This bundle integrates the Your Mailing List Provider (YMLP) API into Symfony projects.
Use Composer to install this bundle:
composer require tilleuls/ymlp-bundle
Add the bundle in your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return [
// ...
new CoopTilleuls\Bundle\YmlpBundle\CoopTilleulsYmlpBundle(),
// ...
# app/config/config.yml
# YMLP URL for API calls (default to
# Your YMLP API key (no default)
# Your YMLP username (no default)
api_username: tilleuls
use CoopTilleuls\Bundle\YmlpBundle\Ymlp\Exception\YmlpException;
// Get an instance of the YMLP API client as a service
$ymlpClient = $this->get('coop_tilleuls_ymlp.client');
// Call the simple Ping() command of the YMLP API
$pingResponse = $ymlpClient->call('Ping');
// Add a new contact to one or more groups with exception handling
try {
$contactsAddResponse = $ymlpClient->call('Contacts.Add', ['Email' => '', 'GroupID' => 1]);
} catch (YmlpException $e) {
The call()
method returns an array containing the response or throws an exception of type \CoopTilleuls\Bundle\YmlpBundle\Ymlp\Exception\YmlpException
You can obtain a list of all the commands of the API, their parameters and their responses on the YMLP API page (require YMLP credentials).
This bundle has been written by Baptiste Meyer for