diff --git a/src/Resources/contao/languages/de/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf b/src/Resources/contao/languages/de/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
index 94964d6..82c5f9b 100644
--- a/src/Resources/contao/languages/de/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
+++ b/src/Resources/contao/languages/de/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
@@ -67,6 +65,114 @@
max. inclusive rent
Pauschalmiete bis
+ Operating costs net
+ Nettobetriebskosten
+ min. operating costs net
+ Nettobetriebskosten ab
+ max. operating costs net
+ Nettobetriebskosten bis
+ Maintenance costs
+ Erhaltungsbeitrag
+ min. maintenance costs
+ Erhaltungsbeitrag ab
+ max. maintenance costs
+ Erhaltungsbeitrag bis
+ Total net rent
+ Nettogesamtmiete
+ min. total net rent
+ Nettogesamtmiete ab
+ max. total net rent
+ Nettogesamtmiete bis
+ Total gross rent
+ Bruttogesamtmiete
+ min. total gross rent
+ Bruttogesamtmiete ab
+ max. total gross rent
+ Bruttogesamtmiete bis
+ Total load net
+ Nettogesamtbelastung
+ min. total load net
+ Nettogesamtbelastung ab
+ max. total load net
+ Nettogesamtbelastung bis
+ Total load gross
+ Bruttogesamtbelastung
+ min. total load gross
+ Bruttogesamtbelastung ab
+ max. total load gross
+ Bruttogesamtbelastung bis
+ Monthly costs net
+ Monatliche Nettokosten
+ min. monthly costs net
+ Monatliche Nettokosten ab
+ max. monthly costs net
+ Monatliche Nettokosten bis
+ Monthly costs gross
+ Monatliche Bruttokosten
+ min. monthly costs gross
+ Monatliche Bruttokosten ab
+ max. monthly costs gross
+ Monatliche Bruttokosten bis
+ Net reserves
+ Nettorücklagen
+ min. net reserves
+ Nettorücklagen ab
+ max. net reserves
+ Nettorücklagen bis
@@ -79,6 +185,30 @@
max. lease
Pacht bis
+ Hereditary lease
+ Erbpacht
+ min. hereditary lease
+ Erbpacht ab
+ max. hereditary lease
+ Erbpacht bis
+ HOA fee
+ Hausgeld
+ min. HOA fee
+ Hausgeld ab
+ max. HOA fee
+ Hausgeld bis
Purchase price
@@ -91,7 +221,114 @@
max. purchase price
Kaufpreis bis
+ Purchase price net
+ Nettokaufpreis
+ min. net purchase price
+ Nettokaufpreis ab
+ max. net purchase price
+ Nettokaufpreis bis
+ Purchase price gross
+ Bruttokaufpreis
+ min. net purchase price
+ Bruttokaufpreis ab
+ max. net purchase price
+ Bruttokaufpreis bis
+ Basic rent net
+ Nettokaltmiete
+ min. net basic rent
+ Nettokaltmiete ab
+ max. net basic rent
+ Nettokaltmiete bis
+ Cold rent net
+ Kaltmiete
+ min. cold rent
+ Kaltmiete ab
+ max. cold rent
+ Kaltmiete bis
+ Gross rent
+ Warmmiete
+ min. gross rent
+ Warmmiete ab
+ max. gross rent
+ Warmmiete bis
+ Ancillary costs
+ Nebenkosten
+ min. ancillary costs
+ Nebenkosten ab
+ max. ancillary costs
+ Nebenkosten bis
+ Heating costs
+ Heizkosten
+ min. heating costs
+ Heizkosten ab
+ max. heating costs
+ Heizkosten bis
+ Heating costs included
+ Heizkosten enthalten
+ min. heating costs included
+ Heizkosten enthalten ab
+ max. heating costs included
+ Heizkosten enthalten bis
+ Heating costs net
+ Nettoheizkosten
+ min. heating costs net
+ Nettoheizkosten ab
+ max. heating costs net
+ Nettoheizkosten bis
Price per
Preis pro
@@ -104,7 +341,6 @@
per sqm
pro m²
@@ -125,7 +361,6 @@
up to %s rooms
bis %s Zimmer
@@ -238,7 +473,6 @@
Restaurant area up to
Gastrofläche bis
Free of relation
@@ -251,8 +485,6 @@
Free of relation to
Bezugsfrei bis
@@ -261,11 +493,18 @@
%s km
%s km
+ Updated (oldest first)
+ Aktualität (älteste zuerst)
Updated (most recent)
Aktualität (neueste zuerst)
+ Updated (oldest first)
+ Aktualität (älteste zuerst)
Updated (most recent)
Aktualität (aktuelle zuerst)
@@ -290,14 +529,70 @@
Purchase price (price decreasing)
Kaufpreis (höchste zuerst)
- Net rent (price increasing)
- Kaltmiete (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Purchase price net (price increasing)
+ Nettokaufpreis (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Purchase price net (price decreasing)
+ Nettokaupfreis (höchste zuerst)
+ Purchase price net (price increasing)
+ Bruttokaufpreis (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Purchase price gross (price decreasing)
+ Bruttokaufpreis (höchste zuerst)
+ Basic rent net (price decreasing)
+ Nettokaltmiete (höchste zuerst)
+ Basic rent net (price increasing)
+ Nettokaltmiete (niedrigste zuerst)
Net rent (price decreasing)
Kaltmiete (höchste zuerst)
+ Net rent (price increasing)
+ Kaltmiete (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Gross rent (price decreasing)
+ Warmmiete (höchste zuerst)
