This is an application to display the Quran, prayer times and remembrances
- Bookmark
- Content
- SealPrayer
- Pages
- View separate verses
- Search for verses
- Add to favorites
- Bookmark
- Share with friends.
- Display categorized remembrances
- Calculate the number of repetitions
- Add to favorites
- Share with friends
- View prayer times throughout the month
- Display of upcoming prayers and the time remaining for them
- Listening to the Quran
- Reader's Choice
- time prayer api: http://api.aladhan.com/v1/calendarByCity
- quran image: https://github.com/maknon/Quran
- quran json : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/risan/quran-json/main/dist/quran.json
- The Noble Quran is written without formation: http://www.islih.com/view/7505
- azkar json: https://github.com/osamayy/azkar-db/blob/master/azkar.json
- Listen Quran API: https://quran.api-docs.io/v4/getting-started/introduction