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Conduktor CLI is a command line tool to interact with Conduktor Console. It is strongly inspired by Kubernetes kubectl CLI tool and reuse some of it's concepts.
Look for assets of the last release at https://github.com/conduktor/ctl/releases
How to get the latest docker image:
docker pull conduktor/conduktor-ctl:latest
You will need Go 1.22+ installed and configured on your machine.
To build simply run
go build -o conduktor .
You will find the conduktor
binary at the root of the project.
To run the CLI you will need to provide the Conduktor Console URL and an API access token.
To use Conduktor CLI, you need to:
Define 2 environment variables for Console:
- The URL of Conduktor Console
- Your API token (either a User Token or Application Token). You can generate an API token on
page of your Console instance, or create one through the CLI.
Define 3 environment variables for Gateway:
- The URL of the Conduktor Gateway API
- Your Gateway User for the API
- Your Gatway Password for the API
Console has the ability to delegate the authentication to an API Gateway. To provide the credentials to the API Gateway you can either use a bearer token:
or basic auth:
You need to define the CDK_API_KEY and CDK_BASE_URL environment variables to use this tool.
You can also use the CDK_KEY,CDK_CERT to use a certificate for tls authentication.
If you have an untrusted certificate you can use the CDK_INSECURE=true variable to disable tls verification or you can use CACERT.
conduktor [flags]
conduktor [command]
Available Commands:
apply Upsert a resource on Conduktor
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete Delete resource of a given kind and name
get Get resource of a given kind
help Help about any command
login Login user using username password to get a JWT token
run run an action
sql Run a sql command on indexed topics
template Get a yaml example for a given kind
token Manage Admin and Application Instance tokens
version Display the version of conduktor
-h, --help help for conduktor
--permissive permissive mode, allow undefined environment variables
-v, --verbose show more information for debugging
Use "conduktor [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can find more usage details on our:
If you are using Conduktor behind a teleport proxy, you will need to provide the certificate and key to the CLI using CDK_CERT
environment variables.
First login to your teleport proxy, for example:
tsh login --proxy="$TELEPORT_SERVER" --auth="$TELEPORT_AUTH_METHOD"
tsh apps login console
export CDK_CERT=$(tsh apps config --format=cert)
export CDK_KEY=$(tsh apps config --format=key)
conduktor get application
The template
command allows you to get an example of a resource definition:
$ conduktor template topic
apiVersion: v2
kind: Topic
name: my-topic
cluster: my-cluster
conduktor.io/application: application-a
conduktor.io/application-instance: staging
user-labels: I am a user label
catalogVisibility: PUBLIC
descriptionIsEditable: true
description: This is a topic description
retentionTimeInSecond: 42
partitions: 1
replicationFactor: 1
cleanup.policy: delete
retention.ms: '86400000'
You can also save the output in a file, in order to edit it before applying it:
conduktor template KafkaCluster -o definiton.yml
conduktor template Topic >> definition.yml #Appending to an already existing file
vim definition.yml # (or any other text editor you like)
conduktor apply -f
How to run:
export CDK_API_KEY
export CDK_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
go run .
How to run unit test:
go test ./...
How to run integration test:
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Before v0.2.6, versions used to follow the following format X.Y.Z
like any other conduktor product.
When the conduktor team started to work on a terraform plugin, we wanted it to use gomod to reuse the client part of the CLI.
We realize that gomod requires version tags to start with a v
(see: golang/go#32945).
Therefore now, conduktor ctl version like any other go project starts with a v