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Push Command (choco push)

Chocolatey will attempt to push a compiled nupkg to a package feed. Some may prefer to use cpush as a shortcut for choco push.

NOTE: 100% compatible with older chocolatey client ( and below) with options and switches. Default push location is deprecated and will be removed by v1. In most cases you can still pass options and switches with one dash (-). For more details, see [[how to pass arguments|CommandsReference#how-to-pass-options--switches]] (choco -?).

A feed can be a local folder, a file share, the community feed (, or a custom/private feed. For web feeds, it has a requirement that it implements the proper OData endpoints required for NuGet packages.


choco push [<path to nupkg>] [<options/switches>]
cpush [<path to nupkg>] [<options/switches>]

NOTE: If there is more than one nupkg file in the folder, the command will require specifying the path to the file.


choco push --source
choco push --source "''" -t 500
choco push --source "''" -k="'123-123123-123'"


To use this command, you must have your API key saved for the community feed ( or the source you want to push to. Or you can explicitly pass the apikey to the command. See [[apikey|Commandsapikey]] command help for instructions on saving your key:

choco apikey -?

A common error is Failed to process request. 'The specified API key does not provide the authority to push packages.' The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.. This means the package already exists with a different user (API key). The package could be unlisted. You can verify by going to Please contact the administrators of if you see this and you don't see a good reason for it.

Options and Switches

NOTE: Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are running a command like install that allows installing multiple packages, and you use --version=1.0.0, it is going to look for and try to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please split out multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.

Includes [[default options/switches|CommandsReference#default-options-and-switches]] (included below for completeness).

 -?, --help, -h
     Prints out the help menu.

 -d, --debug
     Debug - Show debug messaging.

 -v, --verbose
     Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using 
       under normal circumstances.

     Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid 
       except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging. Available 
       in 0.10.4+.

     --acceptlicense, --accept-license
     AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for 
       future use.

 -y, --yes, --confirm
     Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting. 
       Implies --accept-license

 -f, --force
     Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation - 
       it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.

     --noop, --whatif, --what-if
     NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.

 -r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
     LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information

     --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
     CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to 
       finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the 
       configuration of 2700 seconds. '0' for infinite starting in 0.10.4.

 -c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
     CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value 
       in chocolatey.config file.

     --allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
     AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set 
       this flag for choco to continue.

     --failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
     FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically 
       received when running external commands during install providers. This 
       overrides the feature failOnStandardError.

     UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process 
       instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when 
       internal host is failing. Available in 0.9.10+.

     Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages. 
       Available in 0.10.4+.

     Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy 
       location of ''. Available for config settings in, this CLI 
       option available in 0.10.4+.

     Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicity 
       proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of 
       '123'. Available for config settings in, this CLI option 
       available in 0.10.4+.

     Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with 
       username. Requires explicity proxy (`--proxy` or config setting) and 
       user name.  Overrides the default proxy password (encrypted in settings 
       if set). Available for config settings in, this CLI option 
       available in 0.10.4+.

     ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on 
       proxy. Requires explicity proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides 
       the default proxy bypass list of ''. Available in 0.10.4+.

     Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires 
       explicity proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default 
       proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'. Available in 0.10.4+.

 -s, --source=VALUE
     Source - The source we are pushing the package to. Use https://pus- to push to [community feed](

 -k, --key, --apikey, --api-key=VALUE
     ApiKey - The api key for the source. If not specified (and not local 
       file source), does a lookup. If not specified and one is not found for 
       an https source, push will fail.

     Timeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a package push to occur before 
       timing out. Defaults to execution timeout 2700.

[[Command Reference|CommandsReference]]

NOTE: This documentation has been automatically generated from choco push -h.