+ Gross rent (price increasing)
+ Warmmiete (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs (price decreasing)
+ Nebenkosten (höchste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs (price increasing)
+ Nebenkosten (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Heating costs (price decreasing)
+ Heizkosten (höchste zuerst)
+ Heating costs (price increasing)
+ Heizkosten (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Heating costs net (price decreasing)
+ Heizkosten Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Heating costs net (price increasing)
+ Heizkosten Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
Inclusive rent (price increasing)
Pauschalmiete (niedrigste zuerst)
@@ -306,6 +601,150 @@
Inclusive rent (price decreasing)
Pauschalmiete (höchste zuerst)
+ Operating costs net (price decreasing)
+ Betriebskosten Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Operating costs net (price increasing)
+ Betriebskosten Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Maintenance fund (price decreasing)
+ Erhaltungsbeitrag (höchste zuerst)
+ Maintenance fund (price increasing)
+ Erhaltungsbeitrag (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total rent net (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtmiete Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Total rent net (price increasing)
+ Gesamtmiete Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total rent gross (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtmiete Brutto (höchste zuerst)
+ Total rent gross (price increasing)
+ Gesamtmiete Brutto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total load net (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtbelastung Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Total load net (price increasing)
+ Gesamtbelastung Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total load gross (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtbelastung Brutto (höchste zuerst)
+ Total load gross (price increasing)
+ Gesamtbelastung Brutto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total costs per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtkosten pro m² von (höchste zuerst)
+ Total costs per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Gesamtkosten pro m² von (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total costs per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Gesamtkosten pro m² bis (höchste zuerst)
+ Total costs per sqm up to (price increasing)
+ Gesamtkosten pro m² bis (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Monthly costs net (price decreasing)
+ Monatliche Kosten Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Monthly costs net (price increasing)
+ Monatliche Kosten Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Monthly costs gross (price decreasing)
+ Monatliche Kosten Brutto (höchste zuerst)
+ Monthly costs gross (price increasing)
+ Monatliche Kosten Brutto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Nebenkosten pro m² von (höchste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Nebenkosten pro m² von (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Nebenkosten pro m² bis (höchste zuerst)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm up to (price increasing)
+ Nebenkosten pro m² bis (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Net reserves (price decreasing)
+ Rücklagen Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Net reserves (price increasing)
+ Rücklagen Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Other costs net (price decreasing)
+ Sonstige Kosten Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Other costs net (price increasing)
+ Sonstige Kosten Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Other rents net (price decreasing)
+ Sonstige Mieten Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Other rents net (price increasing)
+ Sonstige Mieten Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Total net rent (price decreasing)
+ Summe Miete Netto (höchste zuerst)
+ Total net rent (price increasing)
+ Summe Miete Netto (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Net rent per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Nettomiete pro m² von (höchste zuerst)
+ Net rent per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Nettomiete pro m² von (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Net rent per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Nettomiete pro m² bis (höchste zuerst)
