Linear function to flatten a multi-dimensional array of arbitrary depth. Based on axelduch's Stack Overflow answer In his answer, axelduch provided permission for modified or unmodified redistribution. Linear time of O(n) without recursion. Memory complexity of O(1) with mutability turned on or O(n) with mutability turned off. Supports IE > 5
Install as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev linear-array-flattener
const linearFlat = require('linear-array-flattener');
flatArray = linearFlat(array, mutable);
- array: The array to be flattened.
- mutable: (Optional) Specify mutability of array. Defaults to false.
Improves performance by acting upon the source array. The original array will be overwritten to []. Mutability reduces memory complexity from O(n) to O(1).
const linearFlat = require('linear-array-flattener');
var mdArray = [1,undefined,[2,[3,4]]];
var flatArray;
// mutable = false
// Memory complexity of O(n)
flatArray = linearFlat(mdArray);
console.log(mdArray); // [1,undefined,[2,[3,4]]]
console.log(flatArray); // [1,undefined,2,3,4]
// mutable = true
// Memory complexity of O(1)
flatArray = linearFlat(mdArray, true);
console.log(mdArray); // []
console.log(flatArray); // [1,undefined,2,3,4]