDraftIds=[], quickActionMetadata={}, refreshErrors=[], requestIds={00B0H000007t1qlUAA=[00B0H000007t1qlUAA.null.null.null.Id.VIEW]}, purgedRecordIds=[], layouts={}}
[*] Aura: looking for records for type Country__c
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 00B0H000007t1qgUAA and type(s) [ListView].
Simple scan - Unauthenticated - Targetted record type and bruteforce
❯ java -jar target/salsa-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t --types Store__History --id 0176S0001GvGwvEQQS --bruteforce
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
[*] Searching for Salesforce Aura instance on ...
[!] Found Salesforce Aura instance on path: /aura
[!] Scan will continue as unauthenticated (guest) user ...
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 0176S0001GvGwvMQQS and type(s) [Store__History].
[!] Cannot find fields for object type Store__History through descriptor aura://RecordUiController/ACTION$getObjectInfo.
[!] Cannot find record with fields for ID 0176S0001GvGwvMQQS and type Store__History.
[!] The recordId 0176S0001GvGwvMQQS cannot be found through descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord (error: You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access.).
[!] No records found from recordId 0176S0001GvGwvMQQS and descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvpController/ACTION$getRecord: {objectMetadata={}, quickActionRecordTemplates={}, recordErrors={0176S0001GvGwvMQQS={message=You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access., inaccessible=true}}, records={}, recordTemplates={}, resolvedDraftIds=[], quickActionMetadata={}, refreshErrors=[], requestIds={0176S0001GvGwvMQQS=[0176S0001GvGwvMQQS.null.null.null.Id.VIEW]}, purgedRecordIds=[], layouts={}}
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 0176S0001GvGwvNQQS and type(s) [Store__History].
[!] Cannot find record with fields for ID 0176S0001GvGwvNQQS and type Store__History.
[!] The recordId 0176S0001GvGwvNQQS cannot be found through descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord (error: You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access.).
[!] No records found from recordId 0176S0001GvGwvNQQS and descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvpController/ACTION$getRecord: {objectMetadata={}, quickActionRecordTemplates={}, recordErrors={0176S0001GvGwvNQQS={message=You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access., inaccessible=true}}, records={}, recordTemplates={}, resolvedDraftIds=[], quickActionMetadata={}, refreshErrors=[], requestIds={0176S0001GvGwvNQQS=[0176S0001GvGwvNQQS.null.null.null.Id.VIEW]}, purgedRecordIds=[], layouts={}}
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 0176S0001GvGwvLQQS and type(s) [Store__History].
[!] Cannot find record with fields for ID 0176S0001GvGwvLQQS and type Store__History.
[!] The recordId 0176S0001GvGwvLQQS cannot be found through descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord (error: You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access.).
[!] No records found from recordId 0176S0001GvGwvLQQS and descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvpController/ACTION$getRecord: {objectMetadata={}, quickActionRecordTemplates={}, recordErrors={0176S0001GvGwvLQQS={message=You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access., inaccessible=true}}, records={}, recordTemplates={}, resolvedDraftIds=[], quickActionMetadata={}, refreshErrors=[], requestIds={0176S0001GvGwvLQQS=[0176S0001GvGwvLQQS.null.null.null.Id.VIEW]}, purgedRecordIds=[], layouts={}}
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 0176S0001GvGwvKQQS and type(s) [Store__History].
Simple scan - Authenticated - Targetted record type
❯ java -jar target/salsa-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t --types User --sid '00Di000.REDACTED' --token "eyJ2ZXIiOi.REDACTED"
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
[*] Searching for Salesforce Aura instance on ...
[!] Found Salesforce Aura instance on path: /aura
[!] Will try with explicitly provided credentials {username=''}
[*] Looking for all objects with type(s) [User].
[*] Aura: looking for records for type User
[!] Client is out-of-sync. Will retry with new FWUID: WFIwUmVJdm.REDACTED
