This is the Stripe Payment Platform Connector for Convertigo. This enables Convertigo Mobile or Desktop apps to interact with the Stripe platform for building eCommerce or mCommerce applications to accept payments.
In your Convertigo Studio use File->Import->Convertigo->Convertigo Project and hit the 'Next' button
In the Dialog 'Project remote URL' field Paste :
And click the 'Finish' button
Stripe needs you to configure some account information to get your API keys. You can find them in the Stripe dashboard :
lib_Stripe needs some symbols to be configured. You configure them trough the Web Console: https://<your site>, hit the symbols button to get to the symbol configuration page.
Symbol | value |
lib_Stripe.privateApiKey.secret | The private Stripe API Key you will find in the Stripe dashboard |
lib_Stripe.publicApiKey | The public Stripe API you will find in the Stripe dashboard. |