Extension Pack for Java + Spring AWESOME-SOHO is a collection of popular extensions that can help write, test and debug Java applications with Spring framework in Visual Studio Code.
- Java
- Spring
- Docker
By installing Extension Pack for Java, the following extensions are installed:
- 📦 Extension Pack for Java
- 📦 Language Support for Java™ by Red Hat
- Code Navigation
- Auto Completion
- Refactoring
- Code Snippets
- 📦 Debugger for Java
- Debugging
- 📦 Test Runner for Java
- Run & Debug JUnit/TestNG Test Cases
- 📦 Maven for Java
- Project Scaffolding
- Custom Goals
- 📦 Project Manager for Java
- Manage Java projects, referenced libraries, resource files, packages, classes, and class members
- 📦 Visual Studio IntelliCode
- AI-assisted development
- Completion list ranked by AI
- 📦 Language Support for Java™ by Red Hat
- 📦 Gradle for Java
- Manage Gradle Projects, run Gradle tasks and provide better Gradle file authoring experience in VS Code
- 📦 Checkstyle for Java
- Provide real-time feedback about Checkstyle violations and quick fix actions
- 📦 Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code
- Refactor code with Lombok annotations, or remove Lombok annotations with actual methods.
- 📦 Spring Boot Extension Pack
- 📦 Spring Initializr Java Support
- A lightweight extension based on Spring Initializr to generate quick start Spring Boot Java projects.
- 📦 Spring Boot Tools
- Manage Gradle Projects, run Gradle tasks and provide better Gradle file authoring experience in VS Code
- 📦 Spring Boot Dashboard
- Spring Boot Dashboard for VS Code
- 📦 Spring Initializr Java Support
- 📦 XML
- XML Language Support by Red Hat
- 📦 YAML
- YAML Language Support by Red Hat, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support
- 📦 SonarLint
- Linter to detect & fix coding issues locally in JS/TS, Python, PHP, Java, C, C++, C#, Go, IaC. Use with SonarQube & SonarCloud for optimal team performance.
- 📦 Docker
- Makes it easy to create, manage, and debug containerized applications.
- 📦 Git Graph
- View a Git Graph of your repository
- GitLens commit graph requires trial or paid plan.
- 📦 GitLens
- Git blame
- Rich hover
- 📦 Git History
- View git log, file history, compare branches or commits
- 📦 Code Spell Checker
- Spelling checker for source code
- 📦 SQL Notebook
- View SQL files as notebooks. Execute cells and view query output.
- 📦 EditorConfig for VS Code
- Helps maintain consistent coding styles
- 📦 Better Comments
- Human-friendly comments
- 📦 Todo Tree
- Syntex highlighting
- Tree view
- 📦 Inline Parameters for VSCode
- Adds inline parameter annotations when calling a function
- 📦 Error Lens
- Improve highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics.
- 📦 Folder Templates
- Create Templates for Folders and Files for easy reusability
- 📦 SemanticDiff
- Programming language aware diffs for Visual Studio Code.
- 📦 AsciiDoc
- Provides rich language support for AsciiDoc.
- 📦 Material Icon Theme
- Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
- 📦 indent-rainbow
- Makes indentation easier to read
- 📦 Output Colorizer
- Syntax highlighting for log files