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId 005ixxxxx and type(s) [User].
[*] Found 190 fields for sObject type User from Aura service.
[*] Found record 005ixxxxxx with descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord!
[*] 1 object(s) retrieved with descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.lists.selectableListDataProvider.SelectableListDataProviderController/ACTION$getItems from object type User!
[*] End of scanning of
Simple scan - Authenticated - Custom record types dump
❯ java -jar target/salsa-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t --typesapi --custom --sid '00Di000.REDACTED' --token "eyJ2ZXIiOi.REDACTED" --dump --proxy
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
[*] Searching for Salesforce Aura instance on ...
[!] Found Salesforce Aura instance on path: /aura
[!] Will try with explicitly provided credentials {username=''}
[*] Looking for all objects with standard or custom types.
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from Aura service.
[!] Client is out-of-sync. Will retry with new FWUID: WFIwUmVJ...REDACTED
[*] Found 2111 object types from Salesforce Aura service!
[*] Will retrieve all sObjects types known by the target from REST sObject API.
[*] Found 279 object types from Salesforce REST sObject API!
[*] Reducing to 24 custom object types.
[*] Aura: looking for records for type MyOtherType__c
[*] SOAP: looking for records for type MyOtherType__c
[*] Found 0 entities of types MyOtherType__c through SOAP API!
[*] Query Data API: looking for records for type MyOtherType__c
[*] SObject Data API: looking for records for type MyOtherType__c
[*] Aura: looking for records for type Wonderful__c
[*] SOAP: looking for records for type Wonderful__c
[*] Found 0 entities of types Wonderful__c through SOAP API!
[*] Query Data API: looking for records for type Wonderful__c
[*] SObject Data API: looking for records for type Wonderful__c
[*] Aura: looking for records for type MyOtherTypeAgain__c
[*] SOAP: looking for records for type MyOtherTypeAgain__c
[*] Found 0 entities of types MyOtherTypeAgain__c through SOAP API!
[*] Query Data API: looking for records for type MyOtherTypeAgain__c
[*] SObject Data API: looking for records for type MyOtherTypeAgain__c
[*] Aura: looking for records for type MyType__c
[*] SOAP: looking for records for type MyType__c
[*] Found 10 entities of types MyType__c through SOAP API!
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId a4AREDACTED and type(s) [MyType__c].
[!] Cannot find fields for object type MyType__c through descriptor aura://RecordUiController/ACTION$getObjectInfo.
[*] Found 29 fields for sObject type MyType__c from REST sObject API.
[!] Cannot find record with fields for ID a4AREDACTED and type MyType__c.
[!] The recordId a4AREDACTED cannot be found through descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.detail.DetailController/ACTION$getRecord (error: You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access.).
[!] No records found from recordId a4AREDACTED and descriptor serviceComponent://ui.force.components.controllers.recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvpController/ACTION$getRecord: {objectMetadata={}, quickActionRecordTemplates={}, recordErrors={a4AREDACTED={message=You don't have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access., inaccessible=true}}, records={}, recordTemplates={}, resolvedDraftIds=[], quickActionMetadata={}, refreshErrors=[], requestIds={a4AREDACTED=[a4AREDACTED.null.null.null.Id.VIEW]}, purgedRecordIds=[], layouts={}}
[*] Found sObject a4AREDACTED of type MyType__c from REST sObject API: [MyType__c]{[[StartDateTime__c=2023-12-05T18:00:00.000+0000], [CreatedDate=2023-11-28T14:07:00.000+0000],....]}
[*] Looking for sObject with recordId a4A6REDACTED and type(s) [MyType__c].
[!] Cannot find record with fields for ID a4A6REDACTED and type MyType__c.
[*] Query Data API: looking for records for type TR_MyLV_Diamond__c
[*] SObject Data API: looking for records for type TR_MyLV_Diamond__c
[*] Will dump merged object a4AREDACTED to ./output2024.
[*] Will dump merged object a2RREDACTED to ./output2024.
[*] Will dump merged object a0NREDACTED to ./output2024.

