This package is made to reject unconditionnally anonymous users from a Plone site, without any change in your security policy matrix or workflows. They should get redirected by plone to login form. The basic use case is an extranet, where all visitors must be authenticated.
Plone 3, 4, 5
Add iw.rejectanonymous
to the eggs
option of your
... [instance] recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance ... eggs = ... iw.rejectanonymous ... ... # The ZCML slug is no more required with Plone 3.3 and up zcml = ... iw.rejectanonymous ...
Re-run buildout, then open the "Security" control panel of any Plone site of
your instance. A new Private site checkbox lets you (de)activate
enables the publication of some resources to the
anonymous user, more specifically to enable all media and resources required
from the standard loging page and the password reset page.
If your customized logging page requires some specific images or your site
policy component provides a signup page which name is not login_form
you may
add additional ids (url last part) that are available to anonymous users.
from iw.rejectanonymous import addValidIds ... addValidIds('some_image.png', 'my_login_form')
If you want to let anonymous users browse the pages of some folders, you need to add valid subparts.
from iw.rejectanonymous import addValidSubparts ... addValidSubparts('disclaimer', 'public_section')
If you want to let anonymous users browse the pages of some folders with specific prefixes, you need to add valid subpart prefixes.
from iw.rejectanonymous import addValidSubpartPrefixes ... addValidSubpartPrefixes('public_')
You may hide viewlets from the views of the site (login form, password reset form). You need for this to add such lines in your site policy ZCML.
<browser:viewlet name="" for="iw.rejectanonymous.IPrivateSite" manager="original.viewlet.manager.Interface" class="original.viewlet.Class" permission="cmf.SetOwnProperties" />
- Keep the original viewlet name.
the marker interface set to private sitesmanager
- Keep the original manager
- Keep the original viewlet class
- Choose a permission that is not granted to an anonymous user but to anyone
is a good choice if your site has the standard security policy.
See how we hide the plone.personal_bar
and the plone.searchbox
in the
of this component.
- Cheeseshop
- Git repository
- Issue tracker
- Old SVN repository (up to 1.0.2)
- Bertrand Mathieu
- Thomas Desvenain
- Gilles Lenfant
- Elisabeth Leddy