A streamlit chatbot that allows you to enter a meal name or short description and then returns the basic nutritional information for that meal such as calories, fat, carbs, and protein.
There are four stages to the chatbot:
- On startup we parse a small list of foundation foods from the https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/download-datasets.html website. We extract the food name, calories, fat, carbs, and protein from the dataset for each entry.
- We generate embeddings for each description of a foundation food. These are stored in chroma-db which is a small in-memory embedding database for quick retrieval.
- When a user enters a meal description we use an LLM few-shot prompt to expand the description into a list of possible prepared foods and dishes. Transformer based query expansion is a powerful technique for AI based information retrieval.
- We then take the expanded search terms and chain them into a new prompt template - also using a few-shot learning method - that tries to reason about the common and most prominent ingredients across the set of meals.
- We do a K-nearest-neighors vector embedding search against chroma-db to find the closest matching foundation foods by the semantic similarity of their descriptions to the ingredients and return the nutritional information for the top k results.
- Lastly we aggregate the nutritional information across the top 5 results and return the total calories, fat, carbs, and protein for the meal.
- Make sure [poetry] is installed(https://python-poetry.org/) - Virtualenv setup
- Make sure python 3.11.4 is installed
- Install python dependendcies:
$ poetry install --no-root
- Spawn a virtualenv
$ poetry shell
- Add a secrets.toml file
$ touch .streamlit/secrets.toml
- Add your personal openai api key to the secrets.toml file you just created
- Set your PYTHONPATH variable to the repo root directory
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
- Run the streamlit app
$ streamlit run src/main.py
- Open your browser to http://localhost:8501 and use the chatbot