Dumped records will be stored into a timestamped output folder

Current limitations

  • SOAP query requests are limited to 10 items.
  • Bruteforcing IDs is limited to 10 items.


Release date: maybe one day

  • Find & add alternatives authentications.
  • Detect debug mode arbitrary activation (
  • Download item for Document type identifier (hit https://ATTACHMENTS_DOMAIN/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/<id> - URL can also be found in Generic_DocumentDownloadPathUrl attribute from descriptor serviceComponent://ui.comm.runtime.components.aura.components.siteforce.controller.PubliclyCacheableComponentLoaderController/ACTION$getPageComponent)
  • Data API - Composite: /services/data/vXX.0/composite/batch (POST, with examples parameters: {"batchRequests": [{"method": "PATCH", "url": "v38.0/sobjects/OpportunityLineItem/<ID>", "richInput": {"End_Date__c": "2017-01-19"}]}})
  • Data API - Anonymous APEX execution: /services/data/vXX.0/tooling/executeAnonymous/?anonymousBody=
  • Async API - Job: /services/async/xx.0/job (POST and <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jobInfo xmlns=""><operation>update</operation><object>OpportunityLineItem</object><contentType>CSV</contentType></jobInfo> or <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jobInfo xmlns=""><state>Closed</state></jobInfo>). Other related endpoints: /services/data/v60.0/jobs/query, /services/async/xx.0/job/JOBID, /services/async/xx.0/job/JOBID/batch, /services/async/xx.0/job/JOBID/batch/BATCHID/result
  • Apex REST API: /services/apexrest/SoapMessage, /services/apexrest/Cases
  • Find the parameters for other classic Aura controllers πŸ₯Ή


Disclaimer: "spaghetti code" here, due to Salesforce technical contexts discoveries, mixed between official documentations, write-ups, reverse engineering, empirical tests. Hence I could study for small new features proposals or major bug fixes, this tool is now hard to maintain.

Then, before opening an issue, please consider the following points:

  1. I strongly encourage you to switch the logging level to DEBUG or TRACE level (--debug / --trace).
  2. The tool can send thousand of requests and works for hours. Two possible consequences:
  • You can be banned by the target.
  • The authentication could have a short expiration time on your target. I do not know how to detect & manage that part, there is no real homogeneous behaviour for this. I could only suggest you to reduce the record types to test.
  1. I think the tool is adapted to most of Salesforce contexts, but not all of them.
  2. Route the tool an HTTP proxy for further investigation (--proxy for instance)


Why is the authentication username/password does not work ?

Because the target is maybe not using the Aura Controller apex://LightningLoginFormController/ACTION$login: prefer using the sid (session id) or token (Aura token) after a manual authentication.

What's is the difference between sid and token ?

The token is used for authenticated Aura controller interactions. The sid is used to interact with other APIs (and sometimes Aura controllers). The format are not the same though: for the token it is more like a JWT, for the sid it is prefixed by the organization identifier.

Why there are limitations regarding the amount of data dump in queries for example ?

Yes, it could be improved with new arguments. The initial reason was that the tool can launch thousand of requests and could last for hours (Entities count / fields cound / controllers count / services count / etc.). The limitations are present to reduce the duration. Feel free to change that.

How do I find targets ?

It is up to you, but it can be done with nuclei: nuclei -rl 10 -t "http/misconfiguration/salesforce-aura.yaml" -l subdomains.txt

Why the source code is so complex ? Why Java ?

In the beginning it was a clean set of small scripts. Discoveries after discoveries, I have added, modified, removed some parts. Without unit tests. And Salesforce contexts are very complex / customisable, targets behaviors can differ and code is adapted with some unelegant if/then/else. The last reason is that I wanted to have the most adaptable and automatized tool for this kind of assessment. I dig into complex workflows, but abandonned some steps. Why Java ? Because Salesforce APEX is very close to Java, and Salesforce have some libraries in Java which could be decompiled to be dynamically integrated into the tool. And I like Java (nobody is perfect).

Credits and ressources

Thanks for all these ressources (tools, write-ups, docs, ...), which help me a lot:


Released under GPL-3.0 license.