Problem sets and labs for Harvard CS50 offered through OpenCourseWare.
Course outline:
(exercises completed in the CS50 IDE)
to test for bugs and style respectively:
library: #include <cs50.h>
terminal commands: check50 #cfile
/ style50 #cfile
- population growth simulation
$ ./population
Start size: 100
End size: 200
Years: 9
problem set:
- Mario ASCII art
- Credit card number validation
- Scrabble command line program:
- prompts users for two words
- iterates through letters
- uses ASCII values to match A-Z[i] to a Scrabble letter score
- totals letter scores for each word
- prints winner
- IMPROVEMENT: verify that user-entered words are real dictionary words.
problem set:
- Readability command line program
- takes user input & verifies the reading grade level for texts
- Coleman-Lindau index formula
- Substituition comman line program
- prompts user for scrambled alphabet cipherkey (no repeat letters, 26char only letters)
- example keys: vchprzgjntlskfbdqwaxeuymoi, VCHPRZGJNTLSKFBDQWAXEUYMOI, VcHpRzGjNtLsKfBdQwAxEuYmOi
- changes user-input plaintext to ciphertext
- retains user casing and symbol/space/number placement
- e.g. hELL0, W0RLd! -> jRSS0, Y0WSp!
- retains user casing and symbol/space/number placement
- usage:
./substitution *key*
- IMPROVEMENT: currently can only handle plaintext up to 24 characters long
- prompts user for scrambled alphabet cipherkey (no repeat letters, 26char only letters)
all code in labs and problem sets is originally written by me, going off of the course's distribution code.