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File metadata and controls

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Example CDK Application

This is an example CDK application meant to illustrate the experience a developer might have when using CDK to create an application on AWS. This is not necessarily the recommended way to create a CDK application, but is probably the way that I would do it.

Project Management

The project files are created and managed by projen. Projen allows you to manage your project with the same construct programming model that you use in the rest of your CDK application.

Some nice things that projen does for me:

  1. Sets up all the TypeScript project boilerplate. I don't need to mess with those files (Projen actually makes sure I can't!)
  2. Configures automated dependency updates
  3. Adds all project commands to a common workflow. For example, when I run yarn build it will: a. Runs the default command to synthesize the project project b. Runs the pre-compile command c. Runs the compile command d. Runs the post-compile command e. Runs the test command e1. Runs the jest command e2. Runs the eslint command e3. Runs the integ-runner command f. Runs the package command

Automated management of application components

I've implemented my own version of a function auto discover which can be viewed in the projenrc folder.

Why did I do this? Because it makes it easier to focus on the application logic and reduces the infrastructure boilerplate. When I want to add a new component and just create the application entrypoint and the infrastructure components and bundling are automatically created for me.

Lambda Functions

It will automatically discover any files with the naming strategy *.lambda.ts and assume that those represent Lambda function handlers. When it finds these files it will automatically:

  • Create an Infrastructure component that creates the Lambda Function (see create-function.ts)
  • Add a Bundling step that bundles the handler using esbuild.

ECS Services

It will automatically discover any files with the naming strategy *.ecs-task.ts and assume that those represent ECS task servers. When it finds these files it will automatically:

  • Create an infrastructure component that registers the application container to the task definition (see get-post.ts)
  • Add a Bundling step that bundles the entrypoint using esbuild
  • Creates a Dockerfile in the asset out directory that will be used to build the container.

Application lifecycle

1. Initialize the app

Ideally all of the projen stuff would be part of a separate library (not done to keep everything in this project) so that I could do something like:

npx projen new --from my-projen-lib@1.0.0

This would initialize the projen project with all of the customizations. My organization could have projen templates for common project types (i.e. --from @my-org/projen-website, --from @my-org/projen-serverless, --from @my-org/projen-ecs, etc)

2. Create the application Stage

A CDK Stage is an abstraction that describes a single logical, cohesive deployable unit of your application. Within a Stage we will define all of our Stacks which should be deployed together. Once we define our stage, we can then instantiate our stage multiple times to model multiple copies of our application which could be deployed to different environments.

I start by creating the Stage because the first stage that I will instantiate will be my development stage. This allows me to iterate in my development environment and then when I am ready to deploy to production I can just instantiate a new instance of the stage.


import { Stage, StageProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib/core';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

export class AppStage extends Stage {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StageProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);


import { App } from 'aws-cdk-lib/core';
import { AppStage } from './app';

const app = new App();

new AppStage(app, 'DevStage', {
  env: {
    region: 'us-east-2',
    account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, // my personal dev account

Now my app has a single Stage that will deploy to my personal development account.

3. Start building the first component

Create Lambda handler

I'll start developing my first component (green). This component will be a construct so that I could build and test it independently.

I'll create a new folder and file for the lambda handler src/posts/create.lambda.ts. After re-running projen I should see a new file that was generated and contains the CDK Lambda function src/posts/create-function.ts.

I can also create unit tests for the handler test/posts/create.lambda.test.ts

At this point I will probably run yarn test:watch and iterate on the handler code and unit tests.

Once I am ready to start testing it as a Lambda function, I can create the construct for the component.


export interface CreatePostProps {


export class CreatePost extends Construct {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CreatePostProps) {
    super(scope, id);
    new CreateFunction(this, 'CreatePost');

I can also create the unit test for this component test/components/create-post.test.ts.

Create integration test

Once I have the component created I can create the integration test which will allow me to iterate in the cloud.


export class TestCase extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new CreatePost(this, 'CreatePost', { });

const testCase = new TestCase(app, 'integ-create-post', { });

const integ = new IntegTest(app, 'integ-test', {
  testCases: [testCase],
  diffAssets: true,

I can then deploy this in watch mode. This allows me to watch for changes and automatically deploy updates to just this component.

yarn integ-runner --watch test/components/integ.create-post.ts

Now that it is deployed successfully I can go back and add the missing features to the component.

Iterate and get component working

I have the Lambda function deployed, but I need to create an API Gateway with a route to the Lambda function. I also need to create the DynamoDB table which will contain the data for the app.

I'll update the integration test and add the API Gateway HTTP API. integ.create-post.ts

export class TestCase extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const api = new HttpApi(this, 'IntegApi');
    const createPost = new CreatePost(this, 'CreatePost', {

Now I need to update the CreatePost construct to take the HttpApi and add the route.


export interface CreatePostProps {
   * The HTTP Api
  readonly api: HttpApi;

export class CreatePost extends Construct {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CreatePostProps) {
    super(scope, id);
    const app = new CreateFunction(this, 'CreatePost');
      path: '/posts',
      methods: [HttpMethod.POST],
      integration: new HttpLambdaIntegration('createPost', app),

Next I'll setup the connection to the DynamoDB table.


export interface CreatePostProps {
  readonly table: ITable;
const app = new CreateFunction(this, 'CreatePost', {
  environment: {
    TABLE_NAME: props.table.tableName,


export class TestCase extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const api = new HttpApi(this, 'IntegApi');
    const table = new Table(this, 'IntegTable', {
      partitionKey: {
        name: 'pk',
        type: AttributeType.STRING,
    const createPost = new CreatePost(this, 'CreatePost', {

At this point I can manually invoke the Api endpoint, but instead I'll setup some automated assertion tests.

Lets create a new file to contain our test cases:


const testCases: Post[] = [
    author: 'corymhall',
    content: 'This is a test post',
    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    pk: '1',
    status: Status.PUBLISHED,
    summary: 'Summary',

I can reuse these test cases between my unit tests and my integration tests.


const integ = new IntegTest(...);

for (const test of testCases) {
  integ.assertions.httpApiCall(`${testCase.api.url!}posts`, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(test),
    integ.assertions.awsApiCall('DynamoDB', 'getItem', {
      Key: {
        pk: { S: },
      TableName: testCase.table.tableName,
        Item: marshall({
          content: test.content,
          status: test.status,
          summary: test.summary,

For every test case that I add a new assertion test will be created which will invoke the HTTP Api and then query the DynamoDB table for the record that should have just been created and assert that the record matches.

Now every time I save a file my unit tests will run and my integration test will run and I will be able to see if the assertion tests have succeeded or not. I can also setup these integration tests to be automatically run as part of CI/CD.

4. Start building the second component

Building the second component will largely follow the same process as what was used for the first component so I won't go over it again here. The component 2 files can be viewed here:

5. Putting it together

Now that we've got both components built and can test them independently, we can put them together in our AppStage.

see file src/app.ts

I'll then create a new integ test for the app stage.


const app = new App();

const appStage = new AppStage(app, 'BlogAppIntegStage', {
  env: {
    region: 'us-west-2',
    account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,

And I'll add assertions that use both components, using the same test cases as before.

const integ = new IntegTest(...);

testCases.forEach(test => {
  integ.assertions.httpApiCall(`${appStage.api.url!}posts`, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(test),
    integ.assertions.httpApiCall(`${appStage.api.url!}posts/${}`, {
      body: {
        content: test.content,
        status: test.status,
        summary: test.summary,

6. Create deployment pipeline

Now that I'm ready to deploy my application to my pre-prod and prod environments I'll create a deployment pipeline.


const pipeline = new CodePipeline(pipelineStack, 'DeliveryPipeline', {
  synth: new ShellStep('synth', {
    commands: [
      'yarn install --frozen-lockfile',
      'npx cdk synth',
  crossAccountKeys: true,
  useChangeSets: false,

And add my deployment stages for each environment.

pipeline.addStage(new AppStage(app, 'PreProdStage', {
  env: {
    region: 'us-east-2',
    account: 'PRE_PROD_ACCOUNT', // pre-prod account

 * Add a stage to the deployment pipeline for my pre-prod environment
pipeline.addStage(new AppStage(app, 'ProdStage', {
  env: {
    region: 'us-east-2',
    account: 'PROD_ACCOUNT', // prod account

Operating the application

Everything described above helps you get an application deployed to production, but it doesn't help very much with operating the application. I haven't set up any monitoring or observability, there are no metrics, alarms, or dashboards.


Monitoring/observability can be broadly split between two layers; the Infrastructure layer, and the application layer.

Application layer

At the application layer we need to determine what our business metrics are. This is very specific to the individual components in our application. If we take the GetPost component, we might say the metric we care about is the number of getPost requests we receive. For that we will need to update our application logic to emit this metric.

Using the Lambda Powertools library we can do this using Metrics src/posts/get-post.ecs-task.ts

const metrics = new Metrics();

app.get('/posts/:id', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  try {
    // get the item
    metrics.addMetric('getItemSuccess', Metrics.Count, 1);
  } catch (e) {
    metrics.addMetric('getItemFailure', Metrics.Count, 1);

Then we can monitor that metric, add it to a dashboard and setup alarms based on what we expect it to be.

const getItemSuccessMetric = new Metric({
  metricName: 'getItemSuccess',
  dimensionsMap: { service: 'GetPost' },
  namespace: 'blogApp',

new GraphWidget({
  left: [getItemSuccessMetric],

Using the ecs-monitoring-constructs I might setup anomaly detection for this metric since I expect to have different levels depending on the time of day or day of the week.

const getItemSuccessMetric = new Metric({...});
const facade = new MonitoringFacade();
const metricFactory = facade.createMetricFactory();
const alarmFactory = facade.createAlarmFactory();
const getItemAnomalyMetric = metricFactory.createMetricAnomalyDetection(
  3, // standard deviation
  'getItemSuccess', // label
  undefined, // color
  'getItemSuccess', // expressionId
  'getItemSuccess-Anomaly', // alarm name suffix
  'Warning', // disambiguator
    alarmWhenAboveBand: false,
    alarmWhenBelowBand: true,
    standardDeviationForAlarm: 4,

Infrastructure layer