+ Net rent per sqm up to (price increasing)
+ Nettomiete pro m² bis (niedrigste zuerst)
Lease (price increasing)
Pacht (niedrigste zuerst)
@@ -314,6 +753,46 @@
Lease (price decreasing)
Pacht (höchste zuerst)
+ Hereditary lease (price increasing)
+ Erbpacht (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Hereditary lease (price decreasing)
+ Erbpacht (höchste zuerst)
+ HOA fee (price increasing)
+ Hausgeld (niedrigste zuerst)
+ HOA fee (price decreasing)
+ Hausgeld (höchste zuerst)
+ Rental price per sqm (price increasing)
+ Mietpreis pro m² (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Rental price per sqm (price decreasing)
+ Mietpreis pro m² (höchste zuerst)
+ Purchase price per sqm (price increasing)
+ Kaufpreis pro m² (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Purchase price per sqm (price decreasing)
+ Kaufpreis pro m² (höchste zuerst)
+ Infrastructure costs (price increasing)
+ Erschließungskosten (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Infrastructure costs (price decreasing)
+ Erschließungskosten (höchste zuerst)
Number of rooms (lowest to highest)
Zimmeranzahl (niedrigste zuerst)
@@ -322,6 +801,110 @@
Number of rooms (highest to lowest)
Zimmeranzahl (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of bedrooms (lowest to highest)
+ Schlafzimmeranzahl (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of bedrooms (highest to lowest)
+ Schlafzimmeranzahl (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of bathrooms (lowest to highest)
+ Badezimmer (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of bathrooms (highest to lowest)
+ Badezimmer (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of separate toilets (lowest to highest)
+ Separate WCs (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of separate toilets (highest to lowest)
+ Separate WCs (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of balconies (lowest to highest)
+ Balkonanzahl (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of balconies (highest to lowest)
+ Balkonanzahl (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of terraces (lowest to highest)
+ Terrassenanzahl (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of terraces (highest to lowest)
+ Terrassenanzahl (höchste zuerst)
+ Number of loggias (lowest to highest)
+ Anzahl Logia (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Number of loggias (highest to lowest)
+ Anzahl Logia (höchste zuerst)
+ Balcony/Terrace area (lowest to highest)
+ Balkon-/Terassenfläche (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Balcony/Terrace area (highest to lowest)
+ Balkon-/Terassenfläche (höchste zuerst)
+ Bed-sitting rooms (lowest to highest)
+ Wohn-Schlafzimmer (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Bed-sitting rooms (highest to lowest)
+ Wohn-Schlafzimmer (höchste zuerst)
+ Garden area (lowest to highest)
+ Gartenfläche (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Garden area (highest to lowest)
+ Gartenfläche (höchste zuerst)
+ Basement area (lowest to highest)
+ Kellerfläche (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Basement area (highest to lowest)
+ Kellerfläche (höchste zuerst)
+ Glass facade sqm (lowest to highest)
+ Fensterfront m² (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Glass facade sqm (highest to lowest)
+ Fensterfront m² (höchste zuerst)
+ Plot depth (lowest to highest)
+ Grundstücksfront (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Plot depth (highest to lowest)
+ Grundstücksfront (höchste zuerst)
+ Attic area (lowest to highest)
+ Dachbodenfläche (niedrigste zuerst)
+ Attic area (highest to lowest)
+ Dachbodenfläche (höchste zuerst)
Living space (lowest to highest)
Wohnfläche (kleinste zuerst)
@@ -330,6 +913,14 @@
Living space (highest to lowest)
Wohnfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Usable area (lowest to highest)
+ Nutzfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Usable area (highest to lowest)
+ Nutzfläche (größste zuerst)
Total area (lowest to highest)
Gesamtfläche (kleinste zuerst)
@@ -338,6 +929,70 @@
Total area (highest to lowest)
Gesamtfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Shop space (lowest to highest)
+ Ladenfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Shop space (highest to lowest)
+ Ladenfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Storage space (lowest to highest)
+ Lagerfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Storage space (highest to lowest)
+ Lagerfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Area for sale (lowest to highest)
+ Verkaufsfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Area for sale (highest to lowest)
+ Verkaufsfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Open area (lowest to highest)
+ Freifläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Open area (highest to lowest)
+ Freifläche (größste zuerst)
+ Office space (lowest to highest)
+ Bürofläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Office space (highest to lowest)
+ Bürofläche (größste zuerst)
+ Partial office space (lowest to highest)
+ Büroteilfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Partial office space (highest to lowest)
+ Büroteilfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Administrative area (lowest to highest)
+ Verwaltungsfläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Administrative area (highest to lowest)
+ Verwaltungsfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Restaurant area (lowest to highest)
+ Gastrofläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Restaurant area (highest to lowest)
+ Gastrofläche (größste zuerst)
Plot area (lowest to highest)
Grundstücksfläche (kleinste zuerst)
@@ -346,6 +1001,14 @@
Plot area (highest to lowest)
Grundstücksfläche (größste zuerst)
+ Other area (lowest to highest)
+ Sonstige Fläche (kleinste zuerst)
+ Other area (highest to lowest)
+ Sonstige Fläche (größste zuerst)
Rentable area (lowest to highest)
Vermietbare Fläche (kleinste zuerst)
@@ -354,7 +1017,30 @@
Rentable area (highest to lowest)
Vermietbare Fläche (größste zuerst)
+ Area from (lowest to highest)
+ Fläche von (kleinste zuerst)
+ Area from (highest to lowest)
+ Fläche von (größste zuerst)
+ Area up to (lowest to highest)
+ Fläche bis (kleinste zuerst)
+ Area up to (highest to lowest)
+ Fläche bis (größste zuerst)
+ Construction year (oldest first)
+ Baujahr (alte zuerst)
+ Construction year (newest first)
+ Baujahr (neue zuerst)
diff --git a/src/Resources/contao/languages/en/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf b/src/Resources/contao/languages/en/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
index d8cba69..25c3736 100644
--- a/src/Resources/contao/languages/en/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
+++ b/src/Resources/contao/languages/en/tl_real_estate_filter.xlf
@@ -8,14 +8,12 @@
@@ -52,6 +50,87 @@
max. inclusive rent
+ Operating costs net
+ min. operating costs net
+ max. operating costs net
+ Maintenance costs
+ min. maintenance costs
+ max. maintenance costs
+ Total net rent
+ min. total net rent
+ max. total net rent
+ Total gross rent
+ min. total gross rent
+ max. total gross rent
+ Total load net
+ min. total load net
+ max. total load net
+ Total load gross
+ min. total load gross
+ max. total load gross
+ Monthly costs net
+ min. monthly costs net
+ max. monthly costs net
+ Monthly costs gross
+ min. monthly costs gross
+ max. monthly costs gross
+ Net reserves
+ min. net reserves
+ max. net reserves
@@ -61,6 +140,24 @@
max. lease
+ Hereditary lease
+ min. hereditary lease
+ max. hereditary lease
+ HOA fee
+ min. HOA fee
+ max. HOA fee
Purchase price
@@ -70,7 +167,87 @@
max. purchase price
+ Purchase price net
+ min. net purchase price
+ max. net purchase price
+ Purchase price gross
+ min. net purchase price
+ max. net purchase price
+ Basic rent net
+ min. net basic rent
+ max. net basic rent
+ Cold rent net
+ min. cold rent
+ max. cold rent
+ Gross rent
+ min. gross rent
+ max. gross rent
+ Ancillary costs
+ min. ancillary costs
+ max. ancillary costs
+ Heating costs
+ min. heating costs
+ max. heating costs
+ Heating costs included
+ min. heating costs included
+ max. heating costs included
+ Heating costs net
+ min. heating costs net
+ max. heating costs net
Price per
@@ -80,7 +257,6 @@
per sqm
@@ -96,7 +272,6 @@
up to %s rooms
@@ -181,7 +356,6 @@
Restaurant area up to
Free of relation
@@ -191,18 +365,21 @@
Free of relation to
%s km
+ Updated (oldest first)
Updated (most recent)
+ Updated (oldest first)
Updated (most recent)
@@ -221,55 +398,390 @@
Purchase price (price decreasing)
- Net rent (price increasing)
+ Purchase price net (price increasing)
+ Purchase price net (price decreasing)
+ Purchase price net (price increasing)
+ Purchase price gross (price decreasing)
+ Basic rent net (price decreasing)
+ Basic rent net (price increasing)
Net rent (price decreasing)
+ Net rent (price increasing)
+ Gross rent (price decreasing)
+ Gross rent (price increasing)
+ Ancillary costs (price decreasing)
+ Ancillary costs (price increasing)
+ Heating costs (price decreasing)
+ Heating costs (price increasing)
+ Heating costs net (price decreasing)
+ Heating costs net (price increasing)
Inclusive rent (price increasing)
Inclusive rent (price decreasing)
+ Operating costs net (price decreasing)
+ Operating costs net (price increasing)
+ Maintenance fund (price decreasing)
+ Maintenance fund (price increasing)
+ Total rent net (price decreasing)
+ Total rent net (price increasing)
+ Total rent gross (price decreasing)
+ Total rent gross (price increasing)
+ Total load net (price decreasing)
+ Total load net (price increasing)
+ Total load gross (price decreasing)
+ Total load gross (price increasing)
+ Total costs per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Total costs per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Total costs per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Total costs per sqm up to (price increasing)
+ Monthly costs net (price decreasing)
+ Monthly costs net (price increasing)
+ Monthly costs gross (price decreasing)
+ Monthly costs gross (price increasing)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Ancillary costs per sqm up to (price increasing)
+ Net reserves (price decreasing)
+ Net reserves (price increasing)
+ Other costs net (price decreasing)
+ Other costs net (price increasing)
+ Other rents net (price decreasing)
+ Other rents net (price increasing)
+ Total net rent (price decreasing)
+ Total net rent (price increasing)
+ Net rent per sqm of (price decreasing)
+ Net rent per sqm of (price increasing)
+ Net rent per sqm up to (price decreasing)
+ Net rent per sqm up to (price increasing)
Lease (price increasing)
Lease (price decreasing)
+ Hereditary lease (price increasing)
+ Hereditary lease (price decreasing)
+ HOA fee (price increasing)
+ HOA fee (price decreasing)
+ Rental price per sqm (price increasing)
+ Rental price per sqm (price decreasing)
+ Purchase price per sqm (price increasing)
+ Purchase price per sqm (price decreasing)
+ Infrastructure costs (price increasing)
+ Infrastructure costs (price decreasing)
Number of rooms (lowest to highest)
Number of rooms (highest to lowest)
+ Number of bedrooms (lowest to highest)
+ Number of bedrooms (highest to lowest)
+ Number of bathrooms (lowest to highest)
+ Number of bathrooms (highest to lowest)
+ Number of separate toilets (lowest to highest)
+ Number of separate toilets (highest to lowest)
+ Number of balconies (lowest to highest)
+ Number of balconies (highest to lowest)
+ Number of terraces (lowest to highest)
+ Number of terraces (highest to lowest)
+ Number of loggias (lowest to highest)
+ Number of loggias (highest to lowest)
+ Balcony/Terrace area (lowest to highest)
+ Balcony/Terrace area (highest to lowest)
+ Bed-sitting rooms (lowest to highest)
+ Bed-sitting rooms (highest to lowest)
+ Garden area (lowest to highest)
+ Garden area (highest to lowest)
+ Basement area (lowest to highest)
+ Basement area (highest to lowest)
+ Glass facade sqm (lowest to highest)
+ Glass facade sqm (highest to lowest)
+ Plot depth (lowest to highest)
+ Plot depth (highest to lowest)
+ Attic area (lowest to highest)
+ Attic area (highest to lowest)
Living space (lowest to highest)
Living space (highest to lowest)
+ Usable area (lowest to highest)
+ Usable area (highest to lowest)
Total area (lowest to highest)
Total area (highest to lowest)
+ Shop space (lowest to highest)
+ Shop space (highest to lowest)
+ Storage space (lowest to highest)
+ Storage space (highest to lowest)
+ Area for sale (lowest to highest)
+ Area for sale (highest to lowest)
+ Open area (lowest to highest)
+ Open area (highest to lowest)
+ Office space (lowest to highest)
+ Office space (highest to lowest)
+ Partial office space (lowest to highest)
+ Partial office space (highest to lowest)
+ Administrative area (lowest to highest)
+ Administrative area (highest to lowest)
+ Restaurant area (lowest to highest)
+ Restaurant area (highest to lowest)
Plot area (lowest to highest)
Plot area (highest to lowest)
+ Other area (lowest to highest)
+ Other area (highest to lowest)
Rentable area (lowest to highest)
Rentable area (highest to lowest)
+ Area from (lowest to highest)
+ Area from (highest to lowest)
+ Area up to (lowest to highest)
+ Area up to (highest to lowest)
+ Construction year (oldest first)
+ Construction year (